One Hundred and Fifteen

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Chap recommended by XxBroken_SoulxX

The trip to Washington's was slow, unfortunately.

First, the carriage driver had to retire the reigns on the horses. Then we got stuck...twice. By then I just decided to walk.

When I reached the residence, I didn't even have time to knock before a nice woman opened the door for me. I stepped back and smiled. "Hello!"

She briefly looked me up and down before meeting my eyes. "Hello. Pardon my bluntness, but who are you?" She asked, her voice soft.

I chuckled awkwardly. "Right. I'm Y/F/N Schuyler, General Philip Schuyler's daughter. Is General Washington home?" I tried using my nicest voice with her. Judging by her eyes lighting up, I'd say it worked.

"Yes he is! Come in and I'll get him."

I sighed in relief and walked inside, immediately welcomed by the warm air radiating from the fire.

The second the door shut, a maid rushed over to me.

"Hello ma'am. Is there anything I can get you?" She asked meekly. I gave her a warm smile and shook my head. "I'm alright, thank you."

Her eyes widened a bit at my politeness before she rushed away.

I headed for the living area, which was lush and welcoming, and sat down on a velvet sofa. It sunk under my weight and I relaxed.

As I waited, I looked around the rich house.

The walls were a light blue, reminding me of the sky. It was the same colour as the chairs and cushions.

There was a small piano in the corner, music pages scatter on the stand.

I slowly stood up and walked towards the piano. When I reached it, I examined the music and it's composer. George Fredric Handel. Oh I loved his music!!

I took a quick glance around the room before sitting on the bench. I lifted my fingers just above the keys and started to play, only with no sound.

My fingers danced just above the proper keys, the song silent.

I swiftly read the music and immediately fell in love! I had to ask for a copy sometime!

I heard someone clear their throat and I stood up, the seat teetering. I grabbed it just before it fell and looked up.

Washington was giving me a lazy smile, leaning in the doorway. "You know Handel?" He asked, stepping towards me. I chuckled awkwardly and nodded. "One of my favorite composers." I explained, retaking my original seat.

Washington nodded and sat across from me. When our eyes met, his gaze was stern yet inquisitive.

"So, Y/N, why'd you drop by?" He asked, folding his hands in his lap. A true soldier's stance.

I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, I was hoping you would give me a spot in the military. A spy, preferably."

The few seconds after my request, Washington just stared. I started wondering if I said anything at all. Then, he burst into uncontrollable laughter.

I gave him an offended look and he shook his head, wiping his eyes.

After a few moments, Washington composed himself, sighing. "So?" I asked.

He looked at me in disbelief. "You're serious?" I nodded. "No! I'm not putting you in combat!" I opened my mouth to speak, but he interrupted. "And don't go mentioning the fleet, because you weren't even meant to be there!"

I looked away and huffed. "Why!" I argued. He scoffed. "Oh, I don't know! Maybe because you're a woman, you're young, and you're emotionally unstable right now! Not to mention you're still hurt!"

I glared at him. "I'm not emotionally unstable, I'm not hurt, and my gender shouldn't affect anything!"

He rolled his eyes at me. "Oh really? Say you see a soldier with a wedding ring and he's praying to God about his children's safety. He also just shot and killed half your team! What do you do?"

I knew the right answer was shoot him, but my morals got in the way. When I stayed silent, he nodded and stood. "Exactly. I trust you can see yourself out."

I scoffed and stood with him. "I can fight, General Washington! Ask any soldier or civilian!" At this point, I was begging.

After some experience in combat, I loved to fight! The killing part was the only reason he wouldn't let me! But oh how I felt my purpose come to life when I held a sword or baronet!

He shook his head and pointed a finger at me. "My answer is no." He said sternly.

I crossed my arms. "Why! I know you said it's because I'm a woman and I can get emotional, so put me as a spy! They'd never suspect a woman!"

He made a sound of frustration. "No, Y/N! If you get caught, they will torture you far worse than what you've already been through! And I will not let someone I care for go into battle!"

I fumed. "Is that why you refuse to let Alexander into battle! And why do you let my father go into battle! Huh!"

He took a few steps towards me and I yielded only one. His eyes met mine again as he said, "You will not question my motives and tactics for this war. My answer is still no, and you can't change it."

I swallowed and he took a step back. "Now go home before I tell your father where you've been."

I nodded and rushed away, slamming the door after me.

Like hell I wasn't going to fight!

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