Chapter 15. Celebrate and training

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Izuku POV.

We shadow traveled to our house, Nico nearly fall over because of the distance he had to travel and that with so many people but Will was there to catch. We walked inside the house and I said.

Izuku :,,We are home!"

I heard someone run and looked towards the kitchen to see my mom running towards me. She hugged me hard and we just stayed in the hug for a minute, she then let go and slapped me.

No one POV.

Izuku :,,Ow what was that for?"

Sally :,,For worrying us so much."

Izuku :,,Oh come on mom I survived worse then that."

Sally :,,Only that time nobody knew that they simply could have thrown you into the water to heal you."

Izuku :,,True, sorry."

Sally hugged him again :,,Just watch out ok."

Izuku :,,I always watch out."

Estelle :,,Izu!"

Estelle run towards me and jumped she jumped from 3 meters away. I could see springs as legs as she jumped into me. I looked at her suprised and she smiled and then I realised.

Izuku :,,Estelle did youre quirk manifest!"

Estelle :,,Yeah it did yesterday!"

Paul :,,She was so happy to hear that you would come today that she literally jumped to the ceiling."

Percy :,,Wait isn't that the same quirk what youre grandfather had Paul?"

Paul :,,Yeah grandfather Bellamy had a spring quirk he could transform his arms and legs into springs the only drawback was that he felt sore after using it too much."

Percy :,,WOW Estelle now you can be a great Hero like you wanted to be."

Estelle :,,Yeah and then I am gonna keep everyone safe!"

Percy :,,You sound like Izuku as he first came into camp, right Izuku?"

Izuku :,,............"

Percy :,,Izuku?"

Izuku.exe has stopped working to much cuteness.

Annabeth :,,Great work Seaweed Brain."

Frank :,,He guys Hazel.exe has also stopped working."

Everyone minus Izuku turned around too look at Hazel as Izuku came back again.

Izuku :,,We must celebrate that you got youre quirk!"

Paul :,,We will Estelle wanted to celebrate with all of you so we are making a barbecue party we have porked beef, ribs, sausage  and alot of different drinks and of course Izuku's favorite Mountain Dew Frostbite." 

Izuku :,,Wohoo come on Estelle let's celebrate!"

Estelle :,,Yeah!"

Both of them run towards the garden. As theyr friends were still standing there.

Percy :,,Hey don't drink the Frostbite without me!" runs after them

Annabeth :,,Like children do you need help with something Sally?"

Sally :,,Could you help me with the salad and desser please."

Annabeth :,,Of course"

Thalia :,,I don't have to do anything so I will help aswell."

Frank :,,I think New Rome will survive when we come back tomorrow."

Hazel :,,You are right." 

Leo :,,I need to call Calypso I think she would like to join and Groover aswell."

Piper :,,What do you say Jason?"

Jason :,,You only get a quirk once in a liftime so let's go."

Reyna :,,I don't know I told Lady Artemis I would return as soon as I am back in the USA."

Nico :,,I think she will be ok with it if you come a little later."

Will :,,Yeah I think so too."

Reyna :,,You are right come on let's celebrate."

Everyone walked out to the garden and they celebrated till deep into the night.

*timeskip next morning*

Izuku was like always one of the first up. He put on some training clothes and went for run. He was jogging his normal route what took him half a hour he then came back and went into the kitchen for breakfast. His mom was already up.

Sally :,,Morning Izu."

Izuku :,,Morning Mom."

Sally :,,So how is youre plan?"

Izuku :,,Well I need to train I will go to gym first after that to the dojo to catch up with everyone and look if I can learn some new things and after that train with Percy or Thalia since hey both volunteerd to train with me."

Sally :,,Don't overwork yourself I know that thanks to youre healing factor in water the wounds are closed but you don't need to run after all you have two weeks."

Izuku :,,I know Mom but I just need to get my thoughts away from them, they now know who I am and they won't stop bothering me until I come back or forgive them things I don't plan to do."

Sally took Izukus hand in hers and said.

Sally :,,I understand Izu but they can't reach you here so try to relax for the time being and if you are worried when you are about to go back then just let me tell you one thing."

Izuku looked at his mother.

Sally :,,You are my son, we are youre family and we are always gonna be there for you and nobody will change that."

Izuku hugged his mom and some tears started to flow out of his eyes.

Sally :,,We and youre friends have youre back and we will catch you if you should fall."

Izuku cried into Sally's shoulder and Sally just sat there patting his head. Izuku was scared from going back because now they knew who he was but he knew also that he has a amazing family and awesome friends that have his back.

As this conversation was ongoing a guest stood around the corner and heard the whole conversation. The guest knew what she had to do.

Author Note:

Hey guys new chapter it's short but I think it's pretty good I hope.
But anyway I hope you like it.

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