Chapter 47. Encounter

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No one POV.

It was the day after the School Festival and we can see Hawks flying over the city.

Hawks :,,Nothing interesting.....huh?"

He sees a man with blonde hair and brown leather jacket entering a alleyway, even if he couldn't see his face Hawks knew who it was and so he flew after him. As he landed and walked into the alleyway he saw nothing he walked deeper into the alleyway but as he walked around the corner.


Hawks was frozen in place as he heard the hammer of a pistol being pulled back.

Phobia :,,Turn around."

Hawks turned around and saw Phobia pointing one of his guns at Hawks head.

Phobia :,,It has been a while, hasn't it Keigo?"

Hawks :,,Haji, I heard that you call yourself Phobia now."

Phobia smirked at that :,,Yeah it is a far better name then being called a disgrace every day."
(Haji translates to shame, disgrace or embarrassment)

Hawks :,,Why are you doing this?"

Phobia :,,What do you mean I only killed around 4 cops as I escaped and then I killed 5 cops and one Pro hero so my kill count is only by ten at the moment."

Hawks :,,Did you ever thought about their families children, wives, mothers?"

Phobia :,,HAHAHAHA You are the one to talk Keigo how many people did you kill for the hero association?"

Hawks :,,.........."

Phobia :,,Oh and what did you tell mom when I "died"?"

Hawks :,,Villian attack."

Phobia :,,Ah a classic"

Hawks :,,What are you doing here?"

Phobia :,,Well actually I was about to meet someone but you decided to follow me."

Hawks :,,Who?"

Phobia :,,Well dear brother that is non of youre business."

Hawks tried to call for backup, while he talked to Phobia he tried to grab his phone what was in his back pocket but as soon as he had it in his hand it was taken away.

J :,,Oh my, what a naughty boy you are, look King he tried to call for help."

Phobia :,,I can see that, wow we just had so a nice talk and you had to ruin it."

Phobia put away his gun in that moment Hawks tried to use his quirk but he stopped as soon as he saw the blade of a swordon his throat.

B :,,Don't even think about it."

Hawks looked at the man in the orange black armor and then he tried to look at the woman behind him but that was stopped by B.

Phobia :,,I am sorry for B but J doesn't have a mask so we can't let you see her face."

Hawks :,,Are those also members of the league?"

J :,,As if I would work with such noobs."

B :,,We are..... more professional you could say."

Hawks :,,Then who are you?"

Phobia :,,We are the Black Lotus"

Phobia was about to walk past Hawks.

Phobia :,,Oh yeah and tell Izuku Jackson that Phobos is coming for him."

Hawks :,,Who is that one of youre underlings?"

Phobia :,,HAHAHAHAHA No no he is something far worse he is...."

Phobia now stood infront of Hawks and looked directly into his eyes.

Phobia :,,a god."

With those words Phobia put his hand over Hawks mouth and nose and activated his chloroform quirk, Hawks passed out and fell to the ground. B put his sword back into his back sheath, J dropped the phone besides Hawks and Phobia walked deeper into the alleyway as J and B followed him.

B :,,Was it a good idea to reveal the Black Lotus?"

Phobia :,,Yeah because now the end game can finally begin."

J :,,I wanted to ask this for a long time now but, what happens after the game ends?"

Phobia :,,Only time can tell J only time can tell."

What does Phobos want from our hero and what is Phobia's plan read the next chapter to find out.

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