Chapter 16: Saving Eren

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Your P.O.V
It was too late when Levi and I had finally replenished our supplies. Somewhere deep inside the heart of the giant forest, Eren was fighting the female titan. The first to transform was her, she must have escaped but how? Is ODM gear capable of surviving an environment like that?

Eren not even five minutes after transformed next, the cry he let out could have the same effects as the female titans. But what about Gunther, Eld, Oluo, and Petra? Was it that bad that they needed his help? What was going on?

"(Y/n), we don't know what we're about to walk into but we have to protect Eren, whatever you see, whatever the case may be, keep your emotions in check" "I will now let's go our team needs us"

Levi was the first to head out and I followed seconds after. When we passed the tree we tied the horses off at they were still there. "What the hell? They didn't get to make it back?" "That means they are out there still, in what condition is still to be determined" "Let's be hopeful" "Alright"

I could tell what Levi was thinking and I didn't want to think the same. Eld, Petra, Oluo, Gunther, they had to be ok, they were amongst the elite of the scout regiment. I had faith they were ok, that was until I saw the scene in front of me. Gunther hung from the tree, gutted open, his eyes held that of pure horror his death wasn't painless.

Swallowing the feelings that began to make their way to the surface we kept on, where the one we saw next was Eld, the top part of his body lay directly under one of the giant trees, the other half nowhere to be found. The sight in itself was sickening but like Gunther, there was fear in his eyes.

I didn't want to know what was ahead, did Oluo and Petra suffer the same fate? Are they gone as well? Within seconds I was able to answer my own questions, Oluo lay on the floor as well, with Petra only a few meters away, bent oddly against the tree. They were dead, none of them had painless deaths, they all died with nothing but fear and anguish.

It was all too much and that's when it happened. Just like all the times before I felt dizzy, nauseous and I couldn't see straight. I felt myself falling and I was unable to stop. My ODM gear felt like led so I let go, the anchors falling being the last thing I saw before blacking out.

Levi's P.O.V
Erwin knew what was going to happen and that's why he sent us off to replenish our supplies. The female titan took out my squad, causing each one immense pain upon their deaths. When I found where Eren was fighting the thing I would dispatch her.

"Out of my way Captain Levi" Captain? Wait she/he/they haven't said that in a while. "(y/n), I know your hurting but you can't take off you need to keep your emotions in check" "You don't tell me what to do, now move before I cut you down!" Looking back (y/n), was herself/himself/themselves. The soul of Kyuseishu was present. I should have known this was gonna trigger an attack.

"Mind telling me why you've made an appearance?" "My job is to protect you, humans, from these titans, the female one is a shifter and a disgrace to its kind, it is my duty to dispatch it, now move, this host seems to care deeply for you and I don't want to strike you down" "Fine, go" moving out of Kyuseishu's way I watched as it used the ODM to accelerate past me.

I didn't think the ODM could go any faster than how I used it. At this rate, Kyuseishu was going to use up all her/his/their gas before we even reached the female titan. If I were to try and catch up now I'm not sure I would have enough to get back to the horses. "Hey, you old bastard get back here!" "Do not interfere, Captain Levi, I must fulfill my duty" "Well do it another time and let her/him/them have control again!"

"If you are worried about the machine around her/his/their waist then don't, I will be in control and can care for her/him/them if I run out" "That's not the point bastard! Stop now and relinquish control" "This is what happened last time, you demanded I let go and I almost crushed your windpipe, shall we stop and fight it out or go and save Eren Jeager?" Damn that old bastard! I'm gonna make him pay for this.

Trailing behind him for a while longer we reached the center of the forest where the Female Titan had once been engaged in combat with Eren. She was nowhere in sight and Eren's titan carcass was all that was left. I thought all hope was lost until I heard screaming coming from the distance. "The boy is alive let's go" and like that Kyuseishu began to maneuver through the trees like he was well versed with ODM Gear.

Who did the scream come from? It couldn't have been Eren unless he sounds like a teenage girl which is very much possible. He is at the age where his body starts to change. Who knows. "There," looking to where Kyuseishu pointed I saw one of the new cadets Mikasa Ackerman attacking the Female Titan.

Pushing past him, I was able to reach her before she was swatted and killed like those in the forest not too long ago. "Let go! I need to get Eren!" "Calm down! We need to focus, Eren could be dead" "No he is alive I know it! She is holding him on her tongue!" "Fine we'll go off your assumption that he is still alive for now, but we need to keep a safe distance"

"What about her/him/them?" She points to (y/n) or Kyuseishu to be exact. "We follow them both" "Wait, that isn't Kyuseishu is it?" "Wait how did you know?" "(y/n) told us a month ago" tch that idiot. She/he/they was/were supposed to keep it a secret, oh well I suppose Kyuseishu was bound to make an appearance sooner or later.

"Captain look, she's slowing down I think she is running out of energy" "When I give the signal head for her, I'm going to try and snap (y/n) out of it so we all can make it out safely" "Yes sir" letting her go, she began to use her gear again, keeping a close but safe distance from the Female Titan.

I made the first move, throwing myself in front of Kyuseishu to make him stop. "Captain Levi, this is your one and only last warning, move so I may take care of the traitor" "I can't let you do that" staring Kyuseishu in the eyes, I smiled. "Hey (y/n), it's gonna be ok, well avenge them I swear"

A single tear fell from her/his/their right eye. "Stop it now! (y/n) can not be permitted to have control until I have dispatched the titan!" "Let's go home, we can face the music together I promise" a few more tears fell before Kyuseishu cried out in agony, relinquishing control back to (y/n), she/he/they were dazed and looked to me before passing out.

Good one down, one more to go. "Now Mikasa!" Without hesitation, Mikasa acted like she was going for the female titan's nape and instead took out her legs. She fell on her gigantic ass, somehow managing to proper herself against the tree. Mikasa went in to deal the final blow but I stopped her, cutting the titans haw opened instead.

Eren was revealed and Mikasa took him, fleeing, unfortunately enough for me, I managed to deal a serious blow to my leg. Damn Female Titan, you'll pay and when I get my hands on you this will end.

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