Ninety Four

954 37 15

Most likely last Alexander POV:)

I waited a few minutes for Y/N to get properly dressed before knocking on the door. Almost immediately, it opened to reveal Y/N, a little less disheveled. "Alexander." She said quietly as I walked in. I silently shut the door behind me.

The second I heard it click, I hugged Y/N tightly. She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest.

I heard her heart beating quickly against my diaphragm, my heart doing twice the speed. Having Y/N safe in my arms again was such a relief.

After some silent moments, we backed up up bit and press our foreheads together, our breaths on each other's faces. I said the first thing my heart told me to, "You could've died."

She nodded a bit. "But I didn't. I stayed strong for you." She whispered back. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Suddenly, I felt my heart slow and sync up with her's. Our hearts beat together in perfect unison. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. Slowly, we both shut our eyes and I felt Y/N bring her lips to mine.

I quickly kissed back, the feeling of her lips like a refreshing sunrise after a cloudy night. Y/N removed her hands from my neck to cup my cheeks, meeting my new stubble.

I felt Y/N hum into our kiss and I couldn't help but smile. Slowly, she withdrew her lips and our eyes flittered open. Her E/C eyes were sparkling once again and I smiled. "I've been waiting for a second for too long." I said quietly. She chuckled and gently ran her hands over my stubbles cheeks. "This is new."

"You like it?" I asked with a laugh. She shrugged a bit. "I don't mind a little stubble. Elizabeth, though." I tensed as guilt and doubt flooded her features. She blinked and looked at me. "Wait,"

I winced and stepped back further. "Why aren't you at home with my sister? Aren't you married now?!" She asked, crossing her arms.

I forced my mouth shut and rubbed my forearm guiltily. She would kill me if I told her. "Alexander," I looked at her. "Why aren't you at home?" I sighed in defeat. "I did go home." I explained.

"We made it. Elizabeth and I got married, but I had to leave that night because of the war. That's why I'm here now." I said quickly and in one breath. She gasped and stepped back again.

"You just left your wife?!" She whisper-shouted. I winced at her tone once again. She was pissed. "We will be back tomorrow at noon!" I said in my defense. It was true! With this ship, we were faster.

Y/N frowned and let her arms slacken at her sides.

I took her hand in mine as she sighed. "The world is a messed up place, Y/N." I said as comfortingly as possible. She nodded. She had experienced this first-hand.

Oh god, if I ever see a redcoat again, I will slaughter him. And if I see C/N again, no god will be able to save him from my vengeance.

"When you told me what they did to you," I paused and she looked up at me and I shuffled my feet awkwardly, calming myself. Y/N squeezed my hand and I met her stare.

I took a shaky breath before speaking again. "I have never wanted to hurt someone more."

There it was. The barren truth. I hated him more than King George III at this point!

Y/N suddenly leaned it and briefly kissed me. When she removed her lips, she admitted, "I was so scared you didn't make it home." I chuckled silently and wrapped my arms around her again, kissing her once more.

She wrapped her arms around my neck again and kissed me.

The kiss was just getting more emotional when someone knocked. I frowned and tore away to check. I turned back to Y/N. "It's Amanda." I whispered under my breath. Y/N winced and grabbed my hand, pointing under the bed. I kept my protests to myself and silently slid under.

Amanda barged in and started speed talking about Lafayette, but I wasn't focusing.

I was staring at Y/N, her H/C gleaming in the early light. I felt my gut tighten when she laughed a bit. Her laugh was different with every person she spoke to.

For her father, it was more cautious than anything, like she was nervous that she was laughing at the wrong thing.

With Lafayette, it was elated, perfectly matching the French attitude of who she was with.

With Amanda, she was relaxed and smiling. It was beautiful and harmonious. I could listen to it for days on end.

With me, well, I don't quite know. It's different a lot. Sometimes it's romanticizing, sometimes is humorous. Sometimes it's even tired and beat.

Y/N glanced back at me before walking out with Amanda. Only one thought ruled my mind:

She is gorgeous.

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