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All I could hear was shouts, cries, flames. All I could feel was pain and intense heat. All I could nothingness.


I saw a bright light. I felt at eternal peace. Where was I?


Angelic singing filled my ears. All pain was gone.


I felt drawn towards the light and singing, to the peace. I wanted to escape.


I fought my urges at the sound of my name. I can't!! The light is not good!!

Y/N!!! Don't leave me!!

Pain filled my body again and I gasped, jerking violently. I opened my eyes. The light was gone. The only light was the sun and orange light from my left. I heard shouts. Someone was holding me. I looked around with just my eyes.

Angelica was holding my head in her lap. She gasped in relief and shock. "A-Ang-Angelica?" I stuttered. "Oh Y/N!" She said desperately. "She's okay!" She shouted. I heard people rush to my sides. I saw my entire family and C/N. My entire family but...the boys! I shot up, pain hitting me everywhere.

I hissed and stood anyways. "Y/N!" They shouted. I looked myself over. Only my dress was burned. I had blood dripping from my head. I had to find the boys. People were crowded around, though they made way as I stumbled, my family following.

"Y/N!" Mother shouted. I just ran. Before I reached the docks, three faces showed themselves. "John! Philip! Rensselaer!" I screamed. "Y/N!!" They ran for me. John paled at the sight of me.

I ignored the pain and hugged my younger brothers tight. "You're okay! Thank God above!" I prayed. I cried in their arms, them crying in mine. When my family fought up, they hugged the boys. I stepped back, falling. Arms caught me and I looked up.

C/N, tears stained cheeks and disheveled appearance, was holding me. He picked me up and carried me bridal style. "Oh C/N it was awful!" I cried into his chest. He held me closer and shushed me soothingly.

A few women and a man rushed over. They looked like nurses, but my vision was still a haze. "Miss Y/F/N Schuyler, it'll be alright." A man said, presumably the doctor. I lolled my head around in response.

C/N laid me on the concrete and I started having a horrible coughing fit. My lungs felt like they were on fire! I sat up and coughed disgustingly. C/N seeing me in such an awful state was so embarrassing! I glanced at Margarita and beckoned her over, still coughing.

She rushed over and crouched beside me.
"Ge-Get C/N-N *cough* ou-out of *cough*
h-here, I-I *cough* don't w-wan-want h- *cough* him to s-see me *cough* so
wr-wrenched." I begged. She nodded and ran to him.

She whispered in his ear and grabbed his arm. I watched as he shook her arm away and scooted even closer to me. I avoided coughing in his face as the doctor checked me for burns. "I'm not going anywhere." He murmured into my ear. I laughed hoarsely and coughed harder.

Once I was definitely burn-free, except for a small one on my hand from when the fire engulfed my bonds, they moved to C/N. "Can you taker her to the carriage so we can get her to the hospital?" The doctor asked. C/N nodded and picked me up.

I coughed roughly as they carried me to a carriage. "Only two can come with her." A nurse said. C/N was about to leave when I gripped his hand. He looked to me and sat beside me, laying my head in his lap.

"A-Angelica." I rasped. He nodded and called my sister, who ran over and sat beside him. I heard them both say quiet prayers as we started heading to the hospital.

* *

After getting me to a hospital bed, C/N left the room so Angelica could help me get into a nightgown. I pointed behind me and she started undoing my knot. "Why do you have two knots?" She whispered.

"Superstition. It was the only thing keeping those men from..." I trailed off, hoping she'd piece the puzzle together. Her breath hitched and I sighed, coughing twice. She finished with my knot and removed my over skirts. I steadied my breathing and racing heart.

Quickly, we got me out of my dress and into the nightgown, which was much more comfortable. I was coughing less without my corset. I winced as I got into the thin bed and Angelica grabbed C/N.

They both walked in and I drew the covers over my body, hiding a blush since it was the first time C/N saw me in a nightgown. I pulled it up just above my bust and sighed.

"What did- I mean how did- you know what, never mind." C/N said embarrassingly. I let my hand drift to his and we interlaced our fingers.

"Wh-What happened?" He asked quietly. I inhaled sharply, drawing out my exhale. "Well, we just finished talking to Monsieur Lafayette. We were walking around when the boys pulled my sleeve."

"I turned around to find about ten Redcoats walking towards us. We got against the wall. I told John to get his brothers to the shipping docks. They ran off and I tried to remain inconspicuous." Angelica gave a small laugh at my choice of word.

"They passed by me, but one stopped. H-He was staring He said he liked my red dress and yanked me from the crowd, calling the others over." C/N's grip on my hand tightened.

I took another deep breath before continuing.

"They started talking to me and asking my name. I gave them a random one,
Y/F/N Eldara, and they started talking to me about...doing things, erm, I kicked one in the crotch." They both snickered. "But that's when it went to shit, pardon my language."

They chuckled a bit. "They grabbed me and dragged me to th-that house. Everyone else knew I was a Schuyler sister, so I knew that what ever happened, you would find out." I looked to Angelica when I said you. She swallowed nervously.

"But I screamed and fought back. One slapped me and I fell. They gagged me and bound my hands. One started to untie my over skirts, which is where the extra knot came in."

"I looked down in a panic. I saw a lit lantern on the floor atop a pile of parchment." C/N smirked pridefully to me. "The one untying the knot moved to remove another part of clothing.  I used the time to my advantage and squirmed, kicking the lantern."

"The parchment went up in flames and they backed off. Then, a desk nearby was engulfed. That's when they left. Soon, the entire house was on fire. I stood up and went to run out but hit my head."

I gave a light shrug. "You know the rest." I said quietly. I have never prayed so much in my life. I prayed that the men wouldn't do anything to me, but I prayed for one thing more. That the boys were safe.

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