Chapter 3: The Afternoon before The Reconission Mission

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Petra's P.O.V
Just like we promised, this morning Eld and I picked (y/n) up from the infirmary. It seemed last night's events were still fresh on her/his/their mind, I don't blame her/him/them, Commander Erwin basically said she/he/they had the spirit of an old warrior who protected us from the titans alongside the king.

She/he/they haven't/ hasn't spoke a word since we retrieved her/him/them. Today's mission was coming faster than normal and we have no idea what she/he/them is thinking. We all need to be a team working in unison but how can we when we are all worried about her/him/them. Although they don't like her/him/them all that much, Gunther and Oluo were just as worried. I wondered if somehow we can get her/him/them to open up.

"Uh oh, someone's thinking way too hard over there, you gonna be ok?" That voice...

Looking up (y/n) was smiling at me. The smile that I was sure wouldn't return after last night's event. It was like all the feelings she/he/they had disappeared inside of her/him/them. I couldn't help but become even more worried. She/he/they was withholding how she/he/they felt again, but yet she/he/they could still smile that famous smile of her/his/them.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I was just racking my brain for this evening's formation. Your riding behind us all. So it'll be so odd!" "You could say that again! I have to stare at the back of Gunther and Oluo's heads!" "You'll survive if a bad haircut is to take you down we all don't have a chance in hell on bringing the titans to their knees!"

Eld's P.O.V
Watching Petra and (y/n), I couldn't help but wonder, how long could we all stay like this? Last night taught me that the unexpected will always occur and that we have no control over the future but it also taught me hope will come again, it will always return to you.

So I'll continue to hope that we can stay like this, that we can continue to live and take back what the titans took from us all those years ago. I know they feel the same way and they will continue to fight, especially (y/n). She/he/they found out that she/he/they has/have the humanity's saviors soul inside of her/him/them, so she/he/they know her/him/their strength will always be there.

I want those smiles to stay on their faces till the end.

Oluo's P.O.V
Gunther and I watched as Eld, Petra, and (y/n) made their way across the barracks. It was good to see the three of them cheerful this morning, if they ever found out I thought something like that I would never hear the end of it.

"Don't worry Oluo, I was thinking the same thing, those idiots being able to smile makes the whole damn place light up, she/he/they may not be my favorite person but she/he/they mean a lot to Eld and Petra so I'll respect her/him/them for that" "So you're saying if they didn't like her/him/them you wouldn't respect her/him/them?"

"No that's not what I meant! Jeez, your such an idiot sometimes Oluo!" "I was clearly stating your intentions, still she/he/they has/have had an impact on those two, they never used to smile the way they do now" "I suppose your right, maybe her/him/them being apart of the team isn't such a bad thing after all"

Looking at Gunther this time, I watched as an idiotic smile spread across his face. Damn all that greenie had to do is smile and she/he/they can make anyone do the same.

Gunther P.O.V
I knew what Oluo was thinking when I smiled. He was right, she/he/they had that effect on everyone, it seemed although I told him I didn't favor her/him/them, she/he/they is/are growing on me.

I wonder what she/he/they were/was thinking especially after last night. When Commander Erwin said she/he/they had the spirit of an old warrior within her/him/them we couldn't believe it. It almost seemed like it wasn't true, but living titans trump the depth of what is believable.

Even if she/he/they did feel anything but normal I know we wouldn't even know, she/he/they is/are good at hiding her/his/their feelings. She/he/they never opened up to anyone and only ever shared if asked. The only ones who can get some kind of information out of her/him/them these days are Petra and Eld and even then it was only in small amounts.

It's not anything to be worried about now, she/he/they had two morons who were more than capable of helping her/him/them when she/he/they needed it. For now, I'll stay in the background with Oluo and watch her/him/them, just as I was doing before.

With this new information I had to be alert, titans weren't the only thing I had to worry about now.

Your P.O.V
I felt the eyes on the back of me as I walked with Petra and Eld to the stables. I knew who they belonged to. The other two idiots in our squad.

I knew exactly what they were thinking and I was cautious of myself as well. I figured out what triggered my attacks and now I know what to avoid. I also knew that I couldn't hide behind my emotions anymore, that I had to smile in the face of uncertain fear.

So I vowed to myself last night after everyone left that I would continue to fight even if I felt pain. Others would say that it was an honor to have humanity's savior residing within them but I beg to differ. Having these attacks so an old soul can continue its unfinished business hurt me every time.

"Eld, Petra can you do something for me?" "What is it?" "If I lose control again, and if I ever come to hurt any of you will you end my life" I knew asking them to do this was inconsiderate but it had to be done. No one knew, not even myself knew what this old soul really wanted. If what Erwin said was true he would be protecting everyone, not trying to take down those around me.

"So? Will you?" "We don't want to but if it's your wish then we will" "Thank you, seriously thanks" they didn't reciprocate the feeling but as I said, I couldn't let this old soul get the best of me, not now, not ever.

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