Chapter 68: The Final Battle

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Your P.O.V

When I regained Consciousness my head was resting in Levi's lap. When I turned to the left I noticed his leg was badly injured. "Levi!? What happened!? Your leg!" "Oh don't worry about it, it seems we won" "Wait you're telling me it's over!?" 

"Yeah, take a look" Sitting up I watched as Levi pointed to Eren's titan that was now in shambles, an odd worm thing was meters away. But as soon as Armin emerged from the hole he had been currently residing in, Eren appeared, but he was now a colossal titan just like Armin.

"Damn it, so much for victory!" "Shit, we thought we had it!" Rising to my feet I watched as the two began to duke it out. It didn't take me long to recognize the gas that was being emitted from the worm. 

"Shit Levi I have to get out of reach" "Why!? What's wrong!?" "That gas from the worm! It's not normal! It's like Rocaco all over again!" "Wait you can't turn into a pure titan though!" "Yes, I can! Kyuseishu was liberated from me when I used his light!" 

"Wait!? What!?" "I really don't have time to explain, just catch me ok!?" "What!?" Not giving Levi anymore of an explanation I used my ODM gear to launch myself high enough in the sky, escaping the gas before it reached everyone.

I knew what it meant for the others but I didn't want to think about it. I know for a fact once we stop Eren the others will return to normal so I had to keep hope. I watched as Levi got Pieck and Mikasa aboard Falco. He flew high enough to catch me just as I asked.

"That was a close one (y/n)! You better tell me what the hell is going on!" "Like I said using Kyuseishu's light liberated his soul from me, he was protecting me from going titan and without him, I'm just regular old me"

"So if you die, your dead for good now!?" "Yes, but he told me something before he left me completely" "Which was?" "He said I have my own strength and that this battle would soon come to an end" 

"So the bastard finally gave you something, what a lame parting gift" "Oh whatever, something is better than nothing!" While we bickered we didn't notice Pieck jump off till it was too late. "Pieck no!" "It's fine! I'm the only one who can help Reiner and Annie now! You three keep going!" 

She gave us a huge smile and thumbs up before turning into a titan, assisting the others on the ground. I didn't dare look over, I didn't want to see Jean or the other's as pure titans. Not now, not ever. "Alright, we're gonna have to kill Eren so get your heads out your asses and into the game!"

"Already way ahead of you!" Although Levi and I were focused, Mikasa was anything but that. She was clutching her head and for a solid five minutes, it was like she was out of it. She was holding her head and we became worried. With the state we were both in it was clear that Mikasa was going to have to be the one who delivered the final blow.

"Mikasa please! Snap out of it! We need you!" "Mikasa get your head out of your ass! Come on!" It took her a few more minutes, but when she finally came to she pulled the scarf she had been hiding in her shirt out, wrapping it around her. "You With us now?" "Yeah, let's do this"

"Falco! Get us as close as you can to Eren!" Doing as Levi said, Falco got close and we loaded our thunder spears. Levi aimed for Eren's left front tooth while I aimed for the right. We both jumped at the same time and watched as a huge gap was made for Mikasa. As she went in, Levi and I landed on Falco.

"You think she will be able to do it?" "I didn't want to kill Eren but he made it clear that was our only choice, I wish I could have talked to him one more time" "I know" Levi pulled me into a hug, and we watched as Eren's titan went limp. When it did something strange happened. Falco began falling from the sky, while the other pure titans were beginning to become human again.

I quickly realized that Levi was in no shape to protect himself so I held onto him and crashed against a stone slab. I knew for a fact that some of my ribs and left wrist were broken. Trying to stop an impact like that wasn't the easiest thing. "Holy shit (y/n)! Are you ok?" "Kind of, what about you?" "Yeah, as good as I can be"

Levi quickly moved himself next to me, resting his head against the stone slab aswell. "We did it, we really did it, we stopped the rumbling" "Yeah but we lost so many on the way" "I know, but you and I made it out alive" "Yeah we did, didn't we" we smiled at eachother before the smoke that was fogging every inch of the grown started to disappear.

As it did, all of our fallen commrades were standing infront of Levi and I. "Levi do you..." "Yeah I do" Erwin and Hange were looking at Levi all while Eld, Petra, Oluo and Gunther were looking at me. My wish to see them all one last time came true, it had to be Eren's doing, there's no way it wasn't! "You guys see all this? I devoted my heart till the end you know"

Peeling my eyes away from them I watched as Levi saluted to them for the very first time. "Levi" "Don't miss your chance to say goodbye love, it'll be a long while before you see them all again" Nodding I returned my focus to everyone. They were smiling, and it made me so happy. Before the smoke finally cleared I saw one last person.

It was Kyuseishu and he was smiling at me. The tears I had been holding back for a long time now finally came to the surface. It was finally over, we really won.

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