Chapter 61: Hange For The Save

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Your P.O.V

"Levi!!!" Shooting up, I felt a pair of hands rest themselves on my shoulders. "(y/n), please calm down, and lower your voice" When my vision finally focused, I noticed Hange was up close and personal, wearing a concerned look on their face. "You with me now?" "Yeah" "Good now settle down, you'll draw attention to us"

"What do you mean?" "Well when I found you and Levi by the river, you were dead and Levi was on the brink, but I patched him up so the healing process could start sooner rather than later" "You mean he is ok? He's not dead?" "No, he is doing ok for now"

Hange let go of my shoulders at that point and redirected my attention to Levi, whose face and hands were covered in bandages. "Oh my god" "He lost a few of his fingers and his face was torn to all hell, I'm not sure if he has any internal injuries, we will have to wait till he wakes up to see" 

"Hange what the fuck happened?" "All hell broke loose, that's what happened, Floch and the jeagerist took the scouts hostage and turned the new recruits against the military, I'm not sure where the other kiddos are right now, but things aren't good"

"You can say that again! We have to make it back to them! There is no way they can handle all of this by themselves!" "I know, but we can't exactly do anything till Levi wakes up anyways, unfortunately, we have to wait" "It's always the waiting game, and I don't want to play it anymore" 

"I know (y/n), but this time we have no choice" Getting up, I walked over to Levi and took a seat next to him. "Hange, you know what this means?" "No, what?" "Means when it comes down to the final battle, we can't rely on him, so I'll wait, and rely on the kiddos because were going to need them more than ever"

"Your right, but what about you? You still can fight?" "Of course I can, It's just, I'm not sure If I'll be able to, I cracked during the raid on Liberio, what if it happens again?" "The way it's been going, I'm not sure if they are our enemies anymore, there's one thing I left out"

"What?" "Zeke and Eren want to start the rumbling to enact their plan to make it where eldians can't procreate anymore, they want our race to die out" "What!?" "Yeah, that's why I think the enemy might not be the marlieans anymore, but more Zeke, Eren and the jeagerist" 

"But as you said, there isn't much we can do until Levi wakes up" "Exactly, once we can get a proper feel of his injuries, then we can try and do our best to fix him up" "I have faith he is ok, he is an Ackerman after all and they are known to heal up quick"

"I guess you got me there, he and Mikasa healed up after only a week" "Indeed they did" I smiled at Hange before looking down at Levi. "Maybe, we all can run away and live in peace, you, me, Levi, and the kiddos, like one happy family you know?" 

"I wish, I would do that in a heartbeat" "You know we can't do that, not now anyway" That was the first thing that left Levi's mouth when he awoke. "Levi" "As much as I would love to live with four-eyes, the kiddos, and love of my life, we have to take care of the issue at hand" "I know, but it was a thought, maybe something we can do in the future"

"If there's a future" Levi was sitting up at this point, holding his hand to his face. "Seems that damned gorilla did quite the number on me" "He did, you should lay back down and rest up" "I will, once I make sure you're ok" 

"Oh, I am! I ended up dying, unfortunately, but I'm ok, I'm just glad you can still talk, actually before you lay down again, does anything hurt?" "Yes but you already bandaged those parts" "Good, that means we can get going, the kiddos need us" 

"You can say that again" "By us, I meant Hange and I, you're not doing any fighting till you can walk by yourself" "That's cruel" "It's not if there is any chance of you helping us at all then you need to rest" "Jeez, still as bossy as ever" "You're still as stubborn as ever" 

"yes I am" At that point I had made him lay back down, I knew he didn't have the energy to fight me.  "Just rest ok?" "Ok" I placed a soft but tender kiss upon his lips before placing the blanket back over him. It didn't take him long to fall back to sleep but when he did, Hange and I moved him, onto the cart she had procured. 

"Ready to get going?" "You know it" "Since we don't have any horses we're going to need to pull this ourselves." "I figured as much, snuff out the fire and let's get a move on, the last thing we need is for the jaegerist to catch our trail" "Agreed"

So Hange snuffed out the fire and we began our trek back to Shiganshina. There wasn't much conversation because we were on high alert. Although it was the dead of night, there was no way of telling who or what might pop up. 

"Hange" "I know" We both heard the distant rumbling sounds of titan footsteps. So we set Levi down, and I passed her one of my pairing blades. (Somehow my ODM rig didn't get damaged in the explosion, although it is the reason I died so there is that) 

It didn't take long for the footsteps to get closer and when the clouds finally cleared themselves from the moon, we were inches away from someone whom I thought I never see again. "PIECK!" 

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