Chapter 25: Hello

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The void

Kyuseishu: You gave up?
(Y/n): What do you mean? I didn't give up
Kyuseishu: But you did, you let the Beast Titan beat you because you believed that without me you weren't strong
(Y/n): that isn't true! I've had an inner strength that I've always known to be mine, I didn't let him win
Kyuseishu: Is that what you're going to allow yourself to continue to think? I saw what happened, your gear was hooked and you are sharp as ever, but yet you didn't make a move to try and dispatch it
(Y/n): I did, he was just too fast for me I couldn't do anything
Kyuseishu: You have to face the truth before I can even begin to help
(Y/n): Why bother? I'm sure I'm dead
Kyuseishu: If you were truly dead how would you be speaking with me?

(Y/n) seemed intrigued when Kyuseishu mentioned this. If she/he/they were truly dead wouldn't her/his/their fallen comrades be waiting to greet her/him/them?

(Y/n) was indeed in denial, the beast titan was such an intimidating opponent and as someone who looked up to Miche she/he/they felt that she/he/they wasn't/weren't a match for the beast titan and gave in as Kyuseishu said.

(Y/n): Your right, I gave up because I wasn't sure that I could do it, I wasn't sure in my own abilities because Miche was just as strong as I.
Kyuseishu: Child if that was the truth don't you think I would have picked him or that captain of yours to reside within?
(Y/n): wait you get to choose?
Kyuseishu: It isn't called Kyuseishu's light for nothing. While roaming in the Astral world I saw that you had the most potential out of all the people who dwelled inside of the walls
(Y/n): But I'm no one special, I was born from aristocrats who happened to be the humbling kind but that's it

Kyuseishu stared at (y/n) as she/he/they made this comment wondering what caused her/him/them to be so doubtful in the first place.

Kyuseishu: You are special because you have a heart as strong as steel, in fact, you are special just from the sole fact that you were brought into this world.

Kyuseishu's words struck a chord within (y/n), causing a great realization to sink in. She/he/they thought she/he/they had died when the Beast Titan did what he did to her/him/them.

Kyuseishu: Don't worry child, like I said you are special, and being special comes with its perks, you shall not know death until it comes naturally
(Y/n): Wait so you mean?
Kyuseishu: You are alive and well, you have those who care for you deeply worried to the maximum point but you're fine
(Y/n): Thank you, how could I ever repay you?
Kyuseishu: Keep living to the fullest extent and believe in yourself I will always be here to help you

(Y/n) got the courage to stand and hug Kyuseishu, causing him to finally smile for once. He tapped her/his/their forehead and within a split second she/he/they returned to the outside world, leaving the Void.

Levi's P.O.V
One week earlier
"Jean" no answer
  "Jean" still no response
    "Jean!" He looked at me

"What damn it!?" "Now is not the time to get emotional" "What the hell captain are you serious!?" "Very" "Well piss off... Captain I mean uhm sir" "Jean I understand you're worried about (y/n) but we can't do much until the hard carcass surrounding her/his/their body breaks"

"How much longer do I have to wait!? "As long as it takes now sit down or I'm kicking you out!" He did as I said and sat next to his cousin, holding her/his/their stone hand. From what I was told before engaging in battle with Reiner and Bertholdt the second time, (y/n) was still lifeless and had been covered in a pool of her/his/their own blood.

When they all returned with Eren and Christa, no, Historia, she/he/they were encased in this hard stone. Hange said it was unlike anything they have ever seen before and Erwin told us to just trust the process like this whole thing was natural.

Four days earlier

(Y/n), It's been three whole days since you've entered that cocoon-like state. I'm not sure why but without you awake and present and aware life has been dull. The 104th had been assigned as my new squad, you'll be excited to know Jean is on it, you'll get to be with your cousin so please wake up.

Two days earlier

(Y/n), it's been five days since you've entered that cocoon-like state. I've realized that conversations around the table during tea time is never dull with the idiots of the 104th. You'd be happy to know they all came to visit. Although some odd things happened.

Sasha tried eating a sandwich off you, Connie tried to crack you open and Historia couldn't help but to continuously stare at your face. The other four idiots were trying desperately to keep Sasha and Connie from causing harm to you. Safe to say I made them pay for it in chores

Your P.O.V
When I woke up I couldn't help but to feel a little stiff. When I came to, it took me a second to fully realize my environment around me was no longer the top of Wall Rose but the infirmary in headquarters. It seemed to be around two in the morning.

I'm glad though because when I awoke I had my dorky little cousin to the left of me, if I knew him he probably stayed with me the whole time. "You're awake"

Startled, I nearly fell out of the bed before I looked to my right where Levi was. For the first time, he was smiling, and not just with his eyes. So I smiled back, and it felt nice, we sat there in silence gazing at one another until he got up, making his way over to me.

At first, I wasn't sure why until he took my head and placed it gently against his. I couldn't help but to blush profusely. "Lev...Levi, what's wrong?" "Nothing, everything is fine" and we were like that until he let go, losing his smile.

"Care to tell why the hell you acted on your own discretion and took off for Utgard? Why you blatantly choose to put your life at risk for the beast titan!?" When he started to speak sternly I found myself chuckling. He of course didn't find it amusing but I was happy, happy that Kyuseishu's light gave me another chance.

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