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A/N!!!! NINETY CHAPTERS MY LOVELIES!!! Oh god I never expected this! Ily guys/girls/nonbianaries so so much!!!!

I woke up to my bed shaking. I don't even remember falling asleep! "NEWMAN GET YOUR ASS UP!!" I jumped awake and fell off my bed. "Umph!" I stood.

There was a good inch of water on board! "Help us out!" The person shouted. Great! Another storm! I seriously have bad boat luck!

I snatched my cap and put it on before running to the dock.

I expected a furious storm, thunder, lighting, and shouting. I am now very perplexed.

Shipmates were tied to the main mast, men in blue coats surrounding them. The guy who called me out had a sword to his throat. Everyone looked to me. I focused on Amanda, who's gender was exposed and was tied separately.

"Amanda." I breathed. I heard swords clatter and I looked around. Wait a minute!

I gasped as my eyes locked with violet-blue ones. "Alexander?" He dropped his sword and ran for me.

We collided and hugged each other. I buried my face into his shoulder and sobbed. I felt him stroke my hair and sob as well. "You're alright." He whispered. "No, I'm not."

* *

After everyone was freed, It was time for my explanation. Even the crew on this ship listened. I sat on a barrel, my father and Amanda beside me, everyone else sitting in front of me.

"So you all know about how I was traveling the seas to save C/N." The patriot crew nodded. I took a shaky breath and Amanda laid her hand on mine.

"I was captured." Alexander, father, Washington, John Laurens, and Monsieur Lafayette shot up to a stand. "Sit down." Amanda said quietly. They obeyed and I squeezed her hand in thanks.

I wiped away a tear. "They found out who I was." Father's eyes widened in fear. "I was tortured for two days. Cut and threatened. I begged for death." Gasps sounded and I looked down in shame. Two days is nothing compared to what these soldiers could withstand.

"Th-Then someone else came in. C/N." Alexander gasped before cussing. "He is a traitor to the patriot cause. He accepted a bribe and wrote a warning to the king. He oversaw my torture."

"That son of a-" I heard someone nudge Alexander to silence. I wiped away my tears and sniffled. "He taunted me and was about to kill me when I got free."

They all stood up. All but the loyalist crew that is. "We wrestled and I held him at sword point. I used him as a shield before running. That's when I found Amanda."

I glanced to my newest friend. She nodded to Alexander and I looked to him.

There was a single tear falling that he wiped away. Fury was in his eyes. Not for me, but for C/N. I wiped my tears on my tunic sleeve and looked to my father. He was whispering to Washington, tears on his cheeks.

Washington nodded and stepped back. Father looked to me, sorrow in his eyes. I brought him into a hug and he sniffled.

I tore away and stood. "I had to lie. I said I predicted it and used my emotions to my advantage. Used his." I shook my head. "But I never broke. They wanted my address and information on all of you, on John Park Custis." I heard Washington stiffen.

"But I didn't break. I didn't say a single word. I wouldn't allow myself."

I met Alexander's gaze again. Now he had pride in his eyes. In everyone's eyes, there was pride. I looked to Washington. "Thank you for saving my son, for saving all of us." He said with a dip of his head. I nodded once.

I extended a hand to Amanda, who accepted and stood. "Amanda's coming home with me. She's under our protection now."

"Of course." Monsieur Lafayette said, his accent causing the words to be barely decipherable. "The une jolie femme helped you. I always protéger her." (Une jolie femme - pretty woman. Protéger - protect.)

I looked to Amanda, seeing if I needed to explain, but she gave him a small smile. "Merci beaucoup monsieur." She said sweetly. (Thank you very much, sir.)

Monsieur Lafayette's cheeks pinkened as he nodded. I chuckled and smiled. "Let's get home." I said to everyone. I locked eyes with Alexander again, a hidden promise for a separate conversation later inside them. I merely nodded. There was much we needed to discuss.

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