Chapter 21: To Our Fallen Comrades

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Your P.O.V
"Wake up sleepy head, the longer you lay on my lap the longer the Brats are gonna stare" I felt someone poke at my face as I said this but I decided to ignore it. Must be a part of the dream I was having or something

"Come on (y/n), do you really wanna give these brats something to gossip around the dinner table?" Dinner table? Is someone eating? Wow, this dream is really weird. "Tch, Jean any ideas on how to wake her/him/them up?" "Not really, she/he/they have been like that since adolescents" Jean? Why would the voice know Jean?

And like that, that's when it hit me. Oh shit, this isn't a dream and when I open my eyes I'm gonna be big-time embarrassed! I rather be stared at than teased so the pretend sleep game it is!

I could feel the Five of them staring at me and I couldn't help but want to crawl up in a ball and die.

"How is she/he/they still asleep? Even after moving her/him/them from the damn carriage!" "Like I said, Captain she/he/they have been like this forever, I already told them everything I knew was similar to (y/n)'s knowledge" "Tch what a fickle brat" "No offense Captain but you could have let (y/n) lay on the bed" "Your right but she/he/they looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb that, I have insomnia so I would know"

That's right, Levi doesn't sleep all that much, I remember the times I would find him reading a book in the mess hall with a cup of tea. Sometimes I would join him if I had a nightmare and couldn't fall back to... wait a minute! Did he just admit to placing my head back on his lap!?

Becoming flustered I pretended to stir and flipped towards him so the others couldn't see. I opened my eyes and looked at him with bright rosy cheeks, using my eyes to beg with him to take me away.

"Alright kiddos my legs are starting to get numb, I'm gonna go lay this one in the room next door, also don't breathe a word of this to anyone" "You got it, Captain!" Levi picked me up and carried me away, wearing a smug look as he did. "I was wondering how long you were gonna play the sleep card, I knew you were awake after I mentioned Jean's name"

"As long as we were in that room! Why didn't you try to wake me in the carriage!?" "I did but you are a heavy sleeper, I'm surprised you woke up after I mentioned Jean's name" "I came to my senses by then, that's why, also you can set me down I can walk" "Uh-huh, but I owe you for helping me out a few hours ago"

"No thanks! Like I said helping you was a reward in itself! Besides your leg is injured!" "Alright, alright you win" he set me down and I instantly put some distance between us. "Thanks, for letting me sleep or whatever" "Whatever huh? You really are peculiar (y/n)"

"Well uhm that's me! I'm gonna go finish taking that nap now, bye!" As fast and non-sealant as I could I sped walked into the room that was a few more feet from where I had been previously standing. Jeez, I'm such an idiot! There Levi was finally opening up and acting like his normal self and I went and screwed it up like an idiot!

What was even more frustrating was not knowing why I felt this way! I was happy he was finally opening up to me but I was also flustered when we engaged in normal conversation. Why? There is no way in hell that I'm starting to fall for the Captain! It had to be something else I'm sure of it!

Sitting on the bed I laid back and racked my brain for a feezable answer, coming up with absolutely nothing in the end. Maybe I'm still tired, God knows what the human brain does when lack of sleep is present.

I'll get some rest and figure it out later, closing my eyes the last thing that I thought about was Levi. Jeez, what's my problem!?

Several Hours Later

Placing a bundle of flowers on each grave, I sat in front of my fallen comrades. It only had been a short time since their passing but I couldn't help but to feel the urge to cry.

"Hey Oluo, I'm sorry for all the times I chased you around and threatened to end your life, I didn't mean it, we were always butting heads but I think it's because we were more alike than different, I wish we could have worked things out, I know it doesn't mean much now but I really did hold you in high regards, you had my respect"

I grabbed a yellow rose from the bouquet I was still holding and placed it on his grave, moving onto Gunthers. "Hey Gunther, I know we never spoke much or really even acknowledged one another but I just want you to know that I admired you, I was always afraid that you didn't like me and it sucks that you died never knowing this, I'm so sorry for being so damned pig-headed I wish you can forgive me one day"

Just like Oluo, I grabbed and placed a yellow rose onto Gunther's headstone, moving onto Eld's. "Hey you old lug, I'm not really sure if you can hear me or not, or if I'm just talking to myself at this point, but I miss you and it really sucks that I was never able to tell you the truth. I'm glad Eren told me that you didn't die with hate in your heart, I'm so sorry that I didn't stay to protect you, I promised I would and I broke it, I love you so much, I wish you didn't have to leave me as you did"

Taking the bouquet of roses, I split it in half, placing them next to the flowers I had already set down. I looked to Petras tombstone and couldn't help but want to cry. "Petra... Petra I'm so so so so sorry, you of all people were robbed, you were still so young and you had your life ahead of you, I knew you and Oluo had a thing I wasn't dumb, I know we didn't get along all that well but I wish you would have told me! I hope you two are living happy lives with one another, I love and miss you so frigin much that it hurts"

Placing the last bit of flowers on Petra's grave, I sat like normal, looking upon those I once shared laughs and smiles with. "You guys suck, why did you have to leave me?"

"They didn't leave you, or me for a matter of fact, they just weren't strong enough" that voice... Looking behind me, Levi approached in his black suit. "You came" "Why wouldn't I? They were my comrades too" "You're right" patting the spot next to me he politely declined.

"As much as I would love to I can't, something big happened and I need you to come with me" "Oh no what happened?" "Wall Rose has been compromised, the titans got in"

Kare no Senshi (Levi Ackerman x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora