Chapter 4. Talk and a Suprise for Jiro

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Japanese 'Hi'

English 'Hi'

No one POV.

,,IZUKU!!": Nezu and Aizawa screamed

,,What are you doing at Camp?": Aizawa asked shocked.

,,I.... I what how?": Izuku said

,,Chiron what is Izuku doing at camp?": Nezu asked towards Chiron.

Chiron coughed and answered :,,Well Nezu Izuku here is a half blood."

Nezu and Aizawa looked both at Izuku before Aizawa facepalmed and said.

Aizawa :,,I was so a Idiot I should have realised."

Nezu :,,That's easy for you to say but me a son of Athena should have known."

(Real short Nezu was created by Athena and she sees him as son and Nezu sees her as Mother)

Nezu looked back to Izuku and asked :,,Who is your Godly Parent Izuku?"

Izuku :,,Poseidon"

Nezu and Aizawa got big eyes and looked at each other then Aizawa said to Nezu.

Aizawa :,,So Poseidon broke the oath with my sister."

Nezu :,,To be honest I wondered who would be the second one to brake the oath." (Nezu knows about Thalia).

Nezu :,,I think you were shocked to find out that Poseidon broke the oath Chiron."

Chiron :,,To be honest with you Nezu after his brother came to camp nothing suprises me anymore."

Aizawa :,,Brother?"

Chiron :,,Yeah Poseidon broke the oath two times in 2 years." (Izuku is one year younger as Percy)

Aizawa :,,So the only one left that didn't broke the oath is Hades."

Chiron :,,Yeah"

Izuku :,,Uncle Zawa  Uncle Nezu who are your godly Parent?"

Nezu :,,Mine is Athena Godess of Wisdom."

Aizawa :,,Mine is Hypnos god of sleep" (No suprise there)

Nezu and Aizawa looked at Izuku they looked at each other until Nezu saw Izukus left eye.

Nezu :,,Izuku what happened to your eye?"

Izuku :,,Oh.. ah that happened before I came to camp"

Aizawa angry :,,Who of them did this!?"

Izuku :,,Ah ah I-Izumi."

Chiron who saw that Izuku was uncomfortable with the situation stepped in.

Chiron :,,Izuku can you say goodbye to your Uncles, me and them have to talk about something."

Izuku :,,Oh ok Goodbye Uncle Zawa and Uncle Nezu hope to hear from you again soon."

Nezu and Aizawa :,,Goodbye Izuku"

Izuku walked out of the house and Chiron turned towards the IMs (Iris Message).

Chiron :,,Could you please not scream at him he nearly always gets a panick attack when someone does we are working on it but it takes awhile."

Aizawa :,,Sorry I didn't know."

Izuku Jackson (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora