Chapter 11. The plan

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Izumi POV.

I was currently at the dinner table with the Bakugou's and Todoroki's without Touya. Our families got closer again two years after Izuku disappeared only Touya was still distant to us I mean he don't even talks to Shoto and Shoka, but I can understand him Izuku knew alot about quirks and helped Touya alot with it he even gave him tips how to use it without burning himself and not only that Izuku also helped Touya to talk it out with his father so he owes Izuku alot and he was more then mad at us as Izuku was gone. We were eating and talking after the dessert my dad brought out the sake so me, Katsuki, Shoto, Shoka and Katsumi went to my room I had to tell them about my findings.

Katsuki :,,Now Izumi what do needed to show us that bad?"

Izumi :,,I found something interesting."

Katsumi :,,What is it?"

I got a picture of Izuku and then showed them a picture of Jackson. At first they were confused until Shoka catched on.

Shoka :,,You think Jackson is Izu?"

Izumi :,,Yeah!"

They looked at the pictures again and then Shoto spoke up.

Shoto :,,Izumi that is crazy Jackson can't be Izuku only because they have the same first name doesn't mean they are the same person. I mean Izuku isn't a rare name alone in Musutafu are probably a thousand people with the name Izuku. Also Izuku was quirkless and Jackson has a DG quirk."

Katsumi :,,I am with Shoto I mean ok they look much alike but Izuku's hair were green with black highlights and his eyes were dark green, Jackson's hair is pitch black and he has weird cyan colored eyes (it's aquamarine) he also has no frekles how did you came to such a conclusion?"

Izumi :,,His scar over his left eye was the first hint the scar is there were we.... I gave him that bloody wound."

Katsuki :,,and the second was when he stopped my quirk by the entrence exam he controlled the sweat on my hands even before I could throw a explosion at him as if he knew how my quirk worked even before I used it."

Izumi :,,exactly!"

Shoto, Katsumi and Shoka looked at Katsuki as he said that. Then Shoto took both pictures and looked at them closer.

Shoto :,,He has no frekles he could be wearing make up to cover them, his eyes could be colored contact lenses and he could have dyed his hair."

Katsumi :,,Are you three crazy even if he looks like Izuku the main difference is that Izuku had no quirk and Jackson's quirk is extremely powerful."

Izumi got out her phone and showed them a article about DG quirks.

Izumi :,,In this article is everything described DG quirks manifest very late compared to other quirks research shows that DG quirks can't be found through tests they just manifest that's why in the USA are several tests when you don't develop a quirk at the age of 4. Scientist also found out that the cases of DG quirks outside of the USA became more."

Katsumi realizing :,,But as Izuku was tested they where manly in the USA meaning that Japan never maked test for DG quirks."

Shoka :,,meaning that Izuku could have been misdiagnosed."

Izumi :,,Exactly!"

Shoto :,,But we forget one big thing."

Izumi :,,And that is?"

Shoto :,,Izuku was pulled under water he couldn't have done that to himself and second Jackson comes from New York how the hell should Izuku have gotten there?"

Izumi :,,True but we will find that out as soon as we know if Jackson is Izuku so everyone on board for mission Jackson?"

Katsuki :,,I am on if he is really Deku then I am going to beat the shit out of him."

Katsumi :,,I am in aswell, I hope you are right Izumi."

Shoto :,,Me too"

Shoka :,,Me aswell."

No one POV.

As those 5 were talking we zoom to another place in the town, we can see an allyway and a entrance to a bar. In the bar we could see a man made out of black mist and a pale man that was wearing decapitated hands and was talking to a man over a screen.

Shigaraki :,,Master everything is ready All Might will accompany those brats to the USJ there we can kill him and that's not the only thing we found we also have something very interesting for you."

AfO :,,And that is?"

Shigaraki :,,A file of one of those brats his name is Izuku Jackson and his quirk is water mainpulation."

AfO :,,I had hundreds of water quirks already what is so special on that one?"

Shigaraki :,,Well master his quirk is a DG quirk he can control water in it's smallest form he even can make tornados with it."

AfO :,,A DG quirk huh I heard of them but they are mostly in the USA, good work Tomura a DG quirk is a very rare find and I never had one in my collection."

The Man in the screen began to laugh thinking that he could get a very powerful quirk that could even beat one for all alone. But what he couldn't know was that you can't steal godly blood.

Author Note:

Hey guys this chapter here is shorter then the other ones I am a bit lazy today so yeah.
Next Chapter will be about the USJ and I also wanted to say that my Izuku Newgate story will start as soon as I finished my Road to Vienna story that story is only 3 chapters away from being finished so yeah I hope you understand that I don't want to many storys runningat the same time.

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