Chapter 9. Battle training

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No one POV.

We can see Izuku sit in class talking to his classmates.

Kirishima :,,Jackson from where are you exactly in the USA?"

Izuku :,,New York."

Mina :,,Wow really I always wanted to go there, how is it there."

Izuku :,,Loud and many people and to many cars."

Iida :,,I can imagine New York must be a busy city."

Izuku :,,It's a city that never sleeps."

They stopped talking as the door was opened rather loud and a booming voice came. 


Izuku thoughts 'Were is that normal?'but his class was overjoied to see the Number 1 and 7 hero coming through the door. As Green Wave alias Inko Yagi came through the door she looked towards Izuku and then immeadiatly looked away.

Izuku thoughts 'Please don't tell me she has a guess or something.'

Green Wave :,,We are you're teachers for the most important subject in this school."

All Might :,,The Heroic class! and today we are doing."

He had a little plate in his hand that said "Battle" and Green Wave had one that said "Training"


Katsuki :,,Battle"

Izumi :,,Training"

Green Wave :,,But what is a hero without his costume!"

She pressed a button on a remote and out of the wall came shelves with suitcases that had numbers on it.

All Might :,,Now everyone get changed into you're costumes and meet us at battle ground B."

With that everyone went to theyr suitcase and towards the changing rooms.


battle ground B

All Might :,,Ok now is everyone here."

Uraraka :,,No Sir, Jackson isn't here yet"

Izuku :,,Sorry I am late!"

Everyone turned around to see Izuku in his hero suit with a golden shining Trident in his hand.

Everyone turned around to see Izuku in his hero suit with a golden shining Trident in his hand

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