Chapter 42: The Two Month Gap (Cont.)

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Week 5- Your P.O.V

"Why didn't you save us?" "You let us all down, you're weak, you were supposed to be the one we relied on" "What a shame" Starring at my bloody commrades, each one dropped to the ground. I wanted to scream, to move, to reach out but I couldn't.

Levi was the last standing, and he had a pairing blade sticking out of his chest. "You did this to me, I hate you (y/n)" Then he dropped aswell.

"LEVIIIIIIIIIIII!" Coming to, my breathing was unstable and it was pitch blackoutside. The reoccurring nightmare I've been having has started to happen almost every night for the past week. I looked to the left of me to see Levi wasn't there. Did he go to the bathroom or?

My question was answered when he walked back into the room followed by the kiddos. "What is..." "Alright brats you know what to do" as if on cue Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha and Connie enveloped me, holding me tight. It wad the dead of night but here they were coming to comfort me. I returned their embrace, leaning on them.

"Thank you, you guys" "Captain told us your nightmares have been happening a lot more" "So Sasha told the captain to wake us up if you had it again" Peering up at Sasha she had a huge grin on her face. "I read in a book that hugging someone when they are in distress makes them feel better but also safer!" "Thanks, seriously, I feel much better now that I have you all here with me, I should be ok now"

"Well, you heard her/him/them, back to bed!" "Sir!" They all gave me one more hug before returning back to their own rooms. Levi and I followed their lead and climb back into our bed. When we were laying down he pulled me close, calming my nerves. The next thing I knew I was out like a light again

Week 6- Your P.O.V
"Wow, it's a lot more dreary than I thought" "You can say that again, but it's where I lived for quite some time" "It makes sense why you didn't grow much" "You think your so damned funny huh?" "Pretty much" playfully nudging Levi's shoulder, he let out a sigh.

Today we were exploring the underground for any orphans. By royal decree of Queen Hisu herself, we were to round up any orphans we found and send them to the surface where she could greet and take them to their new homes. When Hisu brought it up Levi and I were the first ones to volunteer, we knew what it was like to grow up without parents. 

Collectively we have found at least seven children who were orphaned. The guard we had with us took them to the surface and told us to keep going. I wasn't sure how long we had been walking around but we came to a sudden stop. "Levi?" "This place" "Huh?" "This is where Isabel, Farlan, and I used to live" Levi pointed to the abandoned house in front of us.

"Oh wow, it's still unoccupied?" "Yeah, I made sure no one could ever get it in" "Why?" "It's the last standing place where the three of us lived happily, I wanted it to stay like that" "That's a sweet notion in itself" "Yeah" A real smile had found its way onto his face when I looked at him again. There were only so many things that made him smile like that. 

He took my hand and intertwined it with his, leading me away from the building. As I took one more glance I could have sworn I saw those fallen comrades Levi spoke so highly of.

Week 7- Your P.O.V

"We really have to do this?" "Yes, I'm sorry, we finally have enough time to get around to it and we need the space, I figured you want to take care of these four" Standing in the desolate hallway, I felt my heart sink. Due to the new recruits moving in, it was finally time to clean out our fallen comrade's rooms.

Levi left me to take care of Oluo's, Gunther's, Eld's, and Petra's rooms. I haven't been down this way since they died a few months ago. It brought back too many pained memories. Unfortunately, I had no choice, the task was bound to come around sooner rather than later. I conquered Gunther's room first. He had left behind a simple journal and a letter addressed to his parents, I would have to make sure I got it to them at some point.

Kare no Senshi (Levi Ackerman x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें