Chapter 33. Training Camp and talk with a father

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No one POV.

We can see Class 1A in a bus talking to each other while they were on their way to the training camp. Kirishima and Izumi sat beside each other what got jealous stares from Shoto and Katsuki but then Kirishima out his attention towards Thalia and Izuku who were talking to Jiro and Momo.

Kirishima :,,Hey Jackbro I have a question"

Izuku :,,Ask away."

Kirishima :,,How strong are you and Grace I mean we saw you fight All Might with ease?"

Sero :,,Yeah I want know that too."

Mina :,,Me too!"

Thalia :,,Well...."

Izuku :,,We don't know either."

Mineta :,,What do you mean you don't know!"

Thalia :,,DG quirks are extremely rare so rare that nobody knows the limit of such quirks."

Izuku :,,Yeah even if the quirk in itself looks as simple like mine, I mean water manipulation you don't think it's super strong but when it is DG you always in for a suprise."

Thalia :,,Yeah one of our friends Annabeth has a stamina quirk also DG ranked." (I gave Annabeth a simple quirk hope you don't mind)

Izuku :,,Yeah she literally could run and fight for a whole day without getting tired even in armor, to that comes that she is extremely smart and knows several martial arts like judo."

Thalia :,,Yeah that's why she is one of our best fighters."

Mina :,,Who are the strongest?"

Thalia :,,Well Percy Izuku's brother is the strongest"

Izuku :,,Yeah but without his powers Annabeth would kick his ass."

Thalia :,,True"

Aizawa :,,Get out we are here!"

The class got out of the bus and saw the Pussy cats.

Mandalay :,,Hello Class 1A and welcome to youre training camp"

Iida :,,Excuse me but were is the camp?"

Tiger :,,Youre training starts with you getting to the camp just walk straigt away in this direction and you will get to it."

The class looked at the pointed direction.

Kirishima :,,But Sir how are we getting down the cliff?"

Pixie-Bob :,,That's why I am here."

Pixie-Bob laid her hand on the ground and the entire class flew over the cliff down to the ground. Thanks to Pixie-Bob they landed savely.

Mandalay :,,You have three full hours to get to camp you must get through the Beast's Forest, good luck!"

Mineta :,,Finally I need to pee!"

Mineta run into the forest to be met with the shock of his life as he stood face to face with a ground monster made from Pixie-Bob. He was so scared that he peed his pants.

Izuku and Thalia rushed to him and destroyed the beast. Izuku and Thalia then smiled.

Izuku :,,Now that is going to be funny."

Thalia :,,I have to agree."

Izuku :,,Everyone after me!"

Izuku rushed into the forest followed by Thalia.

Katsuki :,,Hoi what the fuck you think you're doing!"

Katsuki rushed after them followed by his sister and the Todoroki twins, Izumi and Kirishima and soon they are followed by the whole class. But Izuku and Thalia were much stronger, more experienced and compared to real monsters the monsters mad by Pixie-Bob were weak as hell.
And so Izuku and Thalia reached the campsite first.

Mandalay :,,Impressive, it only took you two 45 minutes to get here."

Izuku :,,What do you mean we two the others are with......."

He turned around to see that the class wasn't behind them.

Thalia :,,Izu I think we were to fast for them."

Izuku :,,No shit we left them for dust."

Thalia :,,Agreed."

Izuku then sees a boy with a red hat with horns, Izuku walked over and stretched his hand out to greet the boy.

Izuku :,,Hey my name is Izuku Jackson what's youre's?"

The boy didn't said anything and attempted to punch Izuku in the nuts, but Izuku was faster and dodged.

Izuku :,,Why is everyone going for the bread basket nowadays?"

The boy walked away angrily then Mandalay came over to Izuku.

Mandalay :,,Sorry but Kota doesn't like heroes very much."

Izuku :,,It's ok"

She walked away and Izuku and Thalia sat down waiting for their class, over two hours later the rest of the class arrived. And many of them looked done for it while two certain pomarinians looked angry at the two Demigods because they were first and not them.

Mandalay :,,It took you all more then three hours all of you will make youre own lunch minus those two." she pointed at Izuku and Thalia.

The entire class was looking more down then before. Izuku walked over to Jiro she wasn't that much out of breath compared to the others but still out of breath.

Izuku :,,You can have some of my lunch if you want."

Jiro :,,Thanks Izu but I will make it myself."

Izuku :,,Ok, but if you want some just ask can't have a beautiful girl like you starve."

Jiro blushing :,,Thanks Izu"

Thalia saw this and had a little smile on her face.

No one POV.
*same time in the HQ of the Black Lotus*

We can see Phobia sitting in his chair it was time fo another meeting of the Black Lotus but the member's weren't here yet. Phobia was just sitting in his chair as he heard someone flashing in behind him.

Phobia :,,What do you want?"

??? :,,Just wanted to see my son and how he is doing."

Phobia :,,Son? you never did anything to deserve that title Phobos." 
(Phobos is the greek god of fear)

Phobos :,,I didn't? wasn't I the one who gave you youre new name Phobia."

Phobia :,,You still not answered my question what do you want father?"

Phobia stood up and looked his father directly in his eyes what was a big mistake as he felt fear building up in his body to the point were he had a panic attack and fell on the ground. His father crotched down to his level and grabbed Phobia's head to look him directly in his eyes.

Phobos :,,I tell you exactly what I want."

*30 minutes later*

B :,,Hey Phobia are the others......."

He stoped as he saw Phobia on his knees having a panic attack, B rushed to his friend and tried to calm him down.

B :,,Phobia it's ok, everything is ok calm down, take a deep breath."

Phobia did that and started to calm down but he still was lightly frightened.

B :,,Better?"

Phobia :,,Better, are the others here?"

B :,,They will come shortly come on sit in youre chair, I will make some Jasmine tea that should get you down."

Phobia sat in his chair while B walked into the HQ kitchen to make some tea.

Phobia was thinking about that what Phobos said to him
*If you think I will simply obey you are in for a rude awakening.*

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