chapter 12- first graders and high schoolers

Beginne am Anfang

"Bye my friends! I'll see you all next year!"

"Bye Ms. Anand!" I couldn't stop grinning. This job was so fulfilling. My heart felt so full. I was about to walk outside, when I saw one of the 7th or 8th graders sitting outside in the cold, on the steps.

I walked up and sat next to them, and placed my bag down.. It was a girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her. Her lips were in a thin line.

"I'm fine." I got a little worried. What was she doing out here in the cold?

"What are you doing out here, after school in the cold?" I asked her.

"My dad forgot to pick me up, and I have to wait for him I doubt he's going to come."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Fiona."

"I'm Ms. Anand, Fiona. I can drop you home if you like? I'm a teacher at this school, I promise, I wont let anything happen to you." I told her, showing her my ID card.

"Okay." She says.

"My car is over here. Come with me."

I climbed in, and she got into the passenger seat.

"What grade do you teach?"

"I teach first graders." I tell her, smiling. I was surprised that she wanted to make a conversation with me.

"Fiona, can I have your address please? I'll put it into the GPS." She gives it to me. I try to make small talk with her, to make her feel comfortable.

"Have you been going here since kindergarten?" I asked.

"No, I moved here just last year. Everyone already knows everyone. It kinda sucks." I hum in sympathy.
"You'll find friends soon enough. Once you find the right people, you're all set for life." I tell her, smiling at her.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asks.

"Would you like me to be mean to you?" I ask her, joking. She cracks a small smile.

"No, I think you're a pretty cool teacher." My heart warmed.

"I think you're a pretty cool student." I winked at her.

"What grade are you in?"

"I'm going into high school next year. I'm honestly kind of nervous about it."

"Wow high school! There's a completely different building for high school, so that should be fun. I'm sure you'll meet tons of new people. The teachers are wonderful. I'm sure you'll be fine." I reassure her. I pull up into this shady looking apartment complex. Her face changes the minute I pull in I park the car.

"Fiona are you okay?" I ask her, concerned for the girl.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'll probably be spending Christmas alone this year, that's all." She's about to walk away before I stop her.

"Fiona, wait. Here's my number. Text me if you need anything. We can go shopping, or hang out, I'm here. We can even spend Christmas together if you want." I told her, giving her a smile.

She smiles back.

"Thanks teach," She salutes at me, and I chuckle.

"I'll see you around Fiona! Don't be nervous for next year!" I tell her with a smile, and she walks away, shutting the car door, and looking back at me. I hope things work out for that little girl.

I pull out and drive home, thinking about the wonderful day I had. Meeting that girl, and all the things my students had done for me today made me feel so happy. I suddenly realized that I hadn't got Christmas gifts for anyone yet! Shit. I made a mental note to stop by later tomorrow.

I pulled into the driveway and put my bag down containing all of my presents from my students and rushed back downstairs, eager to open them. A few weeks ago, I bought a small christmas tree and some ornaments, plus some that my mom and brother had sent to me a while ago and decided to decorate. I put up stockings, hung ornaments, and played some Christmas music. I realized that I was doing all of this alone. I was about to call Anvi and Nyra, when I saw in our group chat that Kaio had fallen sick. That sucks. Anvi was going to bring him soup. I texted Noah.

Me: Hi kitty

Sexiest man alive: hi bugaboo, whats up?

Me: Kaio's sick and is at Nyra's place. Wanna go see them?

Sexiest man alive: sure, i'll be at your place in a few.

Me: Okay, sick. See you soon :)

Coffee Idiot: see u soon

A couple minutes later I heard a car pulling into the driveway and I came outside.

"What are you wearing?" He asked laughing.

"Im wearing my rudolph sweater whose nose can light up and black leggings." I say with a straight face, and then start laughing. I have my boots on but I forgot a jacket. Im so dumb. I started shivering.

"Where's your jacket?"

"I forgot it in the house, I'll be right back." I tell him and am about to walk in. He pulls me into him and hugs me, and rubs my arms up and down."Feeling better?"

"A little, thank you," I tell him, my cheeks a little red. He smiles and pulls me into his car, and turns the heat on full blast.

"Thanks Noah, I tell him," Butterflies fluttered in my stomach because of his warm gesture. He's so sweet. He takes off his jacket.

"Here, you'll be warm in this." My cheeks flush again. Why the hell do I keep blushing?

"Thanks kitty."

"Anytime bugaboo."


I love their nicknames OMGG! They are SO CUTE!! i love this chapter! Thanks for reading! If you liked the story, please share, comment, and click the star! Love you all!



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