Chapter 7. Entrance exam

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No one POV.

Izuku woke up at 5 am in the morning he took a shower he took some clothes and dressed up he wore the jacket he got as a gift he ate the rest of the cake he bought yesterday from the restaurant but not before he burned a part as offering to the gods. Then he did somerhing he never did he put on make up to hide the freckles, he knew that everybody told him that they wouldn't recognise him but he just wanted to make sure. After everything was done he walked to his garage jumped on his bike and drove to UA. 

After half a hour he reached his destination he parked his bike and walked towards the entrance of UA. As he walked his phone rang he took it out and looked at the number it was his mom.

Izuku :,,Hey mom, what's up?"

Sally :,,Hey Izu I just wanted to call to wish you good luck."

Izuku :,,Thanks mom but I am recomended so I don't really need it."

Sally :,,I know but I just wanted to make sure you are ok."

Izuku :,,I am ok mom nervous yes but I am ok."

Sally :,,Good to hear please call me after the exam and tell me how it went."

Izuku :,,Will do mom goodbye."

Sally :,,Bye Izu."

Izuku hung up and continued his walk towards the entrance he walked through the gate and saw a group of 3 people one of them tripping. Izuku made a tiny tornado and stopped the girl from falling the group was shocked to see a timy tornado all of a sudden. Izuku walked over to them and said.

Izuku :,,Sorry that I used my quirk on you but we wouldn't want you to trip the first day now would we." he said nicely.

Izuku looked at the group only to see his 2 oldest friends Kyouka and Momo together with a guy he didn't knew.

Kyouka :,,Yeah thank you."

Izuku :,,No problem."

Guy :,,Who are you and why are you not wearing you're school uniform?"

Izuku :,,My name is Izuku Jackson and I come from the USA we don't have uniforms like in Japan."

Momo and Kyoka got sad eyes as I said that my name was Izuku but they recovered fast.

Guy :,,Oh I am sorry I didn't know my name is Tenya Iida nice to meet you Jackson." he stretched out his hand for Izuku to shake.

Izuku :,,Oh no problem nice to meet you aswell Iida and you two are?" he already knew theyr names but he couldn't let them know.

Momo :,,My name is Momo Yaoyorozu nice to meet you Jackson -san"

Kyouka :,,The name is Kyouka Jiro nice to meet you."

Kyouka looked bored but that changed in a flesh as she looked past Izuku at the gate.

Kyouka :,,Come on Tenya the exam will start soon see you later Momo."

Momo :,,See you later Kyo bye Tenya and good luck to both of you."

Iida :,,Thank you Momo until later."

Izuku didn't need to look back to knew why Kyouka wanted to go he knew it already.

??? :,,HOI, get out of our way extra." (You know who)

Izuku only to make them angry didn't and talked to Momo.

Izuku :,,Why are you not going to the exam?" knowing the answer.

Momo :,,Oh I am recomended and you?"

Izuku :,,Me too do you know were to go?"

Momo :,,Yeah I kno...."

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