Chapter 56: Am I A Traitor?

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Your P.O.V

The Marliean soldier escorted me a few blocks down before opening the door of an abandoned building. When I walked in the place was filled with the scout regiment. "Captain Levi is upstairs with the rest of his squad" Thanking the soldier I made my way to the upper floor, passing new and old faces. 

Before I could ascend the stairs, I was stopped by a certain blundering idiot. "(y/n), long time no see" "Hello Floch, kind of thought you were dead" "Ouch, is that how you greet an old war buddy?" "I've never liked you, so let's not pretend that I did" "Oh come on, we're all here for the same goal unless your a traitor that is" 

"Oh piss off!" I pushed past him and ascended the stairs. He always knew how to push my buttons in all the wrong ways, it made me wonder how he survived over Marlo, If I could have it my way, I would trade them in a heartbeat. By the time I reached the top, all eyes were on me.

The odd part was, not everyone was present. Hange and Armin were missing and it seems Eren hasn't made his presence known yet. "Where's Hange and Armin?" "Not here, Armin has a job to do before he joins us" "Figures, Hange must be with him then?" "Something like that" "I kind of like the new uniform, black suits the scouts a lot better"

"Oh haha, very funny (y/n)" "What I'm just saying" "Alright, enough of that for now, (y/n) once you get changed you're coming with me, Mikasa is on standby near the stage, Connie and Sasha you take care of any stragglers, and Jean you lead Floch's group" 

"Got it!" "Now get to it, We are minutes away from acting on Willy Tybur's declaration of war" Taking my uniform from Jean, I walked over to the bathroom and changed into it. My cape was the last to be put on and it felt like old times. "If only you could see me now, Eld, Petra, Erwin, I've come a long way since then" 

The last thing I put on was the new ODM gear that was left for me. It had the same mechanisms but came with a few thunder spears. I decided against it and left the bathroom with just the pairing blades. By the time I got out Levi was the only one left in the room.

"The fighting has begun, you ready?" "Yeah, let's go, I have a certain grudge with a stash faced murderer!" "As much as I would love to let you do that we can't remember?" "Huh? Why not?" "Cause we're working with Zeke, that's why" "That's bullshit" "I know, trust me I understand how you feel but we can't kill him until we've activated the rumbling"

"The rumbling?" "I explain that on the way home, for now let's get out there, they need our help" "Alright, let's go" and with that we both jumped out the nearest window and soared through Liberio with our ODM gear.


I wasn't sure how many people I had taken down, or where the hell I was, everything was blurry after I jumped out the window with Levi. All I knew is I was standing on a roof top, watching Jean and Floch bicker.

It made me wonder if Kyuseishu took over. My question was answered when I felt Kyuseishu link to my sub concious.

Indeed I did.

Huh? Why!?

Your mind was wavering, and your partner had no complaints

Why give me control back now?

The fight is almost done, so you won't have to make to many hard choices now

Wow, how gracious of you! There was no reason for you to take control!

You'll thank me later when you and Levi talk

But will I!? You had no right Kyuseishu! I was fine!

You can say that all you want, but you truly weren't, you spent four years in this place and you've grown attached to the enemy. You wouldn't have been able to take any if them down, especially the jaw titan

What did you do to Pok!?

Nothing, it was your partner who did, I'll let you go now, for the fight is about to take a turn, I'll speak with you after if you like

Piss off!

Dropping the link to Kyuseishu, I looked around me to see everyone was gone again. "Shit, I needed to find the others, I needed to know what the hell was going on!" I took off down the streets of Liberio and stopped in my tracks when I saw Pieck fly off the building, burnt to all hell.

When she emerged from her titan, Falco, who came out of nowhere, threw himself infront of her. I then looked in the direction he was staring and Jean had a thunder spear pointed at him.

"No!" Without thinking I descended down to Falco and threw my arms around him, attempting to protect him from Jean. Luckily the thunder spear missed. I let go off Falco and looked him in the eyes. "Please don't ever do something stupid like that again!"

"Me!? What about you!? Where have you been!? Why are you wearing the enemies uniform!?" "Isn't it obvious Falco!? (Y/n) is a traitor!" Looking over Gabi had her gun pointed at me, and was ready to fire. "Thats not true! (Y/n) wouldn't betray us!" "Your delusional Falco! (Y/n) has her/his/their memories back!" "If that's true why would (y/n) protect me and Pieck!?"

"I... I don't know" "See!" "We can sort this out later! (Y/n) help Braun and Grice get Pieck inside" "Sir!" Pulling Pieck free from her titan, I helped Gabi and Falco bring her into the nearest building. I knew Jean and the others were watching me, and I knew it didn't look good for me at all.

For some reason my mind was scrambled. Maybe Kyuseishu was right, I couldn't bring myself to kill those on this side of the sea, it made me wonder if Floch was right aswell. Am I a traitor?

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