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It was around noon when Levi left. By then, everyone was introduced to him. I shut the door after Levi and started walking to my family in the dining room. "He seems nice." Mother chimed.

I knew exactly where this conversation was going, and so did everyone else. "He is." I said calmly. I looked to Elizabeth, who looked excited to say something. "Yes, Elizabeth?" Angelica said, noticing too.

"I know who I want the flower girl to be!" She squealed. Yay! She's been stressing over this for a while now. "Go on! Tell us!" Jeremiah insisted. Elizabeth looked at Catharine. "Caty?" She asked. Angelica, mother, Margarita, and I gasped and smiled at our little sister, who stuttered, "What?"

I giggled and faced her fully. "So you know in weddings how they have the little girl throwing the flowers?" I asked. She nodded and I pointed to her. "Elizabeth wants you to be that little girl in her wedding." Catharine's eyes lit up as she faced Elizabeth. "Yes! Okay!" She said joyously.

We clapped and laughed. Everyone's looks soon drifted to me. "What?" I asked. Catharine tugged at my sleeve and I looked to her. "They want to know who your little girl with flowers will be." She whispered loudly. "Oh." I said, looking forward again. "Oh."

I looked to Cornelia, who blinked up at me with dark blue eyes. Dark eyes was hereditary in my family. (Add this if you have light eyes: but it skipped me. If you got dark eyes, just keep readin)

"How about it 'Nelia? Will you be my flower girl?" I asked. She shook her head and we laughed. "But C/N will love to see you in a pretty dress." I said, making her nod enthusiastically. We all laughed again and I stood from my seat. "I'll be getting the letters." I said. Elizabeth stood with me. "May I join?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.

We grabbed out hat and gloves, bidding our family farewell before leaving the house.

I looked to my sister as we walked down the steps. "Five days." I said. She nodded happily. "I've asked Angelica to be the Maid of Honor." She said, trying not to offend me. "Great choice." I said, letting her know that I didn't hold it against her.

She gave me a grateful smile as we entered town. It was so strange that Alexander and Elizabeth were getting married. The only reason that Angelica and Margarita will marry their beau's right now is because they are rich. Alexander is foreign and I am pretty sure he is penniless, judging on what I do know. Maybe it's his title? What's really a miracle is how I'm marrying C/N! Father normally would never approve of such.

"What's eating at you?" Elizabeth asked as we past a shouting vendor. I shook my head. "Nothing, just my own wedding." I said, which was partially truthful I guess.

She nodded and looked ahead. "I need a dress." She said. I looked to her. "Mother reserved two at Isabella's business. What to go before we get the letters?" I smiled and nodded. She beamed and we turned instead of going forward.

Within a few blocks, we arrived at Isabella's business. I opened the door for Elizabeth and she strode in. "Girls! Hello!" Isabella said, halting her fabric choosing.

"Isabella! Hello!" We said, hugging her. "I'm here to try on the dresses reserved?" Elizabeth asked. Isabella snapped her fingers before going to a storage room. A few minutes later, she returned with to white gowns. Beautiful!

One was silk and laced over. It reached Elizabeth's toes, the top ending above her bust. It had some ruffles and was delicately made to be unique.

The other was silk with only partially laced over. It had more ruffles and was a bit larger. It stopped to her ties and started at above her bust. It had a cotton, pale pink strip of fabric around the waist. Elizabeth gasped and ran to them.

"They are gorgeous, Isabella!" She said in awe, gawking at the gowns. "Thank you! You can try them on in the back." She said, handing them over. Elizabeth squealed and went to a separate room. I faced Isabella.

"Five days." I said before she asked. Shock filled her face. "Five! That's so soon!" She said. I nodded and let out a long breath. "Mines in about..." I counted on my fingers. "Two weeks after hers so..." I muttered. "Nineteen days." I said in disbelief.

She blinked and I sighed. "What if I'm not ready to be a wife?" I asked. She chuckled and shook her head. "You re going to be a wonderful wife. A wonderful mother, if God commands." She said with an obvious wink. I held my face in my hands and blushed.

Before Isabella could say more, Elizabeth stepped before us in the first dress. She looked like the Queen of England!! She was so beautiful, her skin tone against the stark white gown, her dark hair flowing down like a river.

She did a small spin and her skirts lifted an inch, resting at her sides. "How does it look?" She asked sheepishly. I smiled at her. "You look gorgeous." I complimented. She blushed a bit. "I'll try on the second." She said before rushing back.

I playfully glared at Isabella, silently daring her to bring up children. See what happens. She huffed a laugh. "What about you and Matthew? When do I meet him?" I asked with a nudge of my shoulder. She grinned and nodded before a new voice said, "Someone say my name?"

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