Chapter 41. Work studies

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No one POV.

Miruko :,,Ha Maelstorm it's good to have you here again!"

Izuku :,,I am happy that you took me again." he said as he bowed

Miruko :,,No problem kiddo now come let us go we have a meeting with Sir. Nighteye."

Izuku :,,Sir. Nighteye, the former sidekick of All Might?"

Miruko :,,The one and only!"

Izuku and Miruko walked towards Nighteye's agency Izuku was in his hero costume. As they were walking Izuku and Miruko talked about various things, as something bumped into Izuku even so he didn't looked at it he already could feel one thing..................... 


Izuku looked down to the thing that just run into him and saw a little girl with white hair in a white dress and a little  horn on her head, he kneeled down to the girl and put a hand on her head.

Izuku :,,Hey are you ok?"

The girl said nothing and just looked at Izuku and then hugged him suprising Izuku and Miruko she then whispered.

??? :,, me."

Izuku hugged the girl tighter and stood up with her, just as they were about to leave a man called out to them from the alleyway were the girl came from.

??? :,,Ah you found my daugther she just ran away I am sorry for the trouble, come on Eri let's go home."

Izuku mind 'Eri! she is the girl why I am here I can't let her go with him again.'

The man looked at Izuku and then at Miruko by the looks of his eyes Izuku could tell that he didn't epexted that Eri would run into the number 5 hero and a top student from UA. Miruko the badass that she is talked first.

Miruko :,,Oh you are that Overhaul guy aren't you?"

Overhaul :,,Well this encounter is unfortunate I must say, give me Eri and I will go you don't want unecessary damage do you?"

Izuku :,,If you want to know I can simply control youre blood and then can Miruko here beat you to a pulp so I say we have the advantage here."

Overhaul :,,You think so?"

Overhaul put out a gun and shoot's at Izuku, Miruko tried to block the bullet but the bullet was faster and hit Izuku. Izuku looked down still Eri in his hand only to see that it wasn't a bullet but a syringe kind of bullet. Overhaul put his hands on the ground and spikes came out Miruko grabbed Izuku and Eri and jumped away just in time to dodge the spikes.

Miruko :,,Maelstorm are you ok?"

Izuku :,,Yeah that thing didn't even got through my suit."

Overhaul :,,Give her to me!"

They looked over to see Overhaul charging at them. Izuku put Eri on his back and got into a fighting stance grabbing his trident with both hands pointing it at Overhaul as Miruko got also into her iconic fighting stance. The civilian's that were around paniced and ran away as fast as they could. Izuku created a tornado and then used his blood control to stop Overhaul in his tracks as he was sucked in by the tornado. AS he was flying uncontrolably inside the tornado, Izuku put Eri down. She looked at the two heroes with big eyes and then looked at the place were Overhaul stood, she could hear him scream inside the tornado.

Eri :,,Is he gonna take me back?"

Miruko :,,No of course not also, I think you should free him from the tornado I think he has enough."

Izuku :,,Ok wait."

Izuku lifted his hand and the tornado disappearedand Overhaul fell down onto the street he was extremely dizzy but he tried to get up and use his quirk to no avail as he again was frozen in place.

Overhaul mind 'How is he doing this I shot him with a quirk erasing bullet he shouldn't have a quirk anymore but how is he doing this then?'

Before Miruko could walk over to him and put cuffs on him she was cut off by Izuku who slowly walked towards Overhaul. As he stood before Overhaul he got dowon on his eye level and looked him directly in his eyes. Overhaul was getting extremely afraid as he looked into the boys eyes and then Izuku began to talk.

Izuku :,,So you find it funny to hurt little girls?"

Overhaul couldn't say anything as he felt one of his fingers break, he screamed in pain. Miruko covere Eri's eyes so she couldn't see what Izuku was doing to Overhaul.

Izuku :,,I will now ask you one question and you will answer me understand or I will break another finger and then another."

Overhaul :,,I...I.. Iunderstand!"

Izuku :,,Ok now what did you need Eri for?"

Overhaul :,,We use her blood to create permament quirk erasing bullets"

Izuku :,,So you tell me that you used a girl like a cow only that you cut her to get the blood?"

Overhaul :,,Yes pretty much like that."

Overhaul screamed in pain as another finger was broken.

Izuku :,,Sorry that was just for disgusting me, now what do you know about the LOV?"

Overhaul :,,Not much we had a meeting yesterday about working together but that was it."

Izuku :,,You better tell me everything you know or I will break more....."

Overhaul didn't answer or said anything but then he screamed in pain as Izuku made the blood pressure around Overhaul's heart higher so it feels like it is about to explode.

Overhaul :,,I only know about another organization we had one of them as spy in the yakuza we captured him and asked him about his organization and everything but he only gave us a name before he killed himself with a zyankali capsule!"

Izuku :,,What did he say!"

Overhaul :,,The Black Lotus is coming!"

and with that Overhaul passed out because of the pain. Miruko walked over and smacked Izuku across the face.

Miruko :,,Idiot! do you want to look like a monster or what!"

Izuku :,,I sorry, I got carried away."

Miruko :,,Izuku I know you are pissed about what he did but you literally tortured him in public!"

Miruko just sighted and patted Izuku on his shoulder before turning to Overhaul and putting quirk cancelling cuffs on him. Izuku walked over to Eri as Eri hugged him to his suprise.

Eri :,,You are not a monster."

Izuku was shocked he should be comforting the child and not the child him, he hugged her and he comforted her while they waited for the cops.

Izuku :,,and you are a very special girl."

This words brought Eri to cry, nobody ever said to her that she was special and so she cried into her savior's shoulder and cried. While she was crying Izuku looked at his hand like he just killed someone.

Izuku mind 'Am I really turning into a monster?'

New Chapter I hope you like it! Also big thanks for 60 followers you guys are awesome and I hope that my stories entertain you now and in the future.

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