Chapter 24: The Beast Titan (Cont.)

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Your P.O.V
Flipping my attention between the Beast Titan and Pure Titans I couldn't help but to question how the hell we were going to handle this. How this damn monkey got in, in the first place is beyond me. I didn't have time to focus on that though, I have to figure out how to trigger Kyuseishu.

He was the only one who knew stuff about these special titans! I am strong and could take them out but Kyuseishu is more competent with these things, I need him to shed light on this situation. No more like we all needed him. Before we assumed I just had his power but as we moved on we learned that he is just as alive as the rest of us.

"Kyuseishu if you can hear me I give you permission to take over my mind, use my body as your guide, we need your help, so please don't leave me hanging" "I see you've finally chosen to speak to me instead of ignoring me"

Holy shit! Holy shit that actually worked?? "Of course it did, I've been here all these times, I only take over when your mind is in distress" "I'm in distress now!" "You're actually composed because you have a clear objective, you want to dispatch the titans around you, and for that, you do not need me, you're are strong all by yourself" "Wait! I do need you!"

"I'll give you the answers you seek once you've completed your objective now go" and like that Kyuseishu's voice disappeared. Why didn't he want to help us? Why is this the one time he is deciding to keep to himself!?

"(Y/n)!" Turning around Nanaba and Gelgar had returned with everyone else. "Good, keep them safe because I'm going after that!" I pointed to the Beast Titan climbing the wall. "How are you even going to do that?" "The titans are surrounding the castle!" "I'll use the back and then the small number of trees to my advantage" "That's suicide!"

"We can't just let it get away!" Turning my head to the 104th, they seemed fixed on the Beast Titan, especially Berthodlt and Reiner. The look on their faces differed from the rest. Something told me they knew who that is and they are hiding something. When I take it out well all have a nice little chat.

"Nanaba, Gelgar, the rest is left to you!" Engaging the ODM I made my way to the wall, striking down any titans who dare to get in my way. I noticed halfway there that he began to throw boulders! His accuracy and precision were astonishing for a 17 Metter titan. I know without a doubt in my mind he had intelligence.

"Oi! Beast Titan! Why don't you pick on someone who can actually fight back!" My sudden screaming appeared to grab his attention. "Ahh, another human, maybe you can be more helpful than the one with the scuffed up face" wait he didn't mean...

"What did you do with Miche!" "Why don't you come up and we'll have chat, there's something different about you" The beast smiled and I wasn't too sure if I should. Would he try to grab me and kill me if I came any closer? No, that didn't matter, not now anyway, I need to know what he did to Miche!

Maneuvering to the wall and over to the beast titan, I made sure to stand quite a bit away from him. "Speak you damned monkey! What did you do with Miche!?" "Oh, you still are curious about the scruffy one? Well if you want to know I took his machine and left him to the titans"

He left...
He left Miche...
  No, God No! Not...
   Not Miche, he got...

"YOU BASTARD!" Engaging my ODM I managed to sink my gear into his left arm, allowing me to gain a straight path towards his nape. Whoever is inside of this son if bitch was going to pay!

Well, that's what I thought, it wasn't until he had me by my cape that I realized I was screwed. "Mhm, you really are different, let's see if this works the next time we meet you'll return home with me, and you'll have no choice at all" what was he?

I didn't realize it at the time but little did I know I made a huge mistake coming up here all alone. He snapped my spine, paralyzing me before he let go. Then I hit the wall hard and started to feel fuzzy. I couldn't move or talk or reach out. All I could do was stare.

The beast titan was gazing down at me, was he pleased with his work? I knew what was coming when a distant light started to come into view. I shouldn't have come up here but I suppose it's ok, cause now I could see them again.

Armin's P.O.V
By the time we all arrived, Utgard castle was in shambles and the titans were hoarding around in a group. Did they get everyone? Are they fighting over their corpses!? It wasn't until I heard Christa scream that I realized they were all ok.

I made my way over to them as everyone else began fighting. I knew I wouldn't have been much help so I decided protecting them would be best. "Armin!" "Reiner! Berthodlt! Connie! Christa! You guys are alright, but where's Ymir?"

They pointed in the direction in which Hange was now standing on a pile of titan corpses desperately trying to get to the middle. "Wait the titans got her?" "No, and Yes, Ymir is a titan just like Eren" No...

We didn't calculate this as part of the plan! We were betting on Reiner and Berthodlt being humanity's enemies but Ymir too? Which side is she on? Is it safe to assume our side because I'm sure she was the one who saved them all or their side? Maybe Ymir felt bad for Connie and Christa and decided to help them while helping her comrades.

No, I couldn't think about that, not now. Refocusing my attention I looked back at them all. "Where's (y/n)?" "We don't know, she/he/they told Nanaba and Gelgar she/he/they were/was going to dispatch the Beast Titan but he is long gone by now and (y/n) is nowhere in sight" "You don't think" "No! (Y/n) is way strong! There's no way! I'm sure she/he/they are heading after it right now or maybe even resting on the wall because she/he/they are out of gas!"

I had to say these things because I didn't want to see the truth awaiting us on top of the wall. If (y/n) was easily destroyed by this new titan shifter how do we even stand a chance?

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