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One Day Ago

Alexander POV

Watching Y/N today was phenomenal. Right now, I was watching as John ran up to Y/N and I. Sweet Jesus, he was a bruised mess!! "John?!" I shouted once he reached us. I gently gripped his arms and surveyed him for any bleeding.

"I'm fine Alex." He said with a small smile. I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mine. "Just a black eye and a twisted wrist." He explained. What I felt for him was unusual, different. Similar to what I feel to Y/N.

Finally, John looked away to Y/N. "Great work, Y/N." He complimented. At his tone, something in my gut twisted. It twisted all the more when he kissed her hand.

Y/N nudged me, knocking me from my trance. "I couldn't do it without Alexander." She said with a grin. I chuckled and shrugged. I faced back to John.

"Nice coat." He teased Y/N. She seemed to be mentally spaced out, so I defended her. "She earned it. She kinda saved our asses." I mused. John nodded and brushed his blonde hair from his face.

Our eyes met again and a slight pink coated his cheeks. "Seeing you get beat by that redcoat," He sighed. I've never seen him this at a loss for words. "I- It just- God above!" He scowled before collecting himself.

"I regret not helping you. I regret not jumping and beating that redcoat's ass." He said quietly, as if he didn't want me to hear. I blinked.

Did he really regret it? I immediately brought him into a tight hug. He immediately hugged me back, his height towering mine. I slightly buried my face into his shoulder, just slight.

"You did the right choice." I whispered before letting go reluctantly. He sighed and rubbed his face with the heel of his palm.

We both ended the moment by turning to Y/N. "Well, it was good catching up." John said, facing me again. "I'll be talking with the general." He said before leaving.

I looked to Y/N. "Can I have a word?" I asked. No response. She was so spaced out! I laughed and waved a hand in front of her face.

She blinked and looked around. "Sorry what? I was thinking." She admitted shyly. I chuckled and waved it off. "Mind if I have a word?" I asked. She nodded shyly and I smiled.

I lead us to the barracks, which I dubbed our official meeting place. I opened the door for her and she shuffled in. I can only pray this goes as planned. I took a deep breath and walked in, shutting the door after me.

I turned to face her and was awestruck. The dim light lit up her beautiful face, which was at such a contrast to her sisters.

Elizabeth was a stunning beauty, her gentle heart her best attribute. I adore Elizabeth, but I can't help but feel like there is something missing from our relationship.

Angelica is beautiful as well. She is head strong and firm in her beliefs. In her mind, there is no compromise, which is a fault. I feel as if she deserves better than me, just like her sister does.

But Y/N, oh Y/N. She is compromising, but only for the best interest in those she cares for. She is gorgeous, strong, and so wonderful! She lead an entire fleet into a surprise attack after being captured!! She knew the risks of her gender getting known, and she chose the safety of the dozens of crew members over her own safety.

"Erm, well," I paused, thinking my words. God, her in my coat was distracting. "I-I know you said that you didn't want my affection, but I just can't shut off my feelings." I said shyly, blushing like a fool.

She blinked and I thought out my next words. I took a shaky breath to prepare myself for her verbal lashing that I knew was coming soon.

"Y/N, you are so strikingly different than other women." I started. She didn't say anything, so I continued. "You are courageous, strong, and firm in your beliefs." She blushed a bit. Blushing is good, right?

"Elizabeth is so gentle, loving. It's hard to believe you two are related sometimes." I laughed nervously and she smiled a bit. Her smile was enough to sweep me off my feet!

I took a deep breath and braced myself. "Well, what I'm trying to say, since I always prefer to ask, is may I kiss you?"

God above. I regret it! I regret it all! She's going to say no! She's going to yell at me, slap me!

She blushed more and more. My breathing hitched as she gave a small nod. She said yes. SHE SAID YES!!!

I gently cupped her cheek and she shut her eyes. I slowly lowered my lips to hers and kissed her.

Her lips on mine were soft, wanting. I could easily kiss her till I couldn't breathe. This was the most perfect kiss I have ever experienced. I shut my eyes and savoured the kiss.

Y/N grabbed my shirt and tugged me closer ti her, causing me to hum in surprise. She tasted like mint and the sea breeze. I wrapped my arms around her and she arched into my body. Her body fit perfectly with mine, her lips completing mine.

Finally, she pulled away for air. I opened my eyes and quietly gasped for air. My eyes didn't leave her E/C eyes, shining in the light.

"That was," she paused, breathing heavily still. "unexpected." I finished for her. She released my shirt and I slowly let her go. Perfect. It was perfect.

Request filled? I hope y'all liked it. I tried my best to get the characteristics right! Hope y'all liked it! Thank you my lovelies!!!

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