Chapter 44. Talking and God in the making

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No one POV.

Nezu's office:

Nezu :,,Wow a entire class of clear sighted that is rare."

After a test to see if class 1A was really clear sighted it was confirmed that all of them could see through the mist.

Emi :,,Oh gods, dad is gonna be pissed."

Thalia :,,Even that pervert Mineta can see through it....... well if he tries something pervy on the Aphrodite kids then they are gonna kill him or Piper makes him do a swan dive into the camp fire."

Izuku just looked at the ground his eyes were covered, he doesn't knew how to feel not only about this new discovery but also because of the fact that Haru's words were stuck in his head.

Jiro :,,Izuku are you ok?"

Izuku looked up :,,Hmm oh yeah yeah I am okay."

Aizawa :,,Problem child I know when something is on youre mind so what is it?"

Izuku :,,*sigh* The discovery that the class can see, that Izumi and the others can see makes me pissed."

Nezu :,,We can understand Izuku especially since this means they have to go to camp aswell, but is there something else?"

Izuku :,,Yeah there is, Miruko made me talk japanese demigod called Haru Kaidou."

Jiro :,,The son of Benzaiten?"

Emi :,,You know him?"

Jiro :,,Yeah Rumi, my sister introduced me to him once."

Aizawa :,,Miruko is a demigod?"

Jiro :,,Yeah same dad as me."

Nezu :,,Please be quiet and let Izuku continue."

Izuku :,,There is not much to tell we talked about well why I broke the oath that I made with Percy and so on and at the end he......"

Izuku touched the scar over his left eye and remembered how he got it.

Aizawa :,,What did he say?"

Izuku :,,If I want to get my godly side under control again I need to put a end to my end controlling my feelings and powers."

Nezu :,,So he basically told you to forgive Izumi and the rest?"

Izuku :,,Yeah he only suggested it he didn't say I have too, but I don't know how..... I mean they made my life hell for 6 years and before my dad brought me to camp they took my fucking eye!!"

Izuku was screaming the last part, looking at the floor while tears came out of his eyes and dripped on the floor, Thalia rushed over to Izuku and tried to comfort her little brother. (they are cousins but they see each other as brother and sister since Thalia helped Izuku so much to get used to the gods and everything) Jiro also tried to comfort him the same goes for Aizawa and Emi.

Nezu :,,We can't help you with that, this decision you have to make for yourself."

Izuku just nodded as he slowly came down.

Thalia :,,Another question Jiro?"

Jiro :,,Yeah?"

Thalia :,,Why are you never attacked by monsters, I mean you use a normal phone and all but no monster seems to find you?"

Jiro :,,Oh that is a technique that my sister teached me, every japanese demigod knows that technique."

Aizawa :,,What technique?"

Jiro :,,The technique is called Kaori kakushi this technique hiddes youre scent so monster's can't find you, the only way for them to know you are a demigod is when they stand directly infront of you."

Izuku :,,Wow I wished how to use that it would make our life alot easier don't you say Thals?"

Thalia :,,Definitely."

Jiro :,,I could teach you if you want."

Thalia :,,That would be nice of you."

Nezu :,,Now that, that is out of the way I heard that you (looking at Jiro) and Izuku agreed to write songs for the school festival is that true?"

Izuku :,,Yeah Jiro didn't want to until I said I would write one when she writes one."

Nezu :,,That is great."

*with Phobia*

Phobia was sitting in his chair in his HQ, besides him sat B and infront of him was the vial with the quirk called "Survivor". 

Phobia :,,You are sure you don't want it?"

B :,,Yeah it's no use for me."

Phobia :,,For me neither it would only prolong my suffering."

B :,,You know we could get that girl her power could......"

Phobia :,,No this child already suffered enough, I am not a monster like my father or the other gods."

B :,,I know, I know."

Phobia :,,So who do you want to give it instat?"

B :,,I want to give it to Izuku Jackson, combine his powers with this quirk and...."

Phobia :,,he can't die even by the gods."

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