Chapter 13: The Morning of the 57th Reconission Mission

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Your P.O.V
"You look like a mess (y/n), what happened?" Sluggishly looking up at Jean, I couldn't muster a word. Thanks to Levi's actions, I spent all night overthinking instead of sleeping. By the time I noticed it was dawn, sleep was out of the question.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, you can't fight titans half-asleep" he extended his hand out to me and I sluggishly took it. "Alright that's it, get on my back" "I don't want to impose" "Just get on my back damn it, jeez your as hard-headed as ever" not fighting Jean I hop on his back, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Jean" "Yes (y/n)" "I'm glad your ok" "I am too, now get some sleep, you have a solid six hours before we leave" "Oki, goodnight"

Jeans P.O.V
Jeez, this idiot is as stubborn as ever. It took me forever just to convince her/him/them to get on my back, I'm surprised she/he/they agreed to it.

As I began to walk with (y/n) on my back, I was stopped by her/his/their friends Petra and Eld. "Whatcha doing with (y/n), you didn't hurt her/him/them did you?" "No, why would I hurt her/him/them, we're family and I don't strick family down" "Oh then what are you doing?" "Walking to the barracks"

"Why?" "Is it not obvious? (y/n) got no sleep last night and now she/he/they are way exhausted, I'm sure Captain Levi would be pissed if he lost a squad member because of exhaustion" "You got us there, why don't you let us take (y/n)?" "No it's ok, I got it, I promised to take her/him/them there myself"

"Alright just don't be late for your last training exercise" Shit! That's in five minutes how could I forget! If I'm late the suicidal maniac won't let me live it down. Damn it! Sorry (y/n), I'll make it up to you later.

"Can you guys take it from here? I really need to go" "We already said we would" I transferred (y/n) onto Eld's back and ran like hell to the training grounds.

Eld's P.O.V
Setting (y/n) down on her/his/their bed, I sat on the chair from her/his/their desk while Petra sat at the edge of the bed. "Jeez what an idiot, sleeping in could have totally been plausible if the idiot would have come to us" "Calm down Eld, she/he/they didn't want to cause problems for anyone, give her/him/them a break" "Your right, I just get so worried"

"You don't think I do? Sometimes I worry the soul of Kyuseishu is gonna spark through again causing her/him/them trouble." "I fear the same thing, I'm scared Kyuseishu is gonna appear at the wrong time and cause havoc for everyone" "Levi said we shouldn't worry" "The captain always acts like he is cool and collected but you can tell he deeply cares about (y/n)"

"You can say that again" Petra smiles down at (y/n) and I couldn't help but smile as well. It's only been a month but she/he/they have really grown on us, especially Gunther and Oluo. As for the Captain, something tells me there's a spark waiting to be ignited, I just knew it.

"Do you think the captain would be mad if we napped too? I'm kind of tired" "I don't think so, plus Oluo and Gunther are with the rookies so, if you're tired I'll watch over you" "You sure?" "Yeah" Petra gave me a huge smile before shutting her eyes, resting her head against the wall.

They both looked peaceful, it was nice to just have a little while to relax with the ones your closest with. I couldn't help but feel like it wouldn't last forever, I had this gut feeling as if something bad was going to happen. Maybe I'm overthinking, maybe not.

What Commander Erwin asked me a few nights ago has really been weighing a heavy toll on my mind? What did he mean by it? Who did I think the real enemy was? It had to be the titans right? It couldn't be anything else.

Any human who dares to go against the wishes of the king does not live to tell the tale, but at the same time who knows. Oh well, I guess I'll have to keep thinking. Resting my head on my left palm I felt myself drifting to sleep too. Watching them sleep made me tired too.

Your P.O.V
Waking up to the sound of snoring come to the right of me, I noticed that Eld and Petra were in here with me, sleeping as if there was no care in the world.

Picking up the clock next to my bed I noticed that we had an hour before it was time for the mission, I suppose I should wake them up, wouldn't want to miss the final briefing before we headed off. Thanks to Jean's kindness I managed to get five hours of sleep and I've never felt more alive.

I guess what they say is true, the older you get the less sleep you need. "Eld, Eld wake up!" His eyes slowly creep open as he let his eyes adjust to the brightly lit room thanks to the son. "Damn what time is it? I don't remember falling asleep" "12, we got an hour before the mission and we gotta get to the final briefing" "Shit, yeah let's go, wake up our favorite ginger and let's bolt"

"Petra! Petra! Wake up!" Unlike Eld she shot up, coming to her senses within a matter of moments. "Hey (y/n), what time is it?" "12 now let's go, like I just told Eld we have an hour before the mission and we don't want to miss the final debriefing!" "Shit your right! Let's go!" We all grab our jackets and cape, bolting through the corridors of the barracks.

Time to head to that debriefing before we get our asses chewed out by Levi.

Kare no Senshi (Levi Ackerman x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin