Chapter 3. Aldera a gift and a suprise

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No one POV.

Place: Aldera High, Musutafu, Japan

,,PLEASE SIR FORGIVE US!": the Principal of Aldera screamed on his knees.

Before him stood no one else as the Rat King himself  Principal Nezu and beside him stood a school inspector from the ministery with the closing folders for the school the police was also there.

,,Why should I listen to you, you never listened to Izuku as he asked for help.": Nezu said.

Nezu is a close friend to the Yagis even if he wasn't so close to be called Uncle but Izuku called him Uncle anyway. As Nezu heard what happened he was angry, no more then angry he was enraged so much that even Hound- Dog couldn't understand anymore what he said. For Nezu, Izuku was like a son he never had and for Izuku goes the same. 

Nezu started digging after Izuku's disappeared he hacked into Aldera and found camera foutage what happened to Izuku in Aldera everyday.

,,I don't think you know what you did to Japan Sir.": the Inspector from the Ministry said.

The Principal of Aldera looked at the Inspector dumbfounded so the Inspector spoke up again.

,,You literally caused a national quirkless uprising you embarassed Japan before the world for how you treated this boy and if I could remind you,": the inspector took a deep breath and said loudly :,,OUR PRESIDENT IS ALSO QUIRKLESS AND HE DID BECOME PRESIDENT NOT BECAUSE HE HAD A QUIRK NO, HE BECAME PRESIDENT BECAUSE HE LOOKS AT EVERYONE EQUALLY!"

The inspector stopped and took another breath to calm down a little bit :,,Weak or strong quirk, quirkless a animal with a quirk or a person with a villianous quirk, poor or rich for him they are citizens people that deserve a chance of a good life."

The inspector waited for his words to sink in, he then gave the closing papers to the Principal and left followed by Nezu. The Aldera staff were devastated not only was theyr school closed but all of them lost theyr teaching license for joining the bullying. As the staff left the school they were met with tomatoes thrown at them a large crowd has gathered before the school to let theyr dislike out on them. The crowd were quirkless people, people with villianous quirks or animals with quirks. One of them was woman the principal of Aldera recognised her immediately it was the mother of a kid that comitted suicide because he was bullied for having a villianous quirk she screamed :,,YOU ARE THE REASON HE IS DEAD!!" the Aldera staff could do nothing as they walked away followed by the crowd that was still throwing stuff at them until they were stopped by the Police.

,,How can someone be so stupid they knew what would happen when something like this comes out.": the Inspector said as he watched the whole scene from a nearby coffeè were he sat together with Nezu and Aizawa. 

Nezu :,,Well pride and arrogance can blind you."

Aizawa :,,They can be lucky that I wasn't in there I would have thrown them out the window."

Inspector :,,I think that would have been better then that what they have to face now."

Nezu :,,True words"

Inspector :,,One way or another the damage is done we have protest walks across the country the symbol of peace is wavering because of his own stupidity and if that wasn't enough the President is angry and believe me you don't want him angry."

Nezu :,,I saw him angry once I know what you are talking about."

Inspector :,,Yeah anyways I still have work to do thank you for the coffee Nezu Sir"

Nezu :,,No problem good luck with your work."

Inspector :,,Thank you"

The Inspector left and Aizawa and Nezu were sitting alone, Aizawa wanted to get his thoughts off of Aldera and started another conversation.

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