Chapter 6: Redeeming Trost

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Your P.O.V
Come on (y/n) faster! Faster! You need to go faster! It's already taken you way too long to reach Trost so push!

By the time I reached Trost my horse was exhausted and I was met with a 15-meter titan making its way to the breach with a huge boulder. It's almost as if it was going to plug the hole. I knew I wasn't going to make it in time so I scaled the wall, stumbling as I felt the impact of the boulder being slammed in front of the breach.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, a 15-meter titan had successfully plugged the wall, saving Wall Rose and the entirety of the human race. What was even peculiar was that the same boy I saw all those hours ago was emerging from the nape of its neck. I hadn't noticed Armin and Mikasa until they were pulling him out of the nape.

Their safe, you didn't have to worry, you knew those three were different

Naturally, I descended into Trost, killing any titans who had come in my path. Rushing over to the trio I noticed Eren was unconscious. "Mikasa, Armin, I'm so glad your ok, Eren as well" they both gave me odd looks for the sincerity that I had given them.

"I know you don't know me personally but you were there that day weren't you" "Wait!? How did you know!?" "I saw it in your eyes, all three of yours" "How..." and that's when I felt the ground beneath me shake again, turning around I was met with Captain Levi.

"You kids mind telling me what the hell is going on, and (y/n) scale the wall and rendezvous with Petra and Eld" "Captain I just can't" "That's an order now go!" Not being able to resist his command I turned to Mikasa and Armin. "Meet me on the other side later ok? We need to talk" "Yes mam!" They both saluted me before I scaled the wall. Jeez even after a battle they still found a way to be formal.

I couldn't help but be a bit upset, I suppose punishment was in order for rushing off as I did.

Eld's P.O.V
When she/he/they got to the top of the outlier wall to Trost, she/he/they looked down again, as if she/he/they was/were waiting for something to occur. "Hey, frowny face let's get moving! The quicker we eliminate the titans the quicker you can meet with whomever you seem to be staring at from up here"

I suppose that got her/his/their ass moving again because she/he/they began to jog over to us. "What's the plan?" "Gunther and Oluo are taking the north quadrant, Abel and Jessalyn are taking the south quadrant, Moblit and Nifa are taking the west, and the three of us the east" "Why is so little of us being dispatched?"

"The Commander believes in our skills and says no need to spread our troops thin" "What about Miche, Nanaba, and Gelgar?" "Oh sorry I forgot to mention them, Miche to the north, Nanaba to the South, and Gelgar to the west" "Wait, why the three of us? We don't have our captain or a section commander" "That's what we said but again the Commander put his faith in us"

"Of course he did, that man sure does love his gambles" "you can say that again, now let's get going, the person with the least kills gets cleaning duty for the rest of the month" "Oh that's so cold but you're on!" "Yeah, Eld! Try to keep up!" And like that both of them jumped off the wall, engaging their ODM gear halfway down. Time to get going it'd be sad if I let those two beat me.

Petra's P.O.V
Several hours passed since taking out the titans assigned to us, any lingering ones the garrison were told to deal with.

In the end (y/n) was victorious in our little contest and Eld was not. Somehow I managed to get one more kill than him. Although he is a superior fighter I am much more agile, just like the Captain.

"Boom Eld! In your face! Oh, you so are stuck with our cleaning duties!" "No backing out either, if you try to I'll tell the captain, you know how he feels about half-baked bets." "Yeah I'm aware, but don't think I won't want a rematch on our next mission!" "Oh, it is so on blondie! Petra and I are totally gonna sweep the floor with you!" "Then it's settled but this time if you lose it'll be 2 months of the other chores!" "Deal"

Watching those two go at it the way they do make me smile. It was like looking at two siblings, having a ferocious spat about stupid things like chores. It was refreshing really. "Well, Imma head out" "Huh why?" "Our duty is over for now and I have two kids from the cadets I'm gonna go meet" "Kids? Your only 5 years older than them, your still a kid yourself!"

"I'll have you know I'm 20 years old thank you very much" "20 and reckless" looking back and forth between the two I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter. There they go again, bickering about something so redundant like age.

Eld was right though, (y/n) was still just a kid, not tainted like the rest of us. I hope somehow any spark she/he/they lost will return and light an even greater fire under her/his/their ass.

Your P.O.V
In-between arguments with Eld I managed to sneak peeks at Petra. She wasn't really all that talkative today but the look she wore on her face said it all. She was reminiscing about the good times we were having, etching the memory into a new spot in her head.

It was nice, being able to joke after today's events, even after having to travel hours back to try and make it in time. From the total count so far many casualties occur from both the garrison and the cadet corps. It made me wonder how many new recruits we were going to get.

But something like that could wait, on the other side of the Wall Armin and Mikasa were waiting for me and I didn't want to keep them any longer. "Alright, I'm seriously going now, if the captain comes back and asks where I am tell him I went to see Cadet Mikasa and Cadet Armin" "Will do be safe!" And with that, I descended onto the fields of Wall Rose.

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