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I ripped the letter open, shying away from my family.

Dearest Y/N,
Your beauty brings me to a lively smile, your attitude lifting my own. You, one of intelligence and overall whim, have ensnared my senses, keeping me lying awake at night. You are astounding in all ways, and I'd hope that you'd think at least partially the same about myself. Would you care to meet with me? One on one? Name a time and a place.
With adoration,
A. Hamilton

Oh no. Oh no no no! He can't do this! How dare this unholy scum! I furiously grabbed a quill and parchment and crouched over the side table.

Dear Alexander,
I am flattered, yet you also write to two of my elder sisters, whom you have both been snared by your letters. I apologize, but I cannot meet with you. It is against my sister's will and would be outrageously rude.
Y/F/I (Your First Initial) Schuyler

I did it into an envelope and sealed it with ruby red wax. "Any letters to send?" I asked. I'll have to get back to Princeton tomorrow due to the heavy consideration necessary.

Angelica, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah handed me letters. Mother handed me five? "I'll join you." John said smugly. Ugh. I gave him a fake smile and we left.

My heart raced in my chest. What if I ran into Alexander? What if he brought up the letter? What if he did something?

"Y/N, your mumbling again." John said in a bored tone. I sighed. "Sorry." I said softly, quietly. We walked slowly, peacefully. "What did Princeton say?" John asked suddenly, making me jump.

"Oh, they are glad. I have a week to respond what extra classes I want." I said with a slight proud smile. John nodded. "Who sent you a letter?" I asked. He blushed. "Elizabeth." Ooooooh~ Elizabeth!

"You ace! What was it about?" I asked nosily. He blushed more and pulled out two letters, one from him and one to him. He handed my the one to him.

My dear John,
I haven't seen you in quite some time! It's been so long; has it been three years now?  I would like to meet, talk again. I understand completely if you decline my invitation. Just please consider.
Elizabeth V

I smirked and handed back the letter. "Are you going to accept?" I asked. He nodded shyly. "Oh wonderful!" I said with a squeal. We reached the post office and walked in. I handed the man the letters, since the place was almost empty.

We left when I bumped into a body. I looked up and my stomach dropped. Alexander.

He gave me a light smirk as I stepped back, slightly in front of John. Alexander wouldn't dare talk to John about the letter, would he? "Hello Y/N." He said, kissing my hand. He faced John. "Hello, I'm John Schuyler, Y/N's younger brother." John said, shaking his hand.

"You mailing letters?" Alexander asked. "Yes." John said. Alexander looked to me with hopeful eyes. "I have yet to read mine. I put it off." I said, lightly stepping on John's foot. My brother winced. "Oh, well then, I'll let you get to it." Alexander said. We said goodbye and started walking back.

"Why did you lie?" John asked. I frowned. "When you grow older, you'll understand." I said, picking up my speed as Alexander entered the post office.

"Slow down Y/N!" John said, jogging to keep up. "Sorry John, but we have to be home soon." I said, gripping my brother's hand. We rushed up within minutes. We walked in and John pulled me into his room.

"What happened." He asked sternly. I bit my lip nervously. "Well, Alexander wrote me a letter, asking to meet one on one." I murmured. John gasped and scowled. "Don't tell anyone! It might just be wanting to talk about Elizabeth." I lied smoothly and quickly.

John sighed and nodded. We left his room and headed downstairs. Mother had the maids setting up Christmas supplies. So soon as well. The day was in an entire month!

"Christmas already?" I asked mother. She eyed me down. "You know it's my favorite holiday!" She countered. It was lunch time, so I went to make it. "Margarita, can you help your sister make lunch?" Mother asked.

I heard my sister shuffle over and we entered the kitchen. "What's the menu for today?" I asked. She thought for a few moments. "Sandwiches?" I smiled and nodded.

I grabbed the bread and laid out 10 pairs. We settled on pork, so we started making it. The food sizzled in the pan as I left, trusting Margarita to watch it.

I walked to mother, who was instructing several servants on where to put some wreaths. "Hello Y/N! Did you hear back from Princeton?" She asked immediately. I smiled brightly and nodded. "Yup! I have to respond within the week of what extra classes I wish to take." I explained.

"Oh! Up a little bit please!" Mother said quickly, looking to some servants holding a holly berry and mistletoe wreath. I frowned. Though she didn't like slaves, she utilizes them. The plus side is that she pays them, secretly of course.

"That's wonderful dear!" She said, facing me again. "Oh Caty! Will you stop chasing 'Nelia around!" She snapped, her attention leaving me once again.

My youngest sister squealed as she chased Cornelia around the manor. "Mama!" Cornelia cried. She screamed as she tripped on her pale blue dress and hit the wood floor, Catharine tripping over her. The young girls wailed on the floor.

I rushed over, mother doing the same, and picked up Cornelia. "What did I tell you?" Mother hissed at Catharine. "Lunch!" Margarita called. Everyone lined up, Cornelia and I being last.

Margarita handed everyone their plates, myself holding both Cornelia's and my own. We all sat at the table in silence as my mother sent the servants to their own lunch.

We ate in silence as the gloom and dare I say awfulness of father's absence returned. We had all been pushing our emotions aside all day long. Angelica gave us all worried looks. "How has all of your days been?" Jeremiah asked randomly.

We all snapped out of our unhappy trance. "So far, quite well." John said. "A tad bit slow but otherwise fine." Angelica said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "Despite Angelica's opinion, mines been busy." Mother said. "A bit cloudy, emotionally of course, but decent." Elizabeth said smartly. "Mine's been terribly boring." Rensselaer complained. "Mine as well." Margarita agreed. "Catharine hurt me!" Cornelia snapped. Catharine, in return, stuck her tongue at her sister. Everyone faced me. "How had your day been Y/N?" Jeremiah asked.

John gave me a look I couldn't interpret, yet I guessed it was about the letter from Alexander, and the kiss from C/N. "Very good yet very confusing." I said, staring at my brother the entire time it took to answer. He shrugged. He had no idea how serious I was.

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