Chapter 50. The end of a god

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No one POV.

Bishamon and Phobos :,,Raaaaaaaggh!"

Bishamon's No-Dachi hit Phobos shield, Phobos pushed it aside and made a step forward thrusting at Bishamon. Bishamon stepped aside he kicked at Phobos hand and hit it Phobos sword flew out of his hand, Phobos avenged it as he shield charged Bishamon pushing him back. For the two gods it was a normal fight but for the mortals and nature around them it was a catastrophe because every punch, thrust, kick or slash created extreme wind pressure it was comparable to a tsunami hitting a iron wall. Bishamon stood his ground and started to push Phobos back, the pushing between the two gods caused an earthquake that was shaking the entirety of Japan.

Bishamon :,,Yield now and leave Japan!"

Phobos :,,Never!"

Phobos pushed Bishamon away and then run towards his sword, Bishamon followed him. Phobos reached his sword just in time to lift it up and turn around but he wasn't able to block in time and Bishamon slashed Phobos across his chest, the armor of Phobos couldn't withstand the power of the wargod and the No-Dachicut through the armor.

Phobos :,,AAAAAHHH!"

Phobos fell on his back and crawled away from Bishamon, his wounds were already healing but it would take a while until they are fully healed since it was a wound given by another god. Bishamon walked over to Phobos ready to deal the final blow but Phobos jumped up putting up his guard just in time. Bishamon attacked and Phobos blocked the attack with his shield, the gods pushed each other away. Bishamon recovered and charged at Phobos, Bishamon swang his sword and so did Phobos but their blades couldn't hit each other as a trident was pushed between the blades stopping them from colliding. 

Bishamon :,,Huh?"

Phobos :,,Huh?"

Both gods looked to their left and saw a 16 year old boy.

Izuku :,,Enough!"

Izuku pulled his trident upwards causing the weapons of the two gods to seperate, Phobos stumbeld back a little bit but Bishamon stood his ground.

Bishamon :,,Who are you mortal that you dare to intercept our fight?"

Izuku :,,I am Izuku Theseus Jackson son of Poseidon, and I beg you to stop this fight."

Bishamon looked at the boy and saw his injuries, Phobos took that as opportunity to took a few steps back to catch his breath.

Bishamon :,,And why should I stop I am protecting Japan from him?"

Izuku :,,Protecting Japan! Look around you does this look like protection youre fight is destroying the whole city!"

Bishamon :,,What is one city now don't stand in my way mortal."

Bishamon turned towards Phobos ready to continue the fight, Phobos looked at Bishamon what suprised Izuku was that Phobos was afraid of Bishamon. Bishamon got into his fighting stance and so did Phobos but Phobos was more cowering behind his shield. Izuku was about to stop them again but he was too slow. Bishamon jumped and the next second Izuku knew he was infront of Phobos slashing down on the god. The slash was so powerful that Phobos shield broke and Phobs was sent flying backwards. He landed on his back, he looked up and rolled out of the way just in time to avoid Bishamons sword. Phobos got up and tried to make a rum for it but as he turned around he was met with Phobia pointing a gun at him. Bishamon stopped and Izuku looked in shock as he saw Phobia standing there.

Phobia :,,Hello Father, ready to die?"

Phobos :,,What do you think you are doing you can't kill me you mist!!!!!"

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