Chapter 4: The Reconission Mission

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Your P.O.V
20 minutes before the mission

"Hey (y/n), you and Gunther need to switch positions in today's formation, Erwin wants you near me at all times" "He thinks I can't be trusted Captain is that it?" "No, it's because I was the only one who was able to bring you back when you were attacking me"

Staring at the Captain I couldn't help but blush a bright cherry red. Why did he have to say that to me, I don't want people to get the wrong idea? "(Y/n)? You with me still?" "Unfortunately yes, did you need something else from me?" "Yes, that rule extends to when we deploy the ODM gear" "I figured as much, we should probably gear up now, we shouldn't keep everyone waiting"

Present time

"Damn, why that again?" "Is something wrong (y/n)?" "No, just racking my brain that's all" "Don't overthink it too much, we have to focus on the mission at hand" "You're telling me that now spacey brains?" "Take that back!" "Never"

Petra pouted and I playfully stuck my tongue out. Somehow Eld and her always knew how to get me refocused. I didn't realize that we had come to a halt until I heard the crowd get hyped up. Everyone was shouting random things at the section commander and the captain. It was odd, any other time they would just on look I wonder what was different.

"Look guys, it's the scouts!" Looking to my left I saw a group of cadets from the 104th Cadet Corp, gleaming up at us. "Isn't Captain Levi cool Mikasa?" "I suppose but I think she/he/they are/is way cooler" the girl named Mikasa pointed at me and I couldn't help but blush.

If only she knew the truth, would she still admire me the way she did? "Mikasa is Right Eren, that's the infamous Soldier in Red! She/he/they were/was the one who destroyed 50% of the titans that flooded into Shiganshina that day" "No way! Are you sure it's really her/him/them Armin!?" "Yes! It looks like she/he/them even made her/his/their way into Levi's squad!" "Told you Eren, she/he/they are/is kick-ass"

I couldn't help but smile at the three of them as they bickered who was the best between Levi and me. I hope they can stay like that and enjoy their childhood, even if some of them join the scouts I swear I'll protect them if it'd the last thing I Do.

"They always come to see us off you know" "Huh?" "You haven't noticed?" Looking to Eld I couldn't help but wear a perplexed look. "No I suppose all the times they did, I never paid attention much, off in my own Lala land you know" "That doesn't surprise me you space cadet" "Same to you Eld!" Before he was able to counter again we started to move, leaving the safety of Trost and entering into the titan-infested Wall Maria.

It hasn't been that long since we were here last but I couldn't help but to feel slightly sick. The breeze from riding on horseback helped settle those nerves and allowed me to recover quickly from a potential attack. That was way too quick, why did I have to have so many damned triggers? I'm like a jack in the box, continuously winding up until I explode.

Jeez, since when did I become such a crybaby. Suck it up (y/n), you are strong and you can get through anything the title of Soldier in Red was not handed to just anyone after all. "Focus (y/n), take deep breaths the last thing we need is for you to lose it in the middle of titan territory." "I'm fully aware captain, my mind is clear and the breeze we are receiving is keeping me cool" "Good, now.." watching as Captain Levi stood on his horse I noticed that we had arrived at one of the outlier towns.

"Eld, Petra you cover the southeast with Abel and Jessalyn" "Sir!" "Gunther, Oluo you go west with Moblit and Hange" "Sir!" And like that, they engaged their ODM and took off. "Captain what about me!?" "You're coming with me, Erwin is waiting for us in the central part of this town, let's go" "Sir!"

Standing on my horse as the Captain did, I engaged my ODM gear and sored through the sky, maneuvering swiftly through the town. Apparently, I'm the only one who can maneuver as quickly as Captain Levi. It didn't shock me though, just like the captain I had prior training before joining the scouts or even the cadet corp. My mother used to be a part of the garrison Corp and taught me how to use ODM gear at the age of 13.

She would always scold me for going too quickly and wasting the gas. In time I learned the trick to both speed and preservation of gas, awarding me the same position as the Captain. It made me wonder, does he...

"(Y/n)!!" Realizing that I had sunk into the dark corners of my thoughts I hadn't noticed the titan about to chomp off my leg until the captain called to me. If he were any later, then I definitely would have died. Since he saved me at the last minute I maneuvered around the titan and took my blades slicing straight through the nape. It fell and unfortunately broke more of the structures.

This is why we try to avoid fighting titans here because we don't want the foundation to fail. When the citizens of Wall Maria can return to the homes they lost five years ago I'm quite sure they would be cleaned up nicely since they are probably going to be responsible for the growth of livestock again.

That's why we do what we do when engaging with the titans, we are humanity's saving grace after all. "How many did you kill?" "Huh just the..." looming down at the titans below us I couldn't believe my eyes, six more titans were disintegrating. "I don't understand! I didn't lose control!" "You sure?"

"Only kidding those are the ones I took care of, lighten up (y/n)" watching at the captain took down more titans in his path. I couldn't help but sigh. Jeez, he always does something weird to get my heart pumping.

When we reach commander Erwin, we are going to discuss his dry humor.

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