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The house was empty. Not even slaves running about. "Angie!!" I shouted, my voice somehow steady. "Eliza!! Peggy!!" I automatically reverted to nicknames. I don't know why. "Johnny! Jer! Ren!" I shouted, running into the living area. "Caty?! 'Nelia?!" No answer. "Mother!!"

Oh no no no! The British couldn't have gotten them! I scanned the living area. Nothing out of place. I ran to the clock. No one behind there. Not there, or the couches, or the curtains.

I raced to the dining area, tears burning behind my eyes. No one under the table or cabinets. Where is everyone?! It's nearly impossible for the British to manage to get my entire family! Nearly...

I went to the kitchen. No one in the cupboards, table, pantry! I felt my breathing get difficult. No no no. I let a single sob out as I ran upstairs, starting in the study. I looked in the chairs, desk, bookshelves! Not a soul!

My vision became blurred as I ran for mother's room. I burst inside, my tears dripping to the floor. I checked under the bed, in the sheets, the closet, vanity. After I found nothing, I went to Angelica's room.

I trashed her room, looking and searching. I found nothing. I didn't find anything in any rooms until I reached my own, the final one. Please God in Heaven, let my family be here. The ask was nearly impossible to fulfill.

I shoved my door open and yelped. There was someone under my sheets. I reached and grabbed my hair comb. What was this going to do?! I traded it for some scissors on the floor. I crept towards the bed and held my breath.

If this was a British soldier, they are awful at hiding. Not that it matters, since they can kill me in a second. If it's a family member, alive, I can only hope.

I gripped the sheet and yanked it away, weapon raised. Angelica giggled and rolled onto her back, screeching and paling at the sight of me with scissors aimed at her. I breathing hitched as I dropped the scissors to the floor.

"Are you mad Y/N?!" She screamed. I let out another sob as I ran for her, leaping in her arms. "What the- What are you doing?!" She asked. I started sobbing into her shoulder as I tried and failed to regulate my breathing, to explain. "Oh my." She said softly, wrapping her arms around me.

                                       * *

After everyone was found and Angelica paid the fine I owed for running from the soldiers and harassment, everyone's eyes were on my crying self.

"W-Where is-is mother?" I stuttered, tears still falling. No one responded. Either fear, tension, or both. I repeated my statement, "Where. Is. Mother." "Talking with C/N's father." Margarita said quietly. I nodded, staring at the floor.

"What happened Y/N?" Rensselaer asked. I wiped away my tears and handed Angelica the note, which I held the entire time. I listened for their reactions, too shaken to look up.

Angelica cleared her throat to read it aloud.
"C/F/N C/L/N, stay away from the general's daughter. You know exactly which General and which daughter I am talking about. Stay away from her or there will be consequences on both of you. General William Howe." Everyone gasped.

I stiffened. "I fig-figured that if-if they already go-got C/N and-and attacked m-me, my
f-family was th-the logical op-option." I said quietly. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"I also found t-this." I said, handing her the letter from C/N. She read it aloud as well, "My love, Y/F/N Schuyler, I've only just realized that you most likely know about the engagement." She glanced to me, but I motioned for her to continue.

"And no, I'm not talking about Elizabeth's or Isabella's. I'm talking about ours. I've never proposed before, obviously, so I have been stressing. I'm not sure when or how you found out, but I know that you know. So meet me by the dock just before sunrise." A pause. "With all of my love, C/F/N C/L/N"

I looked to the ceiling, blinking back tears. "He was at the docks to propose." I murmured. "Oh Y/N." Elizabeth whispered. "You couldn't have known, like I said before." John said reassuringly.

I shook my head. It was my fault. All of it. I looked back down to the floor. "I have to see him." I said loudly. "Y/N, that's pricey." Jeremiah whispered. John and Rensselaer elbowed him in the ribs and he yelped.

"I'll pay. I have enough." I said. They looked at each other, purposefully avoiding eye contact with me. "Mother won't allow it." Jeremiah said, our brothers elbowing him again. "Stop that!" He hissed, elbowing them back.

I merely nodded. "I know." But I didn't plan to tell mother. I planned to leave on my own.

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