Chapter 8. First day and quirk test

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No one POV.

Izuku woke up early and got ready to go tu UA but before he went to UA he made a little stop at a certain beach.

Izuku walked towards Dagobah beach luckly it wasn't a long way away from his apartment he stoped at the top of the stairs to see a plate attached to the fence on the plate was stood.

In memory on Izuku Yagi, under it was a picture of him when he was 4 and his birth date and the date he went missing. He walked down the stairs towards the water he took off the shoes and stood in the water relaxing to the sound of the waves until.

??? :,,You afraid?"

Izuku :,,No and yes I don't know dad."

Poseidon :,,To be afraid of his past isn't bad, bad is to let yourself being controlled by it."

Izuku :,,I went through Tartarus and saw it's horrors and now I am here at the beach were it all started and it feels like I am going through it again."

Poseidon :,,Izuku you opened a door that was long closed but it's just another challenge for you."

Izuku :,,Challenge?"

Poseidon :,,A challenge to close it once and for all."

Izuku turned towards his dad and Poseidon turned towards his son.

Poseidon :,,If you need help you know were to find me."

Izuku :,,I know thanks dad."

Poseidon hugged Izuku until they seperated.

Izuku :,,Now go before Zeus finds out you are here."

Poseidon gave Izuku a smile and disappeared into water. After that Izuku put his shoes on and walked to his bike to drive to UA. As he reached UA he got off his bike and walked towards the entrance then he looked for the classroom 1A.

Izuku :,,This school is a mace were the fuck is that classroom."

He saw a group of people a tall muscular boy with blonde hair a boy with black bluish hair and a girl with cyan colored hair, he walked over to them to ask them were the classroom is.

Izuku :,,Hello excuse me you don't know by any chance were class 1A is do you?"

Blonde boy :,,Yes we do just go down that way and then turn right then you should find it"

Izuku :,,Thanks Sir."

Blonde boy :,,No need to call me Sir my name is Mirio Togata from class 3A nice to meet you."

Cyan girl :,,My name is Nejire Hado and that shy egg over there is Tamaki Amajiki nice to meet you aswell." the boy named Tamaki nodded but sad nothing.

Izuku :,,My name is Izuku Jackson it was nice to meet you guys hope to see you around and thanks again."

Mirio :,,No problem now go believe me you don't want to make Aizawa sensei wait."

Izuku run off towards class 1A he found it and saw a giant door.

Izuku :,,Probably mutation quirks."

As he reached for the doorknob to open the door he could hear yelling inside and he sighted knowing they are already there. He opened the door to see the Iida guy scolding Katsuki and Katsumi for having theyr feet on the table, by Katsumi you could see under the skirt so Izuku did the only reasonable thing. 


Everyone looked at the door to see Izuku standing in the door holding his hands before his eyes.

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