Chapter 22. First day intenrship and a talk with the Principal

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No one POV.

Izuku was at the train station with his class they were talking about were they would go.

Kirishima :,,I am going to Fourth Kind"

Mineta drooling :,,I am with Mt.Lady"

Uraraka :,,I am going to the Martial arts Hero: Gunhead I want to learn how to get stronger so I can deafet Bakugou the next time."

Katsuki :,,That's never gonna happen!"

Izuku :,,Shut it! also were are you going?"

Katsuki :,,Best Jeanist and you Deku!"

Izuku :,,Miruko I also got an offer from Best Jeanist I am happy right now I picked Miruko."

Katsuki :,,Good tch" he walked away.

Izumi shivering :,,I am going to Grandpa Torino."

Izuku :,,Good luck to survive that."

Izuku :,,Iida were are you going?"

Iida :,,Oh I am with Manual." he also walked away

Izuku :,,Oh ok then" thoughts 'he is not going to do what I am thinking he is going to do.'

Izuku :,,Good luck to you guys I am also off I have a bus to catch."

Jiro :,,See you guys in two weeks."

Jiro and Izuku walked together and got in the same bus they sat besides each other but didn't talked until Izuku broke the silence.

Izuku :,,So were are you going Ky?"

Jiro :,,I am going to Yoroi Musha."

Izuku thoughts 'Dam why didn't I picked him' :,,The equipment hero good choice he can surely help you with your gadgets and woth youre sword."

Jiro :,,I hope so, why did you pick Miruko and not a water based Hero?"

Izuku :,,Miruko is a amazing fighter she managed to get in the top 10 with a mutation quirk what only strengthen her legs, ears and nose but nothing else also fighting with my trident requires both of my hands to be occupied so I need to focus on kicks Miruko is the best for that."

Jiro chuckels and Izuku looked confused did he say something wrong.

Jiro :,,You still are into Hero analysis don't you?"

Izuku understanding also chuckeld a little bit :,,Yeah old habits die hard I guess."

The bus came to a hold and Izuku got up.

Izuku :,,This is my station take care and good luck Ky."

Jiro :,,You too Izu!"

Izuku walked out the bus and towards Miruko's agency. As he stood before the doors he took a deep breath and opened the door and walked to the reception.

Izuku :,,Hello my name is Izuku Jackson I am here because of the internship."

Receptionist :,,Ah yeah we are happy to have you here Miruko was really impressed at youre performance in the sports festival she should be here any minute I suggest you use that time to change into youre Hero suit because as I know her you gonna start training immeadiatly.

Izuku :,,Ok I will do that"

Izuku walked to the changing rooms on his way he only saw 2 sidekicks and the recptionist but no one else he heard that Miruko works mostly alone but her agencie is nearly empty.

Izuku changed into his new Hero suit and was amazed about the improvements that were made.

After the USJ incident Sally begged me to make a new suit so I did that, this youre new and improved bulletprooft hero suit.
with my best regards
Leo Valdez.

Izuku :,,Thank you Leo you're the best."

+The built in computers are little water tanks built into his gauntlets+

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+The built in computers are little water tanks built into his gauntlets+

Izuku walked out and walked back to the reception to see a white haired woman with bunny ears enter the agencie that woman is the number 5 hero Miruko.

Miruko :,,Ah you must be Jackson good that you choose me you are pretty good at fighting but I will show you that there is still space for improvements"

Miruko cracked her knuckles and Izuku gulped.
Izuku thoughts 'this is going to be two hard weeks'

Izuku :,,I am honored to work together with you Miruko I am in youre care."

Miruko :,,Haha Exactly now come on let's go to the training rooms."

Izuku followed after Miruko and the recptionist looked after them and said

Receptionist :,,Poor guy"

While Izuku got his ass beaten by Miruko. Back at UA we can see Nezu being in his office, sitting in his chair and relax to a good cup of tea as someone knocked on the door.

Nezu :,,Come in"

In came no one else then Thalia Grace daugther of Zeus.

Nezu :,,Ah Mrs. Grace what can I do for you?"

Thalia :,,I am here about the thing we talked about Principal Nezu."

Nezu :,,You are sure about this?"

Thalia :,,Yeah I don't have anything else to do so and I don't want Izuku to be alone with them."

Nezu :,,I understand I talked with my brother the principal of NYCHS and he helped me make youre transfer documents."

Thalia :,,So?"

Nezu took out some papers and gave them to Thalia.

Nezu :,,Please sign there with youre name."

Thalia did that and gave the papers back to Nezu.

Nezu :,,Thank you Miss Grace, welcome to UA you are now an official student here."

Thalia :,,Thank you Sir but there is one more thing."

Nezu :,,And that is?"

Thalia :,,I am not wearing a skirt."

Author Note:

Hey guys new chapter it's a shorter one on comparsion to the last ones but I still hope you like it.
I also hope you like that Thalia is coming to UA. I also wanted to thank you guys for the last chapter it was pretty clear after one hour were Izuku would be going. Now to something else for those who were wondering why I choose those 10 heroes was because they were the heroes were Izuku would benefit the most out of it also big shout out to Big-Chungu thanks for youre comment.

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