Chapter 19. Battle portion part 2

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No one POV.

It was the quarter finals and it was Jiro vs Izuku.

Izuku :,,Now that is going to be hard."

Izuku walked trough the corridor to get to the arena as Endeavor got in his way.

Izuku :,,Uncle Enji!"

Endeavor :,,Hey Izuku"

Endeavor hugged Izuku and Izuku returned the hug. As they let go of the hug Endeavor said.

Endeavor :,,You know I think Shoto isn't going to make it to the semi-finals."

Izuku :,,Why do you say that?"

Endeavor :,,Because he has Katsuki as his next opponent and his ice won't work against him."

Izuku :,,True but doesn't he has his fire side."

Endeavor :,,Yeah but he doesn't use it as much as his ice and that's why he can't use it to the full potentiol."

Izuku :,,Understand but in my eyes Katsuki isn't much better he may have exellent control over his quirk but he is to reliant on it and he doesn't produce that much sweat when it's cold."

Endeavor :,,True, hey I think you need to go I need to go to Shoka she is probably depressed right now."

Izuku :,,Yeah talk to you later Uncle Enji."

Izuku then ran to the arena for his fight against Kyouka. He asked if he could use his trident and Nezu allowed it. Jiro had the same idea and brought her Katana. They met in the arena the heroes in the arena going quite as two of the best fighters in this years festival were going against each other.

Present Mic :,,Ladies and gentleman we are going to be witness to a epic fight to of the best fighters in this tournament are going against each other."

Izuku rested his trident on his shoulder and looked at Jiro she also rested her sword on her shoulder.

Present Mic :,,Not only have those two fighters excellent control over their quirks but they are also masters in the usages of theyr weapon.

Present Mic :,,On the left side we have the water boy with his trident Izuku Jackson!"

The stadium cheered but Izuku coughed at the comment of Present Mic.
Izuku thoughts 'Why does everyone call me water boy I am fucking Aquaman!'

Present Mic :,,and on the right side we have the war godess herself Kyouka Jiro."

Jiro facepalmed at that comment Jiro thoughts 'Hopefully my dad didn't heard that.'

MIdnight :,,Are you ready?!"

Izuku got into a field guard and Jiro put her sword before the tip of the sword directed at Izuku.

MIdnight :,,GO!"

Izuku charged at Jiro with extreme speed. Jiro put up a guard and blocked Izuku's trident, Jiro's sword got beetwen the tips of the trident Izuku turned his trident catching the blade (before you ask yes that is possible I tried it) he then pushed it aside and headbutted Jiro. Jiro but catched herself pretty fast and kicked at Izuku's knee. Izuku pulled his leg back to avoid the kick but lost his footing during it. Jiro used his lost of balance took a step forward an elbowed Izuku in the face while still holding her sword in both hands Izuku stumbeld back and with that he let Jiro's sword go. Jiro got into a striking position and jumped at Izuku, Izuku brought up his trident and blocked the blade he then pushed it left with alot of force Jiro's blade was pushed aside opening Jiro's guard, Izuku used that and gave her a kick to the side. But Jiro held her ground and slashed sideways at Izuku, Izuku dodged ba tilting his head back the blade only missing his nose by a few inches. They distaned from each other catching their breath.

Present Mic :,,Wow that clash was short but intense."

Aizawa :,,Both of them are excellent fighters hand to hand and with weapons they do it like me they combine theyr weapon with martial arts."

Present Mic :,,That was the longest sentence you said today."

Izuku catched his breath and charged at Jiro again with his trident pointed at her, but then he thrusted it into the ground using it to lift himself from the ground and to give kick to Jiro's face. Jiro jumped back to avoid the kick but Izuku's move wasn't finished he landed on the ground and in the same motion he pulled his trident out of the ground and swang it at Jiro like a axe. Jiro seeing that tried to block it the trident and the Katana clashed and Jiro's arms gave in at the slash the trident hitting her shoulder hard. Jiro screamed in pain but she recovered fast grabbe Izuku's trident before he could pull it back and kicked at his breadbasket. All males in the stadium huffed at that while many females clapped at that Jiro then punched Izuku in the face making him stumbling back a few feet.

Izuku :,,Why?"

Jiro :,,What you used also a unfair move."

Izuku :,,Well then how about we use our strongest attack?"

Jiro :,,I am okay with that."

Jiro then plugged her earjacks into the pommel of her sword, Izuku was at first confused at that but then Jiro's sword began to vibrate, Jiro was moving her sword in normal speed but it looked like a blur thanls to the vibrations. Izuku then lifted hi free hand into the air as water began to gather in a ball above it, Jiro looked around to see were the water is coming from only to see the stadium suprised and scared faces as their drinks came out of the cups and flew towards Izuku's water ball.

Present Mic :,,Hey my Pepsi!"

The ball got bigger and bigger and al sorts of drinks joined in at the end the ball was a mess of different colors from different drinks. Jiro then made her sword ready for a slash as for Izuku he just held his hand up.

Jiro :,,SOUND CUT!"

She slashed with her sword and a flying slash was seen coming at Izuku.

Izuku :,,Water World!"

Izuku brought his hand down as the ball flew forward the slash and the water ball clashed. The slash went into the water and cut into through it and it hit Izuku across the chest it didn't cut but he was pushed back by the force nearly flying out of bounds if he didn't used his trident to stop himself. The water ball still moved towards Jiro and hit her she wasn't pushed back but was sucked in and she was in the water ball unable to do something as she flew out of bonds. The ball flew to the wall and with one bg splash it was gone. Jiro coughed for air and Izuku was leaning on his trident as this slash nearly took him out.

Midnight :,,Izuku Jackson wins this fight and moves on to the semi finals!"

The stadium cheered for his victory, Izuku looked around and saw his friends standing up from theyr seatd cheering and clapping with Leo holding up a poster that said 'Izuku Jackson can't lose'

Izuku laughed and said :,,Idiot" 

Kyouka on the other hand was angry nor because she was angry but because everything was sticky.

Jiro :,,AAH what the hell was in that ball that feels like superglue!"

*by Percy and the others*

Leo :,,Ha Thals give me my 20 dollars I won!"

Thalia :,,Why did I do this again."

Author Note:

Hey guys new chapter I hope you like it the next chapter will be the final chapter for the sports festival. Also I won't upload tomorrow cause of work so yeah until next chapter.

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