Chapter 37: Twenty Minutes

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Your P.O.V
Twenty Minutes, that's the time we had between our current destination and the Reiss's Estate. Twenty nerve wracking minutes. We have no clue if Hisu and Eren are ok, and we have no idea if Kenny and His elites are with them or not.

I guess I must have been drowning out the current conversation because I felt a hand rest ontop of my shoulder, it didn't take me long to realize that it belonged to Levi. "Were you listening to a word we said?" "No, sorry, I'm just worried about Eren and Hisu" "We all are, but you can't go spacing on us, not now" "I know, I'm sorry"

"Now that your mind is present again, we can revisit the plan" "Which is?" "Ambush them, they will no doubt be waiting for us" Looking at Levi, I found myself peering at him with the stupidest face. He did realize that an ambush is something you do when their guards are down, how the hell do you ambush someone who is prepared.

"I know what your thinking and I know it sounds stupid but if we can take them by surprise, and break up the battle field we can thin out their numbers" "I understand that and all but how the fuck are we ambushing them?" "With the surprise bombs"

Jeez, I don't like the sound of that. "Where are we gonna get these so called bombs?" "Easy, we already have them" I didn't understand what he meant at first, until he motioned to the supply of gasoline, smoke launchers and matches that were being trailed by Jean and Sasha in the supply cart. "Your not gonna..."

"Yep, the battlefield will be masked in smoke, giving us the proper coverage we need" Proper coverage huh? I see, his crazy plan was coming together bit by bit. If we weren't trying to have a conversation I would kiss that man.

"Now that we're all on the same page I wanna discuss something" "What is it?" "It's more directed towards Mikasa but I have a feeling you know something about it" "Oh go on then" Levi leaned against the frame of the cart and locked eyes with Mikasa. "Kenny's last name is Ackerman, and it seems that's yours aswell, do you know if he is an uncle or something?"

"Possibly, my dad told me the Ackerman Clan were driven out of the walls interior years before I was born, and it caused the clan to become spread out, that's why he lived in the mountains, my mom's people suffered the same fate and well thats how they met" "Tell me, did you ever awaken a certain kind of power?"


Holy shit, he isn't talking about the power of the Ackerman Clan? If he knew all this time than why did he find himself in a tizzy when he learned of Kenny's last name? "Yes, in the mountains when Eren and I took out those criminals when we were nine" "Well, it seems it's a special power bestowed to the Ackerman Clan, The same thing happened to Kenny and then to me when my friends died all those years ago"

I could tell he was waiting for me to speak up, say something, anything, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It wasn't my place to tell him that he was an Ackerman, it was Kenny's. As much as I despise the dude, if we can can him on our side, then life would be so much easier, Levi's life would be so much easier. He would finally be able to get the whole truth and place the missing puzzle pieces in their right spots.

But do to my fear and lack of communication, we didn't speak much after that. I knew that he knew that I was holding back. How do you tell the man you love that he has family who is still living, even if there was only three left including himself. One was sat across from him and the other protecting Rod Reiss. The whole thing made my stomach churn.

Levi's P.O.V
As soon as this battle was over and we get Eren and Historia back, I'm going to confront (y/n) about what she knows. That way she can tell me all there is to know about the Ackerman Clan and the powers bestowed upon those born into the bloodline.

I'll make sure to choke them out of Kenny first, that bastard owes me for not killing him out in the street yesterday. "Levi" "Huh?" Snapping out of it, I noticed we had arrived at the Reiss's estate. It seems the 20 minutes went by faster than expected. "Alright, let's unload and get these things inside, we only have so much time left, If Eren is still somehow alive then we gotta get him out"

"Historia too captain! You heard what Eren told Hange! Reiss might turn her into a titan to eat Eren!" "I know! Now stop getting you panties into a wad and get the shit inside, the faster we work the quicker we get the hell out of here" Jean nodded in response and continued loading things into the Chapels Foyer.

It didn't take long, but as Connie carried the last barrel into the Chapel, you could tell the air had become dense. "Listen up kiddos, from this point on we will have to kill in order to get to Eren and Historia, if you aren't ready for blood on your hands then your free to talk away"

When none of them budged one bit I knew that their minds were made up. The lot of them couldn't be older than sixteen and they were already willing to risk it all to take back humanity's one fighting chance. I was proud of them, they pushed their fears aside.

"Listen, if we make it out of here alive, you kids won't have to do chores for a long while, just know I'm proud of you" I'm not sure how but moral seemed to increase after giving my speech, the atmospheric change spoke for itself. Now it was truly time, for the counter attack to begin.

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