Chapter 12: The Night Before the 57th Reconnsion Mission

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Your P.O.V

Journal Entry #3
It's been a month since I've joined the Levi squad, the colossal titans' attack and all the huge bombshells that came within that time. The first being Kyuseishu and finding out Jean and everyone else was still alive.

I didn't know Jean was going to list in the 104th Cadet Corp, so when I heard Trost fell to the titans I was scared. For a week I waited to hear anything about deaths and the Kirstiens never came up. So I either assumed they were missing or they were so dismembered that they were unrecognizable.

When I saw him arrive with the rookies I was jumping for joy on the inside, my little cousin, the one I grew up with, practically one of my other half, was ok. Since then I was lucky to be able to train him and some of his friends, I believe their names were Sasha, Connie, Reiner, and Berthodlt.

They were all so amazing to work with and they picked up the need-to-know basics so quickly. I was right when I said the 104th Cadet Corp were a different breed. The sad thing about it is that I was also right about my instinct.

I don't know who it is yet but the Colossal and Armored Titan is within the 104th Cadet Corps Recruits.

Closing my diary, I placed it underneath the broken floorboard near my bed. It's how I keep it safe from idiots like Oluo, the last thing I need is for my diary to fall in the wrong hands. Contrary to belief but if the Mp's saw half the things written in there I would most likely be interrogated and then executed.

Unfortunately, that's how our messed-up world works.

Knock, knock, knock

"You can come in, it's unlocked" quickly straightening my bed, I sat as Levi walked in. "Hey, stranger, what's up?" "You have a second?" "Of course, talk to me" he took the seat from the desk next to my bed and sat on it, giving me this insanely crazy look. "Uh oh, did I do something?" "No I came to check in on you" he grabbed my hands and flipped them over, unwrapping the bandages. "Almost all healed, can you hold your blades?" "Yeah I can"

Looking up at him his eyes were smiling again, causing me to blush extremely hard. What is wrong with me lately, why did seeing Levi like this cause me to become flustered? "You ok? You're not running a fever are you?" "No, I'm ok"

He finished wrapping my hands with the new bandages he brought in with him, settling back into his chair as he did. "Levi, not to be rude but you don't always come to see if I'm ok" "You're a tough cookie, I don't have to check in on you if I know you're ok, but since your hands were injured I wasn't able to tell, contrary to belief but I do care about you (y/n)"

Just like that, the flustered feeling I was having started to make my head rush. Why!? "Uhm, Levi is there any other reason you came?" "Yes, there is" "Are you sure I'm not in trouble?"

"Yes I'm sure, but your answer depends on what follows the question I'm about to ask"

Question? What question? Just thinking about it made me become even more flustered than I had already been. "Listen up, cause I'm only saying it once, the day Sawney and Bean were killed, someone used ODM gear to do it, it had to make you think, who is the real enemy here?" Huh? He couldn't possibly be asking me what I already had suspicions about right?

But how do I answer? Do I answer honestly? Or do I tell him a lie? No, it had to be the truth, Levi would know if I'm lying. "It's one of us, or someone pretending to be one of us" "Tch, are you happy with her/his/their answer Erwin?" Erwin!? You can't po...

"I told you she/he/they would be exceptionally perceptible" Looking to the door, Erwin had leaned himself against the frame. "What the!" Standing I accusingly point at Erwin. "What the hell is going on here!?" "We had to know if you understood the severity of the situation, there is a good chance the enemy will attack when we leave tomorrow"

"What makes you so sure!? Why would they..." pausing I found myself assuming what Erwin was thinking. Another titan shifter? No maybe the Colossal and the Armoured but how? "Like I said Levi she/he/they are quite perceptible, she/he/they have already figured out what is happening."

"Do you really think someone would come after Eren out there? We have many skilled scouts on our side" "That is true but we are going into titan country, I can only gamble on so much (y/n)" "So what is going to happen if a titan shifter comes for Eren? It's not like we can hide!"

"That isn't true, the forest of giant trees is on the way to Shiganshina, if they do come after Eren we will spring the trap there" "I suppose that would work but how will you restrain them? What if it's the armored or colossal?" "I have it covered, I went through great lengths to set this up" "So besides us who knows what's going on?"

"Miche's squad, Hanges squad, Gelgar, and Nanaba" "Wait why not anyone from Levi's squad!? Why only me!? Why not tell the others? Do you want causalities!?" "There will always be casualties (y/n), but those who didn't understand what I asked them can't be a part of this operation so you have to keep quiet." Looking to Levi I could tell he was against not telling his squad as well but he trusted Erwin.

Damn it! Another gamble!? What if it's all for nothing!? What if we get hit by both of the titan shifters!? What if there is another titan shifter!?

"Calm down, overthinking and obsessing won't help anything" "But Levi! If we don't tell them they could act out!" "They won't, I trust them and have faith in them and so should you" "I do have faith it's just.." "I understand (y/n), but if we want to be prepared we have to trust Erwin"

Levi took my hands in his again and I found myself calming down. He was right, we had to trust Erwin. "Alright, I'm with you, I won't say a word" "Good, I'm going to retire for the night, we will talk once more before departing for Shiganshina" "Sir"

We both watched as Erwin left the room. My attention had made its way back to Levi who was still holding my hands. "Le...Levi do you think I could have my hands back" "Huh? Oh yeah I'm sorry" he let go and stood, placing the chair back in its spot. "Get some rest, tomorrow's a big day" "You got it" before leaving he placed his hand on my head smiling at me with his eyes again, before leaving my room.

It was at this moment when I came to realize, that I had somehow managed to create a thaw that was melting the ice around his heart. It brought me joy the fact that I was helping him like he once helped me.

I just needed to get the flustered feeling under control. There's no way he is growing on me, is there?

Quick A/n
I hope your all enjoying the book so far! If you couldn't tell this is not your traditional fanfiction where (y/n) falls in love so easily. It'll take time but they will get there! For now, enjoy the little moments for they are the start of an epic love.

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