Chapter 27. Meetings

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No one POV.

League of Villians:

Phobia :,,Ah I see my quirk has woren off."

Shigaraki :,,You damn bas..."

Phobia pointed one of his guns at his head and Shigaraki froze on the spot.

Phobia :,,Good now to business."

Toga :,,That felt weird I don't like to feel like that."

All for One :,,Phobia could you please put youre gun away."

Phobia :,,Of course"

All for One :,,So Phobia you said something about a spy tell us."

Phobia :,,Of course I have a sidekick in UA he is my spy so if you want a spy in UA let's make a deal."

Shigaraki :,,Why should we..."

All for One :,,Silence Tomura now Phobia continue."

Phobia :,,So my deal is you get a spy in UA but Maelstorm (Izuku's hero name) and Hawks they are dangerous to me and to you so when we put them on the hit list aswell then we have a deal?"

All for One :,,That sound's like a fair deal." thoughts 'that guy is stupid he gives us a spy so we kill those who he can't'

Phobia thoughts 'Does he really think that's all oh wait All for One you will also pay for what you did to me."

Toga thoughts 'So we have a hand man idiot and a crazy fucker, Shigaraki doesn't look dangerous but Phobia is a wild cart I should send some pics to dad maybe he finds out more about them.'

Police department the next day:

We can see the police chief Kenji Tsuragamae, All Might, Green Wave, Blue Devil, Endeavor, Gran Torino, Hawks, Nezu  and Detective Naomasa in a room.

Kenji :,,So what is so important that you want to show us Tsukauchi?"

Naomasa :,,Our spy in the league sended us some information's also some targets that the league is aiming for."

Gran Torino :,,Targets I thought they mainly aimed for All Might?"

Naomasa :,,Yeah he is the main target but one of the new members offered a UA spy if they could target two other people aswell."

Nezu :,,A UA spy!"

All Might :,,Do you know who it is?"

Naomasa :,,No the villian kept who it is for himself."

Green Wave :,,I can't believe that!"

Hawks :,,Who is that villian anyway?"

Naomasa :,,The villian calls himself Phobia we also got a picture of him but we don't really have any information about him only that he also was the villian that was taken down by Miruko and Maelstorm."

Endeavor :,,Wait wasn't he taken to prison?"

Naomasa :,,Yeah but he escaped during his transport he killed 3 officer's and wounded one so bad that that person later died in the hospital."

All Might :,,So we have a skilled killer that has a spy in UA in the league of villians and now the league has that spy?"

Naomasa :,,Yeah pretty much."

Green Wave :,,Who are the new targets of the league anways?"

Naomasa :,,One would be Hawks."

Hawks :,,Why me?"

Naomasa :,,We don't know."

Touya :,,And the second one?"

Naomasa took a deep breath he could already guess that many people in this room won't like who the second target is said people tensed up.

Naomasa :,,The second target is Maelstorm also known as Izuku Jackson a student from UA."

At this 6 people jumped up from their seats.

Blue Devil :,,WHAT!"

Endeavor :,,You can't be serious!"

Gran Torino :,,They are targeting my grandson!"

Kenji :,,Everyone shut up!!"

All 6 people went silence immediately and waited for what the police chief had to say.

Kenji :,,Targeting a hero is one thing but we can protect a student easier then a hero."

All Might :,,We can take him in he would be safe with us."

Naomasa :,,No, you Toshinori and Jackson are targets if the league would find out you two would live at the same place they would see it as 2 flies with one hit."

Nezu :,,Naomasa is right but I have another idea."

Gran Torino :,,That would be?"

Nezu :,,A dorme system"

Kenji :,,Yeah dormes wouldn't be bad we could protect Jackson but it would also make it easier in finding out who the spy is."

Blue Devil :,,Yeah you are right but how long would it take to make that system?"

Nezu :,,Probably until after the exams."

Green Wave :,,Doesn't it go faster?"

Nezu :,,No a system like that take time especially since UA never has done something like this before the dormes itself probably only take a week to make."

Gran Torino :,,Also Izuku could take on a monster that was made to kill you Toshinori so he can defend himself and his friend isn't much weaker then him so they won't simply attack him out of the blue."

Blue Devil :,,Yeah but we need someone to watch over him in case they attack."

Kenji :,,Ok why don't you do that Blue Devil?"

Touya :,,No problem I can do that."

Hawks :,,Sorry to interupt but do you have a picture of Phobia so we can give it to the other heroes when they see him?"

Naomasa :,,Oh yeah of course."

Naomasa gave everyone the picture of Phobia you could see his long blonde hair what was tied in a ponytail and his smile scar. Hawks paled as he saw the face of the man.

Nezu :,,Keigo are you ok?"

Hawks :,,T..that's..."

Blue Devil :,,You know him who is he?"

Hawks :,,That's...... my brother."

Everyone :,,What!!!"


We saw the throne room 4 figures could be seen in the room three sitting in their thrones those 3 were Apollo, Zeus and Poseidon the figure that was standing was Hebe the godess of youth.

Zeus :,,So let me get this straight the girl is a grandchild of you Hebe?"

Hebe :,,Yes"

Zeus :,,And youre daughter Apollo?"

Apollo :,,Yes."

Poseidon :,,The boost that her quirk got from being related to you two in enourmus."

Zeus :,,Yeah she literally is a walking youth fountain if she knows how to use her power."

Poseidon :,,Do you think she could bring Kronos back?"

Zeus :,,No she would die trying it but she would rewind him to the point were he was during the last war were he posessed Luke."

Poseidon :,,We need to find her before a servant of Kronos does."

Zeus :,,Yeah hopefully youre son will find her."

Poseidon :,,What is the name of the kid?"

Apollo and Hebe :,,Eri."

Hey guys new chapter I hope you like it. 

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