Chapter 34. Attack on Camp

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Izuku POV.

The training camp was hell well atleast for the rest of the class, for Thalia and me it was pretty easy, to say that the Pussy Cats weren't suprised at that would be a lie. Jiro was doing great herself physically so the Pussy Cats focused on training her quirk. As for Thalia thanks to training she managed to fly atleat 2 m over the ground what was a big sucess in her eyes but not enough in the eyes of the Pussy Cats. As for me I mostly got combat training with Tiger but after they saw that I outmatched Tiger without quirk they decided to train my "quirk" and the first thing was to see how much water I could control and let's just say by the end of that training session I had a water ball from the size of a zero pointer. Kota was looking at the training and was extremely interested in me since I also had a water quirk like him. I found out that Kota's parents was the Waterhorse Duo so I could understand now why he was like he was towards us. Also Class 1B joined in and I saw their quirks and I only have one question. How the hell is Mineta in Class 1A I mean look at Tetsutetsu or Kendo!
It was the end of the third day and Kota wasn't around at dinner so I went looking for him while the others started a game of courage. I found Kota on a mountain looking over the forest towards the camp.

No one POV.

Izuku :,,Hey Kota."

Kota :,,What are you doing here?"

Izuku :,,Well I didn't saw you at dinner or as Mandalay explained the game so I said to Mandalay that I was gonna look for you."

Kota :,,Go away this is my spot."

Izuku :,,Can't do sorry"

Kota :,,Why?"

Izuku :,,Why do you hate us?"

Kota :,,Because heroes are leaving their beloved once and....."

Izuku :,,Kota if someone chooses to be a Hero then you take into consideration that you will die as Hero, Heroes put their life in risk everyday to keep us safe even if they should die they die knowing they fought to keep their beloved safe even if they didn't win."

Kota thought about Izuku's words as they all of a sudden a wave of fire started to burn the forest.

Kota :,,Wha....."

He was interupted as he heard a crash and saw Izuku flying. Izuku laid on his back and slowly got up coughing as he held his back.

Izuku :,,What by Hades."

Muscular :,,Ah you survive interesting, hey boy I like youre head how about we switch huh?"

The hooded figure pulled down and reaveled his face, Kota nearly got a panic attack as he saw the face of the man, it was the man who killed his parents. Muscular jumped at Kota ready to kill him but Kota was pulled aside from a water rope.

Muscular :,,A fighter I see"

Izuku got up and pulled on his necklace as his trident formed in his hand.

Muscular :,,Huh what are you gonna do with that stick boy."

Kota looking amazed :,,Were did that trident come from?"

Izuku in mind *Great he is a clear seeing mortal*

Izuku :,,Beating you what else!"

Muscular had a crazy smile on his face and charged at Izuku. Izuku dodged the punch in the last second, that guy is faster then Toshinori thought Izuku. Muscular then back handed Izuku but Izuku blocked it with his trident as he was sent flying back. Izuku crashed into the mountain makind a dent in it. Muscular charged at Izuku again but Izuku put up a field guard causin Muscular to run into the trident impaling himself.

Muscular :,,AAAAAHH you brat!"

Izuku started pushing Muscular back as Muscular tried to reach Izuku. Izuku dodged under a punch from Muscular then went to upper cut him what nearly did nothing to Muscular.

Muscular :,,Nice try kid."

Muscular then brought up his hands as muscal fibers started to sprout around it as he tried to punch down on Izuku, saying he tried as his arms were holded back

Muscular :,,What did you do!"

Izuku :,,Kota, I need water!"

Kota shot more water out of his hands as Izuku let go of the trident and his hands began to be covered by water.

Izuku :,,Well as you may feel I am controling youre blood."

Muscular's eye went wide as he realised that he was fucked.

Izuku :,,Water....."

Muscular tried to get free from his control but to no avail.

Izuku :,,FIST!!"

The water that covered Izuku's arms were shot at Muscular at high speed and it hitted his face so hard that Muscular went flying, as he hit the ground in a loud thud he was out cold. Izuku's trident appeared again around his neck and Izuku breathed heavy those punches probably broke some bones.

Kota :,,Jackson!"

Kota run over to Izuku to look if he is ok.

Kota :,,Are you okay? Where did that trident come from?"

Izuku :,,I will answer youre questions later come on we have to get to Mandalay and the others."

They tried to start wlking away, but they heard someone shoot behind them. Both of them turned around to see a figure with a smoking gun pointed at Musculars head. Muscular was dead now.

Izuku put Kota behind him to protect him.

Phobia :,,It has been a while since we last saw Maelstorm."

Izuku recognised the face of the man.

Izuku :,,Wait you are the guy that I captured during my internship."

Phobia :,,Phobia is the name."

Izuku :,,What do you want?"

Phobia :,,Just you"

Phobia pointed his gun at Izuku.

Izuku silent :,,Kota if I say run you run to Mandalay and the others do you understand?"

Kota just nodded.

Phobia :,,Now let me see what you are made of son of Poseidon!"

Izuku was shocked as Phobia just said that but he snapped out of it pulled on his necklace and his trident appeared in his hand again. He got into a fighting stance.

Izuku stared into Phobia's and Phobia into his. There was silence for nearly a minute the only thing to be heard was the wind, the fire and the others fighting of the attacking villians. Then Izuku screamed.

Izuku :,,Kota run!!"

Kota took off as Izuku charged at Phobia. Phobia shot at Izuku two times one shot missed and the other one hit Izuku's shoulder but Izuku kept charging at Phobia. Phobia dodged a thrust from Izuku's trident, he got behind Izuku's guard. Phobia then pressed his hand over Izuku's mouth and nose, Izuku trief to free himself but it was to late. Phobia's second quirk activated and Izuku fell to the ground unconscious. 

Phobia :,,Now get you to this idiots."

Phobia picked up Izuku and went towards the meeting place.

Phobia :,,Now this game reached it's peek."

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