Chapter 1. Start of a new Story

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Izuku tells:

Many people would think it's cool and awesome to be the son of the number 1 hero and number 7 heroine. Well it was cool and awesome at least until you hit the age 4 and are diagnosed quirkless. Because after that shit was really going down, you are ignored so that you're supposed to be  Parents can spoil theyr little Princess that has a strong S class ranked quirk. Youre sister would start bullying you along with youre former friends and the school would join them. But not everyone turned theyr back on me my uncles, aunties and grandparents were there for me but I never told them what I am going through manly because they all have theyr own problems and alot of work and I didn't wanted them to worry about me. The only friends that I had left was Momo and Kyoka Jiro but they couldn't help much. My also called parents never realised when I came home beaten to a bloody pulp, they also didn't realised that they never gave me food leaving me to care for my own. Well but enough about me let's get to the story, now were should I start, ah I know why don't we start the day when I came to Camp.

No one POV.

Dagobah Beach:

,,AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!": screamed Izuku stumbling back holding his left eye.

,,IZUKU!": Izumi screamed she tried to reach her brother but was fended off by Izuku swinging a stick he found.

,,What the hell did you do!": screamed Jiro at Izumi the other 4 were left in shock they didn't wanted to take it this far. Momo created some bandages and was now trying to call an ambulance.

,,Icchan come down we are trying to help you.": Katsumi said she was trying to reach out for Izuku but Izuku just stumbeld back into the water.

,,Deku don't you listen calm down you fucking nerd!": Bakugou screamed trying to grab him but Izuku jumped back hitting Katsuki with his stick. Izuku was now knee deep in the water, then Jiro pushed Bakugou aside and was walking slowly towards Izuku trying to calm him down.

,,Izuku everything is ok.": Jiro said followed by Momo :,,yeah calm down we are helping you, ok?" seeing his only two friends Izuku calmed and lowered his guard just to feel something pulling on his feet then all of a sudden he was pulled away.

,,AAAAH...": Izuku screamed before disappearing under the water, everyone was left frozen only Jiro screamed :,,Izuku!!" she ran to the place were he stood a few seconds earlier just to be pulled back by Momo.

,,LET ME GO!!": Jiro screamed 

,,No its to dangerous": Momo said, Momo pulled Jiro back to the shore.

Jiro cried hard nearly forgeting to breath between her sobs, Momo tried to hold it as she was calling for help over her phone.

*15 minutes later*

The beach was flodded by police, paramedics and you could see the boats of the coast guard driving around searching for the boy. There were also some pro heros those were, All Might (Toshinori Yagi), Green Wave (Inko Yagi), Endeavor (Enji Todoroki), Blue Devil (Touya is a hero here but he looks the same like in the anime)and Eraserhead (Aizawa Shota) there were also Rei Todoroki, Mitsuki Bakugou, Masaru Bakugou and Mika Jiro. Everyone was in tears because Momo just told them what happened, the Todorokis and and Bakugous couldn't believe that theyr children would do something like this but Eraser was fuming of anger he went towards the 5 kids and slapped them across the face. He then turned around towards Inko and Toshinori and activated his quirk looking at them in pure hatred.

,,You! how could you should I remind you that you were quirkless once too you oversized American Flag!": Toshinori looked at the ground ashamed of himself but Aizawa wasn't finished he turned to Inko :,,and you! you don't have any right to cry you didn't even recognised his existence!" 

Aizawa turned around towards the beach and said :,,I am gonna look for him maybe I find something." and with that he walked away. Jiro was crying into her mothers chest, Momo tried to hold it together but failed and also started crying hard. The parents of the children started to scold theyr kids and Toshinori and Inko. 

Aizawa walked down the beach screaming Izuku's name and looking around in the hope to atleast find something. As he walked he saw something red that was washed up by the waves he walked over to the red thing and as he took a closer look he recognised the thing it was one of Izuku's favortie red shoes. He picked it up but he couldn't stop himself from crying.

,,Oh Gods of all people why him?": Aizawa cried he walked back shoe still in his hand he stoped his crying but it was hard he feels like back then as Oboro died his heart was ripped apart again. As he walked back he saw that Gran Torino also came he was beating the shit out of Toshinori but as he saw Aizawa and what he was holding in his hands he couldn't stop himself from crying himself. As everyone saw what Aizawa found nobody could stop himself from crying even Endeavor. Touya changed from sad to angry he was furious, Izuku helped him to control his quirk better he even helped him to have a healthy relatsionship with his parents again. He sprinted at Toshinori and punched him in the guts at the spot were his wound from the fight against All for One is, All might spited up blood but Touya wasn't finished he threw All Might to the ground and started to punch him in the face again and again until Endeavor had to get him off. All Might was laying on the ground bloody he didn't put up any resitance he knew that he deserved it. The families went home the children and woman still crying over the lost of Izuku.

But as they were crying some individuals in a throne room were talking about a hot topic.

Zeus :,,So you broke the oath two times?"

Poseidon :,,........."

Artemis :,,As much as I dislike males nobody deserves something like this."

Apollo nodding :,,especially someone his age."

Hera :,,How can someone be so kind and caring even if the entire world stomps on him."

Dionysus :,,I am not happy to have another brat at camp especially with a weakened shield but well he has no where else to go." (Izuku comes to camp at the time when Percy is in the Monster sea searching for the golden fleece).

Zeus :,,Then let's hope those other brats find the fleece."

Poseidon :,,Yeah."

timeskip after Percy, Annabeth returned

Annabeth :,,You wanted to talk to us Sir?"

Mr. D :,,Yes as you were gone you're father washed up something interesting up on the beach Peter Pater."

Percy :,,It's Percy Jackson."

Mr. D :,,whatever follow me."

Percy and Annabeth follow Mr. D to a room they open the door and see ah green haired boy bandaged up Chiron was already there looking at boy. The boy was sleeping, Annabeth and Percy walked to the bed to see that his left eye was also bandaged. They both wonderd who that boy was and why he was in this condition. 

Mr. D :,,I like to introduce you to Izuku Yagi."

Percy :,,Wait Yagi do you mean like All Might?" (Percy likes heros and knows alot about them just like Izuku.)

Mr. D :,,Yeah"

Annabeth :,,If you don't mind me asking why is he here and who did this to him?"

Chiron :,,Well he is here because he is a half blood."

Annabeth :,,Did a monster do this to him?"

Chiron :,,No"

Mr. D :,,I will tell you."

Tells them about Izuku about his life and how he got here. By the end of the story both Annabeth and Percy were grinding theyr teeth in anger.

Percy :,,Symbol of Peace my ass."

Chiron :,,Annabeth I need you to teach him english he only speaks Japanese."

Annabeth :,,Of course, but if I may ask who is his godly parent?"

Mr. D :,,Well that would be Poseidon."

Annabeth :,,WHAT!"

Percy :,,I have another brother!"

New Story I hope you like it. I am open for criticisim and suggestions.

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