Chapter 7: The Fall of Shiganshina (Mikasa's Remeberance)

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Your P.O.V
Not even seconds after we touching the ground on the other side of the Wall, Mikasa and Armin came rushing my way, not looking the least bit happy, what could have happened in the several hours that I was occupied?

"(y/n)! They took Eren!" "What do you mean they took Eren?" "As soon as we scaled the wall with Eren in tow the military police were waiting for us, they took Eren saying his fate was to be decided in a few days" "Damn them! Stupid nobles, always shoving their damn noses in places they don't belong, don't worry, Eren is safe, something tells me Erwin and Captain Levi are probably with him now"

"What makes you so sure?" "The Commander has a knack for sticking his nose into things as well, only difference is he is good at it" "But Eren!.." "Will be ok Mikasa, I'll probably be allowed to see him because of Hange, so when I do see him I'll find you again ok?" "Alright" "Now to the other order of our business.." "Shiganshina right?" "Yep, how did you know we were from there?"

"Like I said I saw it in your eyes when you watched us take off for our mission earlier today" "But how?" "The other two you were with had the look of innocence and hope whereas the three of you held the hell of this world in yours, I knew because they were just like mine" "I guess I understand now, we got told that a lot"

"It's unfortunate really, you were no younger than ten or eleven back then huh" "Yeah, we were just kids back then" "You still are, you just grew up a little!" "So are you (y/n)! Your five years older than us! That barely makes you an adult" chuckling I couldn't help but think back to what Eld told me earlier.

I suppose he was right. I had just recently turned twenty years old a month and a half ago. Back then things as a teen were tough, the only difference now is that I had amazing teammates and friends who filled that void.

"What's so funny?" Snapping out of it, I refocus on both Armin and Mikasa again. "Nothing don't worry" "Alright if you say so" "Speaking of" "Mhm?" "Can you tell me what it was like for the three of you that day? If it isn't too traumatic" "Your better off asking Mikasa, she experienced so much more than me"

Mikasa P.O.V
"Are you sure Armin?" "Absolutely, I'm sure Eren wouldn't mind either, she/he/they are a survivor just like us" "Alright"

Five years ago, It was like any other day in Shiganshina, many hours before the wall fell, Carla asked Eren and me to go chop some firewood. I ended up doing most of the work while Eren napped under this great big oak tree but I didn't really mind all that much, it was the least I could do for the boy who saved me.

A few hours passed and before waking Eren I noticed a few tears stream down his face, it was concerning, but before I could touch him he shot awake asking all of these weird questions as if he didn't know who he was. As a kid I didn't think much of this and walked with him back to our house, carrying the firewood.

On our way back he insisted on seeing the scouts return since his dream was joining you guys. That day everyone was judging them hard and saying the old commander should retire, but Eren thought differently. He watched in awe as his heroes came back from hell and managed to keep their heads high.

Some of the adults didn't like it and Eren tried to pick a fight but I saved him from himself before he did. We ended up arguing about it on the way home and I remember being so angry with him that I went and told his parents about his aspiration to join the scouts.

Carla wasn't happy with this and gave him a stern talking to whereas Grisha asked him why he wanted to join the scouts. I don't remember his exact answer but it was along the lines of taking back humanity's lost freedom, this seemed to inspire something inside of Grisha so he promised Eren if he behaved he would show him the basement when he got home.

When Grisha was almost out of sight Carla and Eren began to bicker again resulting in Eren running off. Before following him Carla made me promise to always look after Eren, even though she said this to me it was always my intention too, Eren isn't the rashest person.

When I finally caught up with him, he was running to attack the bullies that were terrorizing Armin, I managed to scare them off but Armin and I never told him that he didn't do it. We all made our way to the river bank and talked for what seemed like such a long time. Everything seemed fine till the ground shook so tremendously hard it knocked the three of us down.

Quickly recovering from the shock, we ran to where a group of people had gathered and watched as the Colossal Titan emerged from thin air and kicked the gate of Shiganshina in, allowing the titans in. Many people died from the initial blow by flying debris.

Our house was a casualty, when Eren and I reached Carla we found that her legs had been crushed and she was stuck under the house. Eren and I tried and tried with all of our might to free her but we had no such luck, when Hannes arrived we thought we had a chance to save her but in the end, he was too weak.

Eren and I watched as the smiling titan killed Carla. It was anything but unforgettable. By the time we reached the boat, the Colossal Titan had breached Wall Maria. We didn't see much action after that because the boat had taken off minutes before. On that day Eren made a declaration to kill every Titan. Little did he know that he ends up being an Intelligent Titan Shifter.

"It was just as bad inside of Shiganshina then it was Wall Maria huh?" "Unfortunately yes, when we reached Wall Rose word spread about a soldier who almost took out half the Garrison!" "Yeah that's kind of embarrassing" "Not to me, your kick-ass"

I watched as she/he/they blushed a bright cherry red. It seems she/he/they don't/doesn't receive compliments all that much. It pained me, she seemed like a capable and worthy Scout to me.

"I guess it's only fair to share my view from that day huh? Listen closely cadets, your in for an earful"

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