Chapter 14: The 57th Reconisson Mission

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Levi's P.O.V
"Tch, you idiots missed the whole thing! Care to share why you were late!?" "Sorry Captain we ended up falling asleep" "Falling asleep?" What the hell would you do that for?" "It was my fault"

Looking to (y/n), she/he/they was/were pulling at the edge of their cape, avoiding eye contact with me. How odd, she/he/they usually take me head-on, what was up with her/him/them today. "Eld, Petra your dismissed, (y/n) stay here we need to chat"

On their way out Eld and Petra made faces at her/him/them causing her/his/their cheeks to become a flush red. What is that about? I'd have to beat the answer out of them later.

"Is something wrong Levi?" "Yes, it's you, what's going on? You don't seem like yourself today" "Oh that? I'm sorry just tired that's all, I'm also worried about my cousin Jean" "Why didn't you sleep last night?" "I just had a lot of stuff on my mind" reaching out to her/him/them I place my hand on her/his/their head.

"If you need to rest you can ride with me, Oluo can tend to your horse and we will be plenty covered, as for worrying about your cousin he will be safe Erwin didn't position the new recruits in a place where they would get harmed" "That's good to know and no I'm alright I promise! I'm gonna go for a quick run before we head out"

"Alright hurry we got to get going in thirty minutes" "Yes sir!" And like that she/he/they took off in a rush, pushing past me. Jeez, I wonder what's really going on.

Your P.O.V
After my run, I barely made it back to the stables in time. I was thankful that Eld had gotten my horse ready for me. I got an earful from the captain and then we mounted our horses and headed out, reaching Karanes District in record time.

While sitting on my horse waiting for the gate in Karanes to open, I looked to Eren who seemed to be on edge. "Eren what's wrong?" "I'm worried about my friends, they don't have titan abilities like I do, if they get injured or die they're gone for good" "They survived the battle of Trost a month ago, have faith"

"Yeah your right, especially horse face, every..." he pauses when he remembered that Jean was my cousin. "I'm sorry" "No need, Jean always knew how to get himself into trouble, I know you mean well" I knew Eren meant well, if Jean were to but heads with anyone it would definitely be Eren.

Just thinking about it made me chuckle. "What's so funny?" "Nothing seriously don't worry about it" "Pay attention brats were heading out!" Refocusing myself Levi took one last look at me before we headed out.

The titans surrounding the outer wall were lured away and we disbursed, following the formation Erwin came up with. Eren and I pushed ahead of Gunther and Petra swapping spots with them. Even out here we can't be 10 meters away from him.

I didn't mind because I had to remind myself that he is doing this to protect us. You can't really argue with someone who has your best interest at heart. So I kept on, making sure to keep the 10-meter gap between us.

The first ten minutes were nothing but red signals, It was hard to keep track of how many red signals I had to shoot off. It was to be expected because this route was not secured like the one from Trost. If we didn't have any red signals I would have been very concerned. Since we're in the rear we didn't see any titans, it seemed like everyone who encountered one took it out with ease.

A couple of red flairs came from where Jean was and I couldn't help but think about it, did he have to deal with a titan? If he did was he able to take it down? I had to think about these things because if I didn't the image of him getting eaten alive by a titan will burn an unpleasant image into my head.

I also needed to have faith because he was my cousin. My mother and his father were siblings. They go around kicking ass and taking names, to them their title didn't mean much, they chose to live a happy life in the interior, doing what they did best.

"(y/n), remain focused, you can't think about Jean right now, he'll be ok, he is positioned in the range of our top vets" looking to Eld I gave him my best smile, trying to get Jean off my mind. Jean is almost as old as me now, I had to keep that in mind, I can't play hero for him anymore.

Alright no more thinking about it! Jean is ok and you'll see him again later, so relax and keep focused, and stay sharp. Little did I know that 50 miles away our newest threat was looming, taking down the scouts one by one.

In an instant, one black flair was fired off, one after another. I knew what this meant, it was time for the plan to roll into action. What I was most uncomfortable about was keeping quiet. Levi didn't have to turn around or even speak a word to me because his body language said it all.

"All of you follow me, the forest of giant trees are coming up and I want a tight formation" "Why captain? We can go around? Why go through" If only he could tell Gunther the truth. I knew he was terrible at making up lies so I cut in, trying my best not to slip up.

"If we split up then we are more likely to avoid a large number of titans, being group up together with our whole regiment in the forest like that will be our demise" "If you think about it, splitting up is the only logical way to do this, alright I'll follow your lead captain" the others agreed in unison, except Eren.

He had that look on his face like he knew something. Had he figured out the plan? Did he realize what the true answer was? I didn't have time to ask him because the giant forest of trees was upon us. Damn it, looks like things are about to get a lot more interesting.

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