One Hundred

880 32 6

Literally crying I never expected to be here! Okay sorry for taking up ur reading time.

After I told Alana everything except the facts
C/N was alive and the torture, she was stunned.

"You fell off the ship?!" She asked as she tied my corset. I decided on a change of dress, now inside a scarlet gown with lighter red detailing and lace covering. "Erm, yeah. But after I passed out and woke up, I was fine." I explained.

She clicked her tongue and shook her head. "This is why I don't let little Issac out of the house." She muttered. I laughed and slid my skirts and bodice on. "Good idea."

Someone knocked and we faced the door. "Come in!" I said, smoothing my skirts. John poked his head inside. "Erm, Y/N. Two men are asking for you." He said worriedly. Alana and I exchanged looks before following him out.

We reached the bottom floor when I heard an impressed whistle. I faced the door way and laughed.

Harry Korsman and Captain Jacob Montgomery were standing there, leaning in the doorway. "Harry! Captain!" I said, hugging them both, ignoring the burn of my cuts from the two strong men. "Good to see you, Schuyler." Captain said as I let go. "Come in! Come in! Let me introduce everyone!"

The two sailors took their caps off and followed me into the living area, where my friends and family waited.

"Everyone, meet Harry Korsman and Captain Jacob Montgomery." I said. They both dipped their heads respectively. Margarita nudged me. "From your firsts sail?" I nodded.

"Harry, Captain, meet my family." I pointed to each family member as I named them off. "Angelica, Elizabeth, Margarita, John, Philip Jeremiah—who we call Jeremiah, Rensselaer, Cornelia, and Catharine." I gestured to the soldiers and Amanda. "You already know the soldiers. Meet my friend Amanda Greene."

The men surveyed the sailors skeptically. "It's an honour to meet you all." Captain said. Harry's eyes flickered to my ringless finger and I cringed. "Can I talk to you both? Alone." I said, emphasizing the 'alone' part.

They nodded their heads before following me into the dining room.

I took a deep breath and slowly lifted my sleeve to my elbow, revealing red and scabbed over cuts. They both gasped.

"Who did this." Captain asked in a frighteningly calm tone. I looked away, embarrassed and ashamed. "C/N."

Their eyes widened. "What?!" Harry nearly shouted. I swallowed and nodded.

"He's apparently a British spy. He used me." They clenched their hands into fists. "When I got to Boston, I was captured. For two days I was tortured for information. When I didn't break, they sent C/N in."

Fury shone in their eyes as I continued.

"H-He tried to use my emotions against me. I turned it on him and lied. I said help was coming, a pathetic chance at life."

I lowered my sleeve. "He took out his sword and attempted to kill me." They gasped quietly. "We fought and I won. I used him as a shield against the others before running. That's when I found Amanda."

I explained the rest of the story to them, forcing back tears. "So if anyone asks, tell them he's dead. For his father's sake." They nodded in agreement and we went back to the crowd.

Everyone stared at us as we sat down, them on a separate couch and myself between Angelica and John. "Worst Christmas Eve ever." Cornelia mumbled. What?!

Rensselaer elbowed her softly and she glared at him. "It's Christmas Eve?" I asked quietly. They all nodded. "Why haven't you put decorations up?"

Mother scoffed. "It wouldn't be Christmas without you, so what would be the point?" She said, as if it was obvious. That's when I broke.

I buried my face inside my hands and started crying. "What happened??" Angelica asked.

I tried to speak but only sobbing came out. I couldn't form words. My emotions were a jumbled mess and now were being flooded out with tears.

A piano note sounded and we all paused, my sobbing quieting a bit.

Elizabeth was at the piano, a single tear falling. Her fingers hovered above the keys and she searched for a song she knew. She started singing in a light and quiet tone, sounding almost broken.

"Yankee doodle keep it up, yankee doodle dandy." I let out a broken laugh. She didn't know how to play, but she was trying; for me.

Everyone watched as I walked over to my elder sister, sitting beside her. I lifted my hands to the keys and slowly started to play. "Like this." I instructed.

Elizabeth followed my lead and played along, our speed slowly increasing.

"Mind the music and the step, and with the girls be handy." I heard Laurens sing. An amazing voice!

Everyone started singing by the next verse. "Father and I went to camp, with good old Captain Gooding."

A hand appeared between us and we looked back. Alexander was silently asking Elizabeth for a dance. She looked to me and I nodded. "Go ahead." I said quietly. She smiled and accepted his hand. He helped her out from the stool and started dancing.

I played the keys as everyone found a dance partner. Everyone, accept Harry that is. He was the odd one out, refusing everyone's offers. "Harry!"

He looked to me and I beckoned him over. He rolled his eyes playfully and walked over. "You know how to play?" I asked. He shrugged. "A bit."

I scooted over and he chuckled, sitting beside me. He joined my melody and everyone cheered.

We picked up our song and laughed. Everyone was clapping along and my mood lightened, my pain secondary as my fingers danced across the keys. "You're pretty good." I said, nudging Harry. He laughed. "You're not too bad yourself!"

Before I could respond, there was a knock. The song immediately stopped and I stood, Harry helping me from the stool. "I'll get it." I said, shoving down the fear of the possibility it could be redcoats, or even C/N.

Everyone was silent, the adults and my elder sisters hiding the younger children behind them.

I walked up to the door and turned the knob. "Hi, I- You're back?!"

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