Chapter 51. Recovery and Tears

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Izuku POV.

Phobia :,,The only.... thing.... I regret is that I couldn't say goodbye."

The last words I heard Phobia say were stuck in my head. How could he still smile was he in that much pain that it felt good to die. I don't know but I know that he died without regret even after everything he did. Right now I was laying on a hospital bed watching the news about the destruction of Musutafu. 

News :This is the biggest destruction of a japanes city since World War 2. It will take years to repair he destroyed parts of the city. Many people live in emergency quarters at the moment until they are free to get back to their homes when their homes are still there other ways the hero Cementoss already started rebuilding some parts of the city and the people love him for his fast working.

There was a stop as the news reporter brought his hand to his ear as he listened to something.

News :We just got the news that the number of casualties has risen from 9.000 to 11.000 confirmed dead and 3.000 missing.

I put out the TV and layed back on my bed just then the door opened and in came Uncle Nezu, Recovery Girl, Thalia, Jiro, Uncle Aizawa, the Yagi's and to my bis suprise Percy and Annabeth.

Percy run over to me.

Percy :,,You are in so much trouble do you know that mom fainted as she saw the news about you and Musutafu."

Izuku :,,I.. I am sorry."

Annabeth grabbed the arm of her boyfriend.

Annabeth :,,It's ok Izuku, Percy was just worried about you."

Percy :,,No I was not I knew he would survive."

Annabeth :,,Yeah, yeah tell yourself that."

Just then Nezu climbed up the chair besides my bed.

Nezu :,,Izuku how are you feeling?"

Izuku :,,Like a guy who was eaten by a Kronos and had to cut his way out." 

Nezu :,,Understandable, no suprise considering that someone shot right through youre heart."

Percy :,,What?"

Izuku :,,How did I survive that?"

Recovery Girl :,,Well as we made a blood test we could find some quirk factor genes."

Izuku :,,How did I got those?"

Toshinori :,,Isn't that normal when you have a quirk?"

Nezu :,,Not for people with DG quirks, normal test don't reveal the quirk in their case."

Aizawa :,,Well we did some research and found out that the quirk you have now, once belonged to someone else."

Nezu :,,But that someone is dead killed by All for One nearly 20 years ago."

Izuku :,,But All for One is dead so how did I got i..."

Izumi :,,Izuku?"

Izuku :,,It's nothing but how?"

Nezu :,,As we examined the body of All for One we found several injection wounds and since we don't know who killed All for One our mane theory is that someone took the quirks he collected over the years this theory is backed up by the fact that all victims of All for One got their quirks back."

Izuku :,,But how did I get it?"

Nezu :,,We don't know we hoped that you knew."

Izuku :,,Sorry to disapoint you I don't know either"

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