Chapter 26: For All The Time That Was Lost

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Your P.O.V
"Levi, come on" grabbing his hand I pulled him away from getting into an altercation with one of the garrison soldiers. It's been a few days since I've been awake and the people weren't happy about it. They blame me for the soldiers that were lost at battle. I didn't mind but Levi for some reason was absolutely livid.

Lately, he's been extremely protective over what others had to say about me. I found it cute in a way, the way he cares for me, it felt nice. No one had cared for me like that since Eld and Petra, well besides Jean of course. "We can't walk away from these freeloaders!" "Yes we can, we need to get back to our base safely without tag alongs"

"Fine" he stopped resisting and allowed me to hold his hand the whole time, when we got to our horses he let go. "We should probably get back soon!" "Agreed, the last thing we need is for Sasha to eat all the food again" "You got that right"

His once stern scowl was replaced with a relaxed look. I wondered what was going on inside of his head, he rarely shared but when he did it was only so much. On top of it all, we discovered that I can die and come back to life so of course, Hange wanted to try it out.

It's supposed to happen today and I've felt nervous. When I was in the void Kyuseishu said I shouldn't know death unless it was natural so if I was killed by the hands of another human or titan I would resurrect, like Pheonix's do. It's weird to think about honestly.

I suppose Levi could tell what I was thinking because he looked back. "I won't let anything bad happen, if I didn't believe in your or Hange's crazy plans I wouldn't follow through" "I know and I trust you completely, it's just I've only died once and I'm still freaked out about the whole thing, while in the void kyuseishu said I wouldn't know death till it came naturally"

"You told us that much but is there more?" "No, not really he just told me to keep going and not to give up" "Seems about right, that old geezer wasn't much help a few weeks ago" "Yeah I know, you wouldn't let me forget after you gave me an earful for losing my cool" "Technically I was hoping he would come out but I guess he was hiding"

"He didn't come out to help me when the Beast Titan Paralyzed me and then dropped me like a rag doll" I hadn't realized that he felt guilty about this till he fell silent, turning back around. He wasn't there that day because his leg injury prevented him from using the ODM gear.

I could tell our old squadmates' death were still fresh on his mind. It made me want to reach out, pull him into a long embrace and tell him that I feel just as responsible, but I haven't and I don't think I will. If I did I'm not sure he would be the same after.

"Oi!, Space cadet, your gonna run into that tree" refocusing I made my horse stop, realizing I was seconds away from having a wounded horse and a wicked concussion. "Tch, I'll make you go back to riding with Jean if this keeps up" "Sorry sir" "Tie your horse off and let's go, it's time to see if those brats did as I asked"

Doing as he said, I walked over to the stables and placed Maximus with the others. "Sorry for almost hurting you again boy, please forgive my utter idiocracy" it seemed he understood me because he let out a long neigh before happily munching the hay left for him. Good to know they actually fed the horses.

Before I could even reach the house Hange, and their squad were making their way to the cabin. "Hange!" Waving them over, they said something to Moblit before approaching me. "(Y/n)! It's so good to see you out and about, I hope Levi didn't work you too hard today" "No, just had to break up a fight that's all" "Really!?" "Yeah, for some reason he keeps doing that when someone brings up me and the fact that I should have stayed dead and was a complete nuisance"

"Which bastard was it? I agree with Levi let's make them eat their tounges" "No, No! Seriously it's fine, let them talk, it's whatever anyways" "(y/n)" I could hear the concern for my wellbeing in Hange's voice. I guess I had let my true feelings show a bit.

When the townspeople and the garrison soldiers and the Mp's started to talk I honestly didn't care all that much, not until I saw a crying child look at me with desperation in her eyes. Her father was one of the soldiers who lost their lives when everyone went to save Eren.

If I had gone, I would have been a great help, I knew it and the townspeople, the garrison and the Mp's knew it too. If I didn't act selfishly if I would have stayed with the others then I could have helped them all. Connie and Historia told me that in the end, the Beast Titan did flee.

There was no need to go after it but I still did it, I was no better than...

"(Y/n)!" "Huh!?" Snapping out if Hange was giving me a disappointed look. "If we gave in to every rumor, every negative comment and opinion thrown our way we wouldn't be strong, I know it's eating you up but what happened, happened and all of us in the Scouts are glad your alive and safe, especially your commanding officer" When Hange said that they happened to wiggle their eyebrows at the same time, causing me to blush.

Jeez! They are like the fifth person to do that to me! It wasn't like that! Levi and I had a mutual respect for each other, it wasn't anything else, right?

"Well love-struck Soldier in Red time to head in, I've got something I want to discuss! So let's get going I'm sure Levi is done yelling at the children now for not completing their tasks" "Ugh! For the fifth time, it isn't like that!"

Hange completely ignored me and headed inside, leaving me a bit flustered and agitated. Jeez, will everyone just give this whole Levi and (y/n) thing a break!?

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