Chapter 25. Introductions and a unwanted suprise

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No one POV.

Izuku :,,Thals, what by Hades are you doing here!"

Thalia :,,Hey Izu!"

Kirishima :,,Jackbro you know her?"

Izuku :,,Yeah she is one of my friends from america"

Aizawa :,,Jackson please sit down and let youre friend introduce."

Izuku sat down.

Aizawa :,,Ok Grace now introduce yourselve."

Thalia :,,Ok, Hello my name is Thalia Grace, I am from New York, my quirk is called....... Thunderbird, I like my friends, Punk, my little brother Jason and my camp, I dislike bullys, perverts, arrogant people and people that think quirks are everything."

Aizawa :,,Are there any questions?"

Mina held up her hand.

Thalia :,,Yes you?"

Mina :,,Mina Ashido, from where do you know Jackson-san?"

Thalia :,,Oh we are going to the same camp."

Iida held up his hand.

Thalia :,,Yes you?"

Iida :,,Tenya Iida,  why are you not wearing the propper school uniform?"

Thalia :,,Because I don't like skirts and I demanded that I can wear trousers if I should transfer here."

Iida :,,How can you demand that?"

Thalia :,,Me and Izu are a team we both know how to fight together we also are the only fighters who can keep up with each other."

Kirishima :,,Hold up, you can keep up with Jackbro so those that mean."

Thalia :,,Yeah I also have a DG quirk but I can't do as much as Izuku but when it comes to fighting then I am a step above him."

Izuku :,,Oh you want to test that Thals it was sometime ago since we last had a little friendly spar!"

Thalia :,,Oh bring it on Greene!"

Aizawa :,,Enough! wait for tomorrow you can fight in Heroes class."

Thalia and Izuku looked disapointed while the class breathed in relief nobody wanted to know what happens when two DG quirks fight against each other.

Aizawa :,,Grace go take the seat besides Jackson, you have the rest from homeroom free do whatevere you want just don't wake me up."

Aizawa got into his sleeping bag while Thalia and Izuku sweatdropped and thought 'typical Hypnos kid'. As soon as Aizawa was out just like that, nearly the entire class stormed over to Thalia and bombarded her with questions. But Izumi and her gang walked over to Izuku.

Katsuki :,,Oi nerd"

Izuku :,,What?"

Shoto :,,Is it true what Izumi told us?"

Izuku :,,That depends on what she told you."

Shoka :,,That you see us more as monsters then the hero killer."

Izuku :,,That's true"

The girls had tears in their eyes because Izuku saw them more as monster then a villian. While the two boys looked angry that Izuku made theyr sisters and crush cry.

Izuku :,,Before you start screaming around look at my scar on my left eye."

Shoto angry :,,What is with it."

Izuku :,,You took my eye if you want to know if it weren't for someone that has the ability to heal things like that then I woul sit here with only one eye." thoughts 'Thanks again for that Apollo'

Apollo in Izuku mind 'No problem Zuzu!'

Izuku looked at his bullies who were all shocked.

Izuku :,,You took one eye with that my old life ended and a new one started for me now get lost."

His bullies wanted to continue to talk to him but they heard a crackle sound they turned around to see Thalia lightnung dancing around her body looking at them wit a murderous smile.

Thalia :,,Could you please let Izu alone he told you to walkf away."

Katsuki :,,And who are you to tell us what to do!"

Thalia :,,I was one of the first people that took care of him after he nearly knocked on deaths door now if you don't want to be strike by lightning until you are braindead I suggest you walk away."

She looked at them with a serious face her blue eyes as cold as ice. The bullies got scared from Thalia and so did the class Mineta even peed his pants. The gang walked back to their places as Thalia stood beside Izuku.

Thalia :,,Are you ok Izu?"

Izuku :,,Yeah thanks Thals it's good to have you here."

Thalia :,,Can't have my little bro getting depressed after we cured you from it."

Izuku laughed at that but it was true when it weren't for his friends and new family he probably would have taken his life with all the trauma he had to fight with and the war against Kronos and Gaia didn't help and Tartarus made it even worse. Getting back to the place were he was tortured was like a punch in the face for him but he was glad that now one of his best friends is here.

*timeskip to end of school*

Izuku and Thalia were walking towards Izuku's bike as they saw someone waiting at Izuku's who they didn't wanted to see right now. They walked over to the figure Izuku bowed and Thalia nodded her head to greet the figure.

Izuku :,,Lady Hera what do we own the honor?"

Hera :,,I just came her to see how you are doing on youre quest but I am seing you are doing pretty well especially since the bastard of my husband is now with you."

Izuku was angry that Hera called Thalia a bastard but he kept his calm face.

Izuku :,,Lady Hera you don't know what this quest is about do you?"

Hera :,,Sadly Yagi I don't know youre father, my husband and Apollo know but I don't and to be honest I don't care."

Izuku bit his tongue he hated it when Hera called him Yagi she just did it to torture him with it. 

Hera :,,To be honest with you I have some ideas one could be that something bad is gonna happen that could destroy Japan and you have to stop it or......"

Thalia :,,Or?"

Hera :,,Or it is about a child."

That took Izuku and Thalia off guard why would they send them on a long term quest for a half blood. Izuku was sure something bad was gonna happen and Thalia was sure it was about a kid.

Hera :,,Anyways I will take my leave good luck on youre quest you two."

With that Hera flashed away.

Izuku :,,Thals, I hope she isn't right."

Thalia :,,I hope too."

But what both of them didn't knew they both were in for a nasty suprise.

Author Note:

Hey guys a new chapter I hope you like it.

Anyways I just wanted to say how half bloods work in this AU. So Demigods have either very weak quirks or are completely quirkless but when a Demigod is born with a quirk that has something similar to the power of his or her godly parent then that quirk gets a enourmos bust. Also people with S ranked quirks are people were you can be to 100% sure that they are not demigods because the godly blood in their veins wouldn't allow such strong quirks to form.

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