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I woke with a yawn. The sun was just up, so I got dressed. I felt so tired and I didn't know why! I put my shoes on backwards twice while getting dressed!

I left my room to find the house filled with guests. What the heck? Women and men in fine clothing were on the bottom floor. I quickly ran to mother's room, which I found empty.

I ran to Angelica's room, which was also empty. So was Elizabeth's room, Margarita and Cornelia's room, and Catharine's crib. I rushed downstairs, greeting people as I passed, and searched for mother.

"Y/N!" I heard. I turned to find my sisters, all five of them, walking to me from across the room. "What is happening? Why are all these people here?" I asked once they reached me.

"Apparently mother threw a gathering suddenly." Angelica said. She was holding Catharine. Margarita was holding Cornelia's hand. "That's absurd!" I whispered. They all grunted their approval. "Why would mother do such a random thing?" I asked. Before they could answer, a voice said, "Ah! Good morning Y/N." Speak of the devil.

I turned around to find mother walking over. "Mother, what is this?" I asked. She smiled and spun a bit. Was she drunk? "I decided to celebrate! Cornelia's fifth birthday!" She said. What?! That wasn't for twenty more days!

"I'm kidding darling." She said. Okay, she wasn't drunk. "I decided, since we all have been a bit down, to have a gathering. A party if you will." She explained. "What in the-" We all looked atop the stairs.

John was looking around, his day clothes messy as his dark hair. I chuckled and jogged up the steps to him. "Mother decided to throw a random party. So get presentable while I wake your brothers." I said. He yawned and walked to his room.

I went to Jeremiah's room and knocked. "I'm awake!" He snapped. "I'm coming in!" I said as I opened the door. Jeremiah had his trousers on, but no shirt. "Mother threw a party and it's still happening. Look presentable." I said. He smirked. "I am presentable." He said slyly. He was such a ladies man. "Jeremiah, you are twelve and shirtless. Get dressed." I said before leaving, going to Rensselaer's room.

I knocked. No answer. I peered inside to find my youngest brother still asleep. I walked to his bed and shook him, startling him. He looked at me in horror and anger. "What the heck Y/N?!" He snapped.

I crossed my arms. "Mother is having a party. Everyone has already arrived. Get dressed and come downstairs." I instructed. I left, barely dodging the pillow he threw at my head.

I chuckled and started walking back downstairs when I heard my name. I looked downstairs to find C/N waving to me. I smiled and ran faster down, meeting him at the bottom of the staircase. I leapt into his arms and we laughed. He spun me before he set me down.

"I didn't know mother invited you!" I said with a smile. He nodded. "She specifically said 'I am hosting party. Y/N begged me to invite you.' And I never disappoint." He said with a wink.

I blushed furiously and buried my face in my hands. "I didn't even know there was a party till I woke up!" I defended, voice muffled by my hands. I heard him chuckle and felt his hands on mine. He slowly removed my hands from my face and I looked up at him.

"I know. You sleep in more than should be legal." He said with a laugh. I frowned. He chuckled and kissed me, making my frown turn to a smile. He removed his lips from mine and I smiled more.

"You never disappoint." I said. He chuckled and joined our hands. He lead me to the door.

"Where are you two going?"

We turned to find mother walking over with a knowing look on her face. "Just going outside." I said quickly. She smirked. "Aren't you glad I invited him?" She asked aloud. Wow. What a power move. I blushed even more. "W-Well. Actually," I took a deep breath. "Yes, yes I am." I admitted. I heard C/N silently cheer behind me.

"Good. Now go." She said, practically shoving us out the door. We stumbled out, the door slamming behind us. I tripped on my dress and fell down the steps. I screamed as the world blurred. I braced myself for a fall, but instead was caught by a pair of strong arms.

I looked up to find C/N hovering over me. He helped me stand and I dusted off my skirts. "Thank you." I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled and linked our arms.

"Where to?" He asked. He seemed very happy today. "Surprise me." I said, making his smile grow. Without a word, he started leading me into the bustling streets of New York.

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