Chapter 49: The Undeniable Gift

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Your P.O.V
No one knows true pain

"How many did you kill?" "Huh just the..." looming down at the titans below us I couldn't believe my eyes, six more titans were disintegrating. "I don't understand! I didn't lose control!" "You sure?" "Only kidding those are the ones I took care of, lighten up (y/n)"

Not until they've realized

"Hey, stranger, what's up?" "You have a second?" "Of course, talk to me" he took the seat from the desk next to my bed and sat on it, giving me this insanely crazy look. "Uh oh, did I do something?" "No I came to check in on you" he grabbed my hands and flipped them over, unwrapping the bandages. "Almost all healed, can you hold your blades?" "Yeah I can"

Looking up at him his eyes were smiling again, causing me to blush extremely hard. What is wrong with me lately, why did seeing Levi like this cause me to become flustered? "You ok? You're not running a fever are you?" "No, I'm ok"

That the one thing they loved most in this cruel world

I found myself becoming tired from all the fighting as we sat there waiting on the others to join us. "If you're tired feel free to use me as a pillow, we still have a long journey ahead of us" not even debating him, I sat as close as I could to Levi before placing my head in his lap. Normally I would have gotten flustered and denied, insisting that I was fine but this time I didn't care.

Before drifting off to sleep Levi started to say something but it was incoherent. The only words I could make out were sad, appreciate and protect. I didn't understand why those words stood out the most but they did. The last thing I heard before completely passing out was sorry.

Was out of your reach.

At first, I wasn't sure why until he took my head and placed it gently against his. I couldn't help but to blush profusely. "Lev...Levi, what's wrong?" "Nothing, everything is fine"

Nothing hurts worse than thinking

All those times we spent together were more than just simple.

Levi has saved me over and over, bringing me back from the brink each time. When I lost it, and Kyuseishu came forward he was the one who got rid of him and set my conscience free. Every time I was hurt or injured he was always there. He was the first face I saw when I woke up after thinking I died.

He scolded me but in the end, ultimately rejoiced that I was still living. He always made sure I was well and always made sure to help me keep my emotions in check so I didn't lose control. All those feelings that I bottled up have finally come to the surface.

The feelings of respect and admiration were so much more. At times I found myself having this goofy smile when his eyes were smiling and other times when the simplicity of his touch was enough to bring nothing but a smile to not only my lips but my heart. I was an idiot for never realizing it now, to afraid of the true and raw emotion I was feeling.

Levi is more than just my captain, my friend, and my comrade, to me Levi is the man who erased the circle I kept closed around me. Levi was the man I loved and that's why I trusted him with this task more than anything. If what my mom used to tell me when I was younger was true then love does conquer all.

If I manage to make it back I'm making a promise to tell him that I love him, and even if he doesn't reciprocate the feeling that was alright, because being around him, being his second in command, the one he leaned on the most would be enough as well.

That the love of your life, the one you cherished most

I love you...

Those words began to play themselves on a loop inside my head. Levi said the one thing I thought he never would, he said the eight letters I found myself longing to hear. He loved me, he fell in love with who I was, and for that, I couldn't help but to smile like a dork.

I thought back to what I said before he killed me. Levi is more than just my captain, my friend, and my comrade, to me Levi is the man who erased the circle I kept closed around me. Levi was the man I loved

I loved him, and he loved me. That was it. Period.

Has not only given up on you but even has forgotten you in the process.

My heart began to flutter when I realized what Levi was motioning for. Heat rose from my stomach, settling in my chest. Levi's lips were getting closer and my heart began to skip a beat. I shut my eyes and parted my lips, and his met mine moments after. The way his lips felt against mine, was like that of warm waves. The pain in my head was now far from mind.

The only thought on your mind is the last conversation you had, wondering if those eight letters were ever mentioned.

"Keep those kiddos alive you hear me?" "Yeah, life would be super dull without them huh?" "Yeah, it would" I give my best smile to Levi, getting ready to descend into Shiganshina.

I didn't want to think of saying goodbye. That means I know I would never see him again. But it seems he had other plans because he stopped me, pulling me into him. He left a quick but tender kiss upon my lips, leaving me slightly dazed. "I know you can't die officially but try not to use any more of those lives you got going for you" "Yeah, I'll try not to, you stay alive ok?" "Yeah"


Staring at Pok, I did my best to hold back any signs that our little science experiment, did indeed work. "Hey, sunshine? Are you with me still? You look dazed"

"Yeah, I'm still here, it's just, nothing happened" "Huh?" "Nothing at all, you put your hand on my head and nothing, I spaced because I got bored" "Oh jeez, now I feel stupid!" "Don't, we tried our best, we will have to try something else another time"

"Yeah" Standing, I made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" "To get some air, it is a beautiful day outside" "Yeah, but don't be too long, Pieck should be here soon" "Awesome! Can't wait!"

Leaving the infirmary I made my way to the roof and let the tears I had been holding back fall. Ymir's gift to me, for not questioning her further and trusting her that day in the castle, was both kind and cruel.

I felt her energy come through, the last bit of life force that flowed through Pok. If I ever got the chance to see her again, I'll have to thank her properly. For Ymir is the reason I shall have hope.

Kare no Senshi (Levi Ackerman x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon