Chapter 2: The Night before The Reconission Mission

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Your P.O.V
Ever since Captain Levi left I haven't been able to sleep a wink, I can't help but think about the attack I had. I didn't understand them at all, why did death bring out the worse in me?

It happened for the first time Shiganshina fell When my best friend pushed me out of harm's way and perished at the hands of the armored titan. I passed out because I had the worse sick to my stomach feeling. When I awoke I was being detained by the military police for violent behavior even though I had slained half of the titans that flooded Shiganshina.

Then again when Oluo made me so furious that I ran away, collapsing in front of my old childhood home. This time I attacked poor Eld and Petra who was just concerned for me. I head-butted the crap out of Eld apparently and practically took Petra down with a single kick.

Each time I ended up hurting someone or something out of pure blinding rage. The others said Captain Levi has had episodes similar to mine but he had the ability to control it. When they did I asked a good friend in the Mp's to do a background search on him.

Levi is a part of this clan called the Ackermans. They gain inhumane strength during trivial times. At first, I assumed I had to be a part of that clan as well but both of my parents came from wealthy aristocratic family's. So I was able to rule that out completely.

I was at a loss because I couldn't rack my brain for any right answer. Since then I haven't been able to find a logical answer. I tried to once before but somehow section commander Miche caught wind of my plan and stopped me right as I took the plummet straight off the outlier wall of Trost.

I was scolded by almost every commanding officer in the regiment and then twice over by Commander Erwin himself. Let's say if I ever did try to do it again not to speak a word to anyone. Not like I would be able to anyways, Petra and Eld are with me 24/7 lately, and they wouldn't let me test anything if it meant me falling to my possible doom.

"Oh (y/n)! Your awake!" Looking to the door Eld and Petra had made an appearance. "Are your ears ringing? I was just thinking about you both" "No but I'm glad we were in your thoughts" "What can I do for you guys?" "We wanted to check on you, deny it all you want but the three of us are a trio now" "Oh my, and how does Eld feel about this?"

"Eld doesn't mind, Eld enjoys the company of his two favorite people" and like that my mood was instantly lifted. Eld talking in the third person the way he did leave me gasping for air from my laughing fit. "Come on (y/n), it wasn't that funny" "Eld you have never spoken in the third person before even I am having a hard time containing my laughter" "I'm glad to see the both of you enjoying yourselves"

Petra and I looked at each other and continued to laugh hysterically. I know I've only known the two of them for a little less than a week but they were my home. Unlike the two in front of me now Gunther and Oluo didn't seem to favor me as much but I didn't mind.

There is never a dull moment when the Levi squad is around. "In all seriousness how are you feeling? We saw that you had another attack" "I'm fine now but what about the two of you!? I heard that I hurt you both" "We're fine, I swear, Eld won't stop talking about the way you head-butted him though!" "How can I not! It was incredible!" "Jeez you two are ridiculous"

"Yes, we are! Sorry, we can't free you, it's just Commander Erwin wanted to keep you restrained to test one of his theories, we never know what's going on in that man's mind" "You could say that again" we all shared another laugh before they stood up. "We hate to leave but with tomorrow's reconission mission we want to be well-rested, we will come to get you in the morning." "Good! Bring me a change of clothes please"

"Of course, see you then" waving the two off I watched as they disappeared. The once bright room dimmed itself leaving me in the dark, letting the silence suffocate me. I hated being in the dark it reminded me of how alone I really was, without the Levi squad I was nothing.

Feeling this caused another episode, at that moment I felt dizzy, nauseous and I couldn't see straight. I felt myself falling again and I was unable to stop. My body felt like a brick of led and the falling feeling was there still. One minute I was half-conscious and the next I was out like a light.

It's happening again...
The urge to destroy was there...
  Why was this happening again...
   Was the darkness too strong......

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Snap out of it! Open your eyes damnit!" Shooting up, I was surrounded by my comrades of the special operations squad, as well as Hange and Erwin. But I heard the Captain's voice, where did it...

Looking down I couldn't believe it. My hands were wrapped around the Captain's throat. I was pinning him down on the floor, not allowing him any room to escape. I was horrified with myself, I couldn't help but stare at the sight below me.

Was this what the Commander wanted? Did he want to see what would make me tick, to see if it came down to it if I could beat the Captain in a fight? Is this the outcome he was really shooting for? This theory of his was it worth the pain I was feeling now?

"(Y/n), are you with us? Can you hear me?" Nodding, I let the Captain go, standing with my head lowered. I felt the stares and the uncomfortable tension in the room. It was unbearable and I wanted to cry but I didn't. I decided keeping it in was better than letting it out.

"Damn it, Erwin, if you knew this was going to happen why me!? Obviously, she/he/they is/are not ok" "I knew you could handle it, and I knew that she/he/they held much strife within her/his/their heart, I apologize for the way I went about with this experiment but it had to be done" "Did it!?" "I'm with Levi on this one, Erwin this could have turned dangerous"

"Your right Hange but, it was the gamble I made on whether my theory would be correct. (Y/n) (l/n) is really (y/n) Kyūseishu, humanity's light" "What the? You're not making sense Erwin spill" "In the history books it said a long time ago that Kyuseishu, was the savor against the titans, using their power to keep humanity safe, she/he/they hold the power of Kyuseishu within her/him/them, that's why when she/he/they has/have an attack she/he/they blackout"

Kyuseishu? Humanity's Savior? Experiments? I couldn't help but be astonished. I held the spirit of humanity's oldest soldier, I wonder why I didn't know this until now. Also if Erwin suspected this why didn't he say anything!?

"Damn it Erwin we could have gone about this a better way!" "Your right but like I said this was the best way to prove it, I'm sorry (y/n), I hope you can forgive me" "or course captain, I do" I couldn't help but to think that in the end, I'm the one who is supposed to save us all!?

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