Chapter 48. When two gods meet

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No one POV.

UA High, Nezu's office:

Chiron IMS :,,Are you sure Nezu?"

Nezu :,,Yes we need them here if Phobos is really trying something then they are the only one who can stop him."

Chiron :,,Does Izuku know?"

Nezu :,,We will tell him, he is in class right now."

Chiron :,,Ok good luck Nezu you will need it, Japan will need it."

Nezu ended the Iris message, he took a deep breath and then took a sip from his tea before he leaned into the microphone on his desk.

Nezu :,,Izuku Jackson, Thalia Grace and Kyouka Jiro please report to the principal office."

Class 1A:

Class 1A were sitting in their classroom talking about various things as 

"Izuku Jackson, Thalia Grace and Kyouka Jiro please report to the principal office."

The class looked at the named individuals.

Momo :,,Did you three do something?"

Jiro :,,No, I don't know why we are called out."

Izuku :,,Either way come on, we shouldn't keep Uncle Nezu waiting."

Thalia, Izuku and Jiro stood up and walked out of the door and towards the principal office. They were walking as the ground began to shake violently.

Thalia :,,What is going on, a earthquake?"

Jiro ran to one of the windows and looked outside.

Jiro :,,No that isn't a earthquake."

Izuku and Thalia ran over to the window and looked outside. What they saw were dark clouds the streets were pure chaos people running around trying to find cover as cars and rubble flying around.

Izuku :,,What is going on?"

Just as Izuku asked that question they could hear a war cry what was followed by a sound of weapons clashing.

Jiro :,,Oh no"

Thalia :,,Jiro what is it?"

Jiro :,,That is my dad, my dad is fighting someone!"

Izuku :,,Who the hell is he fighting that something like this can happen!?"

With Phobia:

We can see Phobia sitting in his HQ watching the news about the "storm" that came out of nowhere.

News: This storm just came out of nowhere we can't explain were he comes from. But also some people reported that as the storm started they could hear a war cry and then this destroctiun here started. Could it be that this storm is caused by a fight and when yes then who is this powerful?

Phobia turned the news off as he loaded a special bullet into his gun.

B :,,So it started?"

Phobia :,,Yeah H did a good job by setting up his father for this fight."

C :,,Do you think Phobos stands a chance against Bishamon?"

Phobia :,,My father is a god of fear with fear he gets stronger and the people of Musutafu are cowering right now, but Bishamon also gains power from it."

B :,,The fight will be intense but Bishamon should win."

Phobia :,,Yeah my father is not only the god of fear but also a coward so he will run away as soon as he sees that the fight is lost and as soon as that happens I have a little gift for him."

C :,,Do you tell me now what that special bullet is, it must be something powerful if you claim that it can kill a god."

Phobia :,,Oh this bullet is very very special she is made out of stygian iron directly from the banks of the styx."

30 minutes earlier, Dagobah beach:

Bishamon :,,So you are the one that dares to invade Japan."

Phobos :,,And who are you if I might ask?"

Bishamon :,,I am Bishamon god of war and fortune, I was told that you dare to claim Japan for yourself."

Phobos :,,HAHAHA Japan, it is a nice snack on the way."

Bishamon :,,You dare!"

Bishamon summoned his No-Dachi and charged at Phobos. Phobos summoned his shield and blocked the attack, as the sword connected with the shield a strong wind was produced and the ground began to shake. Bishamon jumped back and transformed into his Samurai armor and Phobos into his greek Armor. Bishamon charged again at Phobos and Phobos charged at Bishamon while both of them let out a war cry. Bishamon swung his sword and Phobos swung his own sword, the swords collided and the destruction of Musutafu began.








Phobia :,,War X has begun."

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